THOR in the news at Shepherd University

Shepherd University announces new strategic health education initiative.

Shepherd University and the PBM Foundation will tackle healing in a different way, by bringing the science and application of light-based treatments into their curriculum.

Read the full article and watch the video on

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Maryellen Ammons

Maryellen Ammons: Owner, Infinity Healing“I recently opened a wellness center geared toward athletes and toward supporting people with lyme disease/chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia. I was very intrigued by the NovoTHOR bed because I understand the basic science of Near Infrared/Red UV Light and because my lyme was successfully treated with a similar IV therapy. I also knew that this was a cutting edge technology that could really help people at the mitochondria level and it would help them increase their energy levels.

I was debating about buying the bed because it is more expensive than other therapies, however I am extremely glad that I decided to make the investment.

I have only been open for a month and a half and people are seeing and experiencing real results. They report increased energy levels, better sleep, clearer thinking and even better hormonal patterns. I had to add a 220v plug, but that was the extent of the facility change. It runs on minimal electricity and requires little to no manual labor to use.

We start people slowly and work them up to the right amount for them. The fact that it requires little manual labor to run allows me the time to talk to and work with the client so they get the maximum results possible. That’s true healing.

The NovoTHOR bed has also been one of the cornerstone therapies from a revenue perspective. We were able to cover our operating costs and start to pay back the equipment in the first month through this and a few other therapies.

Lastly, the backend support from NovoTHOR has been outstanding. They have always made themselves available for questions and have provided excellent, quality information on the use of the bed.

I would definitely buy from NovoTHOR again.

Maryellen Ammons
Owner, Infinity Healing
Lusby, Maryland, USA”

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Course Testimonial: Dimitris Strakas D.D.S., MSc., PhD

Dimitris Strakas D.D.S., MSc., PhD“A big applause to all THOR team for their professionalism, work and commitment in the field of Photobiomodulation Therapy. All professionals wishing to become part of the PBM world should see this training as a mandatory first step. Thank you.”

Dimitris Strakas
Thessaloniki, Greece

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Course Testimonial: Elaine Cooper

Elaine Cooper“FANTASTIC day. James is a great presenter, and this kit is just amazing. Non invasive, no drugs needed, it can help with so many things, it is just brilliant. We have also just enrolled our first trial patient here at Southampton into the LITEFORM trial, so we will be starting treatment very shortly, exciting times.

Thank you again for a great day. I learned so much about what these machines are capable of, I hope you sells millions!! We just need the NHS to wake up now, and realise this could save them thousands!!
Best wishes and Happy new year.”

Elaine Cooper
Radiotherapy Clinical Trials Assistant
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Tremona Road, Southampton

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Chris Cooksey

To whom it may concern:

Chris CookseyI am a 42 year old former professional Motocross racer, I have suffered a laundry list of injuries throughout my career (over 20 surgeries, a toe amputation and a knee due for knee replacement). I would list all my injuries, but I don’t want to write a 3000 word document. I have struggled with opiates in the past as they allow temporary relief but have side effects and a potential for addiction. Opiates as a long term solution seems like death sentence. Unfortunately most doctors don’t consider alternative treatments rather than pills and surgery. I have searched for relief from my chronic arthritis without using pain pills and their horrendous side effects. Some treatments offer minor benefits, but most just offer a placebo effect at a high price.

Chris Cooksey - former professional Motocross racerAfter hearing Tony Robbins mention the pain relief and healing aspects of the Novothor Light bed I researched a location in Henderson, NV. This led me to Complete Health and Wellness, from my first visit Steve and his crew have given me thorough explanations and realistic expectations. My expectations have greatly exceeded what I could have imagined. My body feels like I am 25 again, in addition I have lost body fat and seem to be in a better mood. I am so grateful that Complete Health and Wellness offers this treatment and I will share my experience with my fellow Motorcycle racers. Opiate addiction among Motorcycle Racers is at epidemic level and this alternative could save lives. It might seem excessive to say this will save lives, but anything that gives chronic pain sufferers relief without drugs will save lives.


Chris Cooksey

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Susan Brooks RN,BSN,MS,MS,APRN

Susan Brooks RN,BSN,MS,MS,APRNI was asked to write about my experience with the NovoTHOR Light Bed as a recent user. When I was first treated with the system, I must admit I was somewhat skeptical. I was walking with a cane and the damage to the right knee was so bad that my very conservative orthopedic surgeon agreed to place an artificial knee whenever I completed the pre-surgery testing. As is often the case, it would take a few months to complete the tests and schedule the surgery. Over the last couple of years, cortisone and other injections had been tried and although some improvement was noted, it was short-lived and not totally effective.

Through a chance encounter I met Steve at Complete Health and Wellness and agreed to try the Thor light bed. Initially I did notice that I was more comfortable and the time under the light was very restful and refreshing.

After 1 treatment, the knee started to improve I was able to get around without the cane. Interestingly, I did lose some weight in the process, I noticed my skin was clearer and in general I felt better as did the knee.
Because the Thor Light Bed has become a regular part of my weekly activities I totally endorse its use for anyone who has joint pain.

I have extensive experience in the medical field and believe that PBM therapy could be a great help to those with similar symptoms as myself.

Susan Brooks RN,BSN,MS,MS,APRN
Nevada, USA

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WatchdogMary Interviewing Dr. Ron Hirschberg on PhotoBioModulation

WatchdogMary live with Dr. Ronald Hirschberg (Brockton Animal Hospital) demonstrating and talking about Photobiomodulation (laser therapy) for dogs.

Please note Ron is working with a LED probe for the demonstration, hence no need for laser safety glasses.

PetTHOR Equipment:
Brockton Animal Hospital:

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