Testimonial: Dr Michele Browne

North Nowra Medical Practice“I’ve been treating a 23 yo man who has had recurrent spontaneous episodes of ‘compartment syndrome’ (with confirmed high level pressure tests) since the age of 12. He had had 2x release surgeries in the past, but due to long term nerve damage, his surgeon was unwilling to do further surgery when his bilat calf pain recurred in the past year. The surgeon recommended trying THOR Treatment. I didn’t have a protocol as such, but used the one for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome of the Lower legs.

I’m delighted to say that he has made a huge improvement in symptoms and is able to continue with work and recreational activities with only low grade pain intermittently.”

Dr Michele Browne
North Nowra Medical Practice
23 McMahons Rd
North Nowra NSW 2541

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PBM Therapy Literature Watch January 2018

27 Photobiomodulation therapy papers published in January 2018. Highlights include:

  • Treatment 6h before + immediately before exercise best for reducing muscle fatigue
  • Review of pre-clinical data for dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke, trauma and depression
  • Improved bacteriological, cytological and clinical benefits after root planing (RCT)
  • Improved wound healing of skin graft donor site (RCT)
  • Systematic review of RCTs on  LED PBM therapy in dermatology
  • NSAIDs vs PBM Therapy post root canal (RCT)
  • ESWT vs PBM Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis (RCT)
  • Effect of PBM on cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism are not thermal

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Posted in Research | on PBM Therapy Literature Watch January 2018

Testimonial: Michele Abernathy, RDA

Michele Abernathy, RDA“My husband has used lasers in his dental office for decades to performs endodontics and surgeries. Our initial unit was the size of a small filing cabinet and sounded like an airplane engine. The benefits we witnessed made all that worthwhile. A year ago he attended a THOR course in Orlando, Florida and came home enthusiastic over the multiple uses beyond dental applications. I then attended a course with him in Phoenix, AZ and caught his enthusiasm.

We are in a rural area where new ideas are usually met with skepticism. THOR has a large and positive internet presence which helps us explain and promote our THOR laser. The support at THOR is exceptional with timely replies and assistance in researching protocols. When a new patient comes and experiences the healing of THOR laser I often hear “will it also treat ‘this’?” so I research it and am pleased when “yes” is the answer. We’re attending another course soon just to keep up with the THOR research.”

Michele Abernathy, RDA
John S Abernathy, DDS
Arkansas, USA

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Low-level laser therapy for preventing or treating oral mucositis caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
RESULT: After three presentations and much correspondence over a 5 year period we have a recommendation guideline from the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) — LLLT for preventing or treating oral mucositis caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. This means the NHS can start using our treatment on cancer patients to reduce some of the painful side effects of cancer treatments.

Read here: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ipg615

Posted in Industry | on Low-level laser therapy for preventing or treating oral mucositis caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy

Course Testimonial: John Cline MD

John Cline MD“This is the second time I have attended the PBMT training course as I brought my new Licensed Practical Nurse so she could get the training. I was impressed by all the new and current research material that James Carroll presented. He presented well, with lots of humor and made himself available to answer questions. This time he gave the demonstration on how to use the LX2 unit properly – which was much appreciated.

It is an excellent, well thought-out course and the lunch provided was great with a number of gluten-free choices. Having lunch on-site allowed for more time in discussion with other attendees and staff. Since the training, we have increasingly used the PBMT in the Integrative/Functional Medicine practice. There is no shortage of suffering people who do benefit greatly from the THOR LX2 PBMT technology.”

John Cline MD
Medical GP
Nanaimo, Canada

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Testimonial: Bernie E Musto

Bernie E Musto, Physiotherapist“The THOR unit is absolutely brilliant. Even I cannot believe how fast client recovery rates are and their overall alertness and energy level improvements. Have had success stories including my son-in-law. He is on his feet all day and for 6 years comes home almost in tears each day with swollen feet and nerve end pain. I carried out Dr. Chow’s back pain method and in two treatments he has been pain free for 3 weeks.”

Bernie E Musto
Crofton, Canada

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Seeing The Light

Written by Scot Faulkner

[Scot Faulkner advises global organizations and universities on healthcare reform and innovation. He served as the Chief Administrative Officer of the U.S. House of Representatives. He also served on the White House Staff, and as an Executive Branch Appointee.]

Imagine being successfully treated, painlessly and safely, for a wide range of diseases and conditions. Imagine having a cure for chronic pain.

This revolution in health and wellness is already available and will be celebrated on May 16 as the United Nations’ Annual International Day of Light.

On May 16, 1960, American physicist and engineer, Theodore Maiman, operated the first successful laser, achieving coherent and controllable light waves. This revolutionized manufacturing, communications, and health.

In 1967, Endre Mester in Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary conducted studies to determine if lasers caused cancer. He shaved the hair from the bodies of mice, divided them into two groups and gave a laser treatment with a low powered ruby laser to one group. They did not get cancer. Instead the hair on the treated group grew back more quickly than the untreated group. The concept of “laser biostimulation” was discovered.

Today, “biostimulation” is known as Photobiomodulation (PBM). It is the process where a specific range of the light spectrum at the right intensity, when directed to the body for the right period of time, can restore the function of stressed cells to normal healthy operation. It is non-invasive, non-toxic, and has no reported side effects.

There are over 32 trillion cells in the human body. Each cell has hundreds of microscopic factories called mitochondria which combine oxygen with nutrients from the blood stream to make the cellular energy called ATP. This energy is used to help the cell live and to conduct its various roles in our body: keeping the heart beating, the brain thinking, the body moving, and the all the other functions that keep us alive and healthy.

Mester’s discovery was an epiphany. If specific light band waves can help cells to regrow hair, can they wake-up cells to do other things? Now over five-hundred human clinical trials and 4,000 laboratory studies have shown the answer to be an overwhelming YES!

PBM is now a common veterinary treatment for improving the lives of animals suffering from hip dysplasia and kidney failure. Throughout the world, forward thinking Doctors and Dentists are using PBM to successfully treat Oral Mucositis (side effect from chemotherapy), Dry Macular Degeneration, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Lyme Disease, and diabetic wounds. It also reduces pain and inflammation in various orthopedic conditions such as tendonitis, neck pain, low back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Chronic pain costs Americans over $635 billion a year in additional healthcare costs and lost productivity. PBM is used for recovery and endurance by champion athletes. At the 2016 Rio Olympics, many Nike sponsored athletes used a whole body PBM product called NovoTHOR to help them train, recover, and win more medals. This led NFL, MLB, NHL and NBA teams to add “light beds” to their training regime.

A growing number of doctors and public health officials are exploring PBM therapy as an alternative pain treatment to Opioids. This may help solve the addiction crisis facing America.

If PBM is so effective, why is not everywhere?

Outside of the U.S. it is. Australia, Canada, England, the European Union, and NATO all recognize PBM, promote its use, and accept insurance coverage. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is slowly moving towards regulatory clearances for PBM light equipment to officially treat diseases and conditions. Currently, the FDA labels PBM devices in the basic category of infrared or heat lamps.

Until the FDA moves forward, U.S. insurance companies, except for a few BCBS affiliates, refuse to reimburse for PBM treatments. They remain a solid wall of resistance.

Medicare and Medicaid refuse to reimburse for PBM treatments. Federal Officials have labeled PBM “mumbo jumbo” and declared its successes “placebo effect”.

The International Day of Light is an opportunity to alert everyone who could benefit from PBM therapy of its existence and promise. It is a time to ask public officials about ways to bring PBM into the mainstream of American healthcare. It is a time to ask your Doctor, Dentist, Veterinarian, and local gym/wellness center if they offer PBM therapy and if not, why not.

May 16 is an annual reminder that bringing light therapy into healthcare is long overdue.

It is up to all of us, for ourselves, our families, and our communities, to make the promise of light a reality.

Source: http://citizenoversight.blogspot.com/2018/05/seeing-light.html

Posted in Special Feature, THE FUTURE OF PBM/LLLT | on Seeing The Light