LLLT LED patch for Alzheimer’s

Clarimedix Inc., will present results of animal studies on its LLLT LED patch for Alzheimer’s disease at the International Conference of the Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease Conference in Barcelona on March 9.

LLLT LED Alzheimers patch

LLLT LED Alzheimers patch

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LLLT / Cold Laser Literature watch for February 2011

28 LLLT papers for you this month, including two systematic reviews: One for osteoarthritis of the hand and the other on dentin hypersensitivity. An intriguing review of the cytochrome c oxidase mechanism for the NO / ROS nerds amongst you. There are four clinical trials: chronic rhinosinusitis (at last a cure for the common cold?), healing after tooth extraction, recovery of muscular strength following muscle fatigue and laser acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis. Two papers from one of the gods of phototherapy Kendric Smith, and several clinical retrospectives from the Japanese journal “Laser Therapy. Over to you now, what do you think? – there is a comments section available for you on the blog so go there and write back to me, I’d love to have your comments.

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Are “Superluminous Diodes” better or different than super bright LEDs ?

Peter Jenkins (PJ) and I are competitors in business but friends in search of the truth about LLLT devices,  mechanisms, treatment method and dose. We have different strengths and one of Peters is his nose for BS and willingness to dig up the truth and write about it on public forums.

I was cruising the net as you do reading blogs and PR nonsense about LLLT when I read for the thousandth time a reference to “Superluminous Diodes”. So I dropped PJ a line to ask for his view on the use of these terms, and with his permission I am publishing his response:

On 1/26/11 1:58 PM, “James Carroll” wrote:
Just want to make sure we are on the same page on this …
Superluminous Diodes are a marketing hype term used exclusively by the LED therapy / LLLT industry and no better than LEDs right ?

On 26 Jan 2011, at 11:21, Peter A Jenkins wrote:

There are such devices – correctly called ‘superluminescent diodes’ – but they are rarely used in LLLT/LEDT due to their cost.
Superluminescent diodes are a crossover-type device that essentially operates like an edge-emitting laser diode at the lasing threshold, so it’s not lasing but is producing a beam that is of better quality and higher intensity/brightness than that of an LED.
They’re usually used in imaging operations where monochromaticy is desired but the coherence is not (due to the ‘noise’ of the speckle field).
Typically those devices used for LEDT are what the LED industry generally calls ‘super-bright’, although some Chinese LED producers occasionally – and incorrectly – use the terms ‘super luminous’ and ‘superluminescent’ to mean the same thing.
Googling “superluminous diode” shows up 2330 results, most of which are about LEDT/LLLT, which shows the limited application of the term.
OR, the short answer…
Pretty much.

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LLLT Literature Watch for December 2010

39 papers for you to review in this edition including the effect of our THOR LED therapy on skeletal muscle recovery when compared with cold water therapy for athletes (well done Ernesto). Two oral mucositis studies, one was positive the other was negative, it just goes to show that correct irradiation parameters are important. This takes us to a total of 13 randomised controlled studies on oral mucositis. My friend Luis De Taboada has published his study on an Alzheimer’s rat model to good effect, There is an RCT on TB, another on muscle strength and two case studies with chronic, traumatic brain injury who had improved cognition following transcranial, LED therapy and much much more.

Comparison between cold water immersion therapy (CWIT) and light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) in short-term skeletal muscle recovery after high-intensity exercise in athletes-preliminary results.

Leal Junior EC, de Godoi V, Mancalossi JL, Rossi RP, De Marchi T, Parente M, Grosselli D, Generosi RA, Basso M, Frigo L, Tomazoni SS, Bjordal JM, Lopes-Martins RA

Center for Research and Innovation in Laser, Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), Rua Vergueiro, 235, 01504-001, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, ernesto.leal.junior@gmail.com.

In the last years, phototherapy has becoming a promising tool to improve skeletal muscle recovery after exercise, however, it was not compared with other modalities commonly used with this aim. In the present study we compared the short-term effects of cold water immersion therapy (CWIT) and light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) with placebo LEDT on biochemical markers related to skeletal muscle recovery after high-intensity exercise. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial was performed with six male young futsal athletes. They were treated with CWIT (5 degrees C of temperature [SD +/-1 degrees ]), active LEDT (69 LEDs with wavelengths 660/850 nm, 10/30 mW of output power, 30 s of irradiation time per point, and 41.7 J of total energy irradiated per point, total of ten points irradiated) or an identical placebo LEDT 5 min after each of three Wingate cycle tests. Pre-exercise, post-exercise, and post-treatment measurements were taken of blood lactate levels, creatine kinase (CK) activity, and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. There were no significant differences in the work performed during the three Wingate tests (p > 0.05). All biochemical parameters increased from baseline values (p < 0.05) after the three exercise tests, but only active LEDT decreased blood lactate levels (p = 0.0065) and CK activity (p = 0.0044) significantly after treatment. There were no significant differences in CRP values after treatments. We concluded that treating the leg muscles with LEDT 5 min after the Wingate cycle test seemed to inhibit the expected post-exercise increase in blood lactate levels and CK activity. This suggests that LEDT has better potential than 5 min of CWIT for improving short-term post-exercise recovery.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Nov 19


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A randomized controlled trial of visible-light therapy for the prevention of oral mucositis.

Elad S, Luboshitz-Shon N, Cohen T, Wainchwaig E, Shapira MY, Resnick IB, Radiano R, Lubart R, Or R

Department of Oral Medicine, Hebrew University – Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel.

The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of a novel visible-light therapy (VLT) device for the prevention of oral mucositis in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) patients. A VLT-device suitable for intra-oral use was applied to 20 patients undergoing HSCT. The study design was placebo-controlled, randomized and double-blind. Oral mucositis was assessed using the OMAS and WHO scales. Oral pain and acceptance levels were scored by the patient using a 10-step scale. Patients were evaluated once a week until day 21 post-HSCT. Mucositis rate, severity and pain score were compared. At the third visit, 1week post-HSCT, mucositis rates were significantly lower in the treatment group (for both WHO and OMAS p=0.02). Mucositis was also less severe in the treatment group (for WHO p=0.01; for OMAS p=0.01). Furthermore, the patients in the treatment group reported lower pain levels (p=0.04). The treatment was well tolerated and highly accepted, with no reports of adverse events related to the device. These findings suggest that the VLT-device is safe and effective for the prevention of oral mucositis in patients undergoing HSCT.

Oral Oncol 2010 Dec 15


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Transcranial Laser Therapy Attenuates Amyloid-beta Peptide Neuropathology in Amyloid-beta Protein Precursor Transgenic Mice.

Taboada LD, Yu J, El-Amouri S, Gattoni-Celli S, Richieri S, McCarthy T, Streeter J, Kindy MS

PhotoThera, Inc., Carlsbad, CA.

Transcranial laser therapy (TLT) was tested for efficacy in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using a near-infrared energy laser system. TLT is thought to stimulate ATP production, increase mitochondrial activity, and help maintain neuronal function. Studies were performed to determine the effect of TLT in an amyloid-beta protein precursor (AbetaPP) transgenic mouse model. TLT was administered 3 times/week at various doses, starting at 3 months of age, and was compared to a control group (no laser treatment). Treatment was continued for a total of six months. Animals were examined for amyloid load, inflammatory markers, brain amyloid-beta (Abeta) levels, plasma Abeta levels, cerebrospinal fluid Abeta levels, soluble AbetaPP (sAbetaPP) levels, and behavioral changes. The numbers of Abeta plaques were significantly reduced in the brain with administration of TLT in a dose-dependent fashion. Administration of TLT was associated with a dose-dependent reduction in amyloid load. All TLT doses mitigated the behavioral effects seen with advanced amyloid deposition and reduce the expression of inflammatory markers in the AbetaPP transgenic mice. All TLT doses produced an increase in sAbetaPPalpha and a decrease in CTFbeta levels consistent with inhibition of the beta-secretase activity. In addition, TLT showed an increase in ATP levels, mitochondrial function, and c-fos suggesting an overall improvement in neurological function. These studies suggest that TLT is a potential candidate for treatment of AD.

J Alzheimers Dis 2010 Nov 29


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Randomized, double-blind study on role of low level nitrogen laser therapy in treatment failure tubercular lymphadenopathy, sinuses and cold abscess.

Bajpai A, Jain NK, Avashia S, Gupta PK

Department of Medicine, MGM Medical College & MYHospital, Indore. bajpai_ashok@hotmail.com

BACKGROUND: Effectiveness of low level nitrogen laser therapy along with antitubercular treatment (ATT) in cases of treatment failure and drug resistant tubercular lymphadenopathy, sinuses and cold abscess. METHODS: In a double-blind randomized controlled trial of LLLT, 104 patients assigned to either the low level nitrogen laser therapy along with ATT (LLLT group) (n = 54) or ATT only (Chemotherapy group) (n = 50). Both groups were treated two times per week for five weeks. Those in the treatment group received pulse nitrogen laser with a pulse duration of seven nanosecond, wave length 337 nanometer and average power output of 5 mW whereas those in the control group were treated with sham laser. The primary outcome measure was bacteriological conversion and the secondary outcome measures were decrease in size of lesion and the clinical improvement. RESULTS: Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) smear, AFB culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) conversion rate at five weeks (after 10 sittings of laser) were 49.15%( Fishers P exact test-p = 0.015), 60%, 44.44% (Fishers P exact test-p = 0.048) in LLLT group as compared to 11.86%, 20%,17.77% in chemotherapy group. Average percentage reduction in the size of gland at 5 weeks was 70.67% (p value 0.01) as compared to 54.81 in chemotherapy group. Average time taken for closure of sinuses was 11.03 weeks in LLLT group as compared to 26 weeks in chemotherapy group. The follow up was conducted for two years. CONCLUSION: Low level nitrogen laser therapy can be used as an adjunctive therapy along with antitubercular drugs in cases not responding and drug resistant tubercular lymphadenopathy, sinuses and cold abscess.

Indian J Tuberc 2010 Apr 57(2) 80-6


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Effects of low level laser therapy (808 nm) on physical strength training in humans.

Ferraresi C, de Brito Oliveira T, de Oliveira Zafalon L, de Menezes Reiff RB, Baldissera V, de Andrade Perez SE, Junior EM, Parizotto NA

Laboratory of Electrothermophototherapy, Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Rodovia Washington Luis, km 235, 13565-905, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, cleber.ferraresi@gmail.com.

Recent studies have investigated whether low level laser therapy (LLLT) can optimize human muscle performance in physical exercise. This study tested the effect of LLLT on muscle performance in physical strength training in humans compared with strength training only. The study involved 36 men (20.8+/-2.2 years old), clinically healthy, with a beginner and/or moderate physical activity training pattern. The subjects were randomly distributed into three groups: TLG (training with LLLT), TG (training only) and CG (control). The training for TG and TLG subjects involved the leg-press exercise with a load equal to 80% of one repetition maximum (1RM) in the leg-press test over 12 consecutive weeks. The LLLT was applied to the quadriceps muscle of both lower limbs of the TLG subjects immediately after the end of each training session. Using an infrared laser device (808 nm) with six diodes of 60 mW each a total energy of 50.4 J of LLLT was administered over 140 s. Muscle strength was assessed using the 1RM leg-press test and the isokinetic dynamometer test. The muscle volume of the thigh of the dominant limb was assessed by thigh perimetry. The TLG subjects showed an increase of 55% in the 1RM leg-press test, which was significantly higher than the increases in the TG subjects (26%, P = 0.033) and in the CG subjects (0.27%, P < 0.001). The TLG was the only group to show an increase in muscle performance in the isokinetic dynamometry test compared with baseline. The increases in thigh perimeter in the TLG subjects and TG subjects were not significantly different (4.52% and 2.75%, respectively; P = 0.775). Strength training associated with LLLT can increase muscle performance compared with strength training only.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Nov 18


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Improved Cognitive Function After Transcranial, Light-Emitting Diode Treatments in Chronic, Traumatic Brain Injury: Two Case Reports.

Naeser MA, Saltmarche A, Krengel MH, Hamblin MR, Knight JA

1 VA Boston Healthcare System , Boston, Massachusetts.

Abstract Objective: Two chronic, traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases, where cognition improved following treatment with red and near-infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs), applied transcranially to forehead and scalp areas, are presented. Background: Significant benefits have been reported following application of transcranial, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to humans with acute stroke and mice with acute TBI. These are the first case reports documenting improved cognitive function in chronic, TBI patients treated with transcranial LED. Methods: Treatments were applied bilaterally and to midline sagittal areas using LED cluster heads [2.1” diameter, 61 diodes (9 x 633 nm, 52 x 870 nm); 12-15 mW per diode; total power: 500 mW; 22.2 mW/cm(2); 13.3 J/cm(2) at scalp (estimated 0.4 J/cm(2) to cortex)]. Results: Seven years after closed-head TBI from a motor vehicle accident, Patient 1 began transcranial LED treatments. Pre-LED, her ability for sustained attention (computer work) lasted 20 min. After eight weekly LED treatments, her sustained attention time increased to 3 h. The patient performs nightly home treatments (5 years); if she stops treating for more than 2 weeks, she regresses. Patient 2 had a history of closed-head trauma (sports/military, and recent fall), and magnetic resonance imaging showed frontoparietal atrophy. Pre-LED, she was on medical disability for 5 months. After 4 months of nightly LED treatments at home, medical disability discontinued; she returned to working full-time as an executive consultant with an international technology consulting firm. Neuropsychological testing after 9 months of transcranial LED indicated significant improvement (+1, +2SD) in executive function (inhibition, inhibition accuracy) and memory, as well as reduction in post-traumatic stress disorder. If she stops treating for more than 1 week, she regresses. At the time of this report, both patients are continuing treatment. Conclusions: Transcranial LED may improve cognition, reduce costs in TBI treatment, and be applied at home. Controlled studies are warranted.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 23


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Novel Treatment Immediately after Myelomeningocele Repair Applying Low-Level Laser Therapy in Newborns: A Pilot Study.

Pinto FC, Chavantes MC, Pinto NC, Alho EJ, Yoshimura EM, Matushita H, Krebs VL, Teixeira MJ

Division of Functional Neurosurgery of the Institute of Psychiatry, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Background/Aims: The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in neurosurgery is still hardly disseminated and there are situations in which the effects of this therapeutic tool would be extremely relevant in this medical field. The aim of the present study is to analyze the effect of LLLT on tissue repair after the corrective surgical incision in neonates with myelomeningocele, in an attempt to diminish the incidence of postoperative dehiscences following surgical repair performed immediately after birth. Materials and Methods: Prospective pilot study with 13 patients submitted to surgery at birth who received adjuvant treatment with LLLT (group A). A diode laser CW, lambda = 685 nm, p = 21 mW, was applied punctually along the surgical incision, with 0.19 J delivered per point, accounting for a total of 4-10 J delivered energy per patient, according to the surgical wound area and then compared with the results obtained in 23 patients who underwent surgery without laser therapy (group B). Results: This pilot study disclosed a significant decline in dehiscences of the surgical wounds in neonates who were submitted to LLLT (7.69 vs. 17.39%). Conclusion: This new adjuvant therapeutic modality with LLLT aided the healing of surgical wounds, preventing morbidities, as well as shortening the period of hospital stay, which implies a reduction of costs for patients and for the institution.

Pediatr Neurosurg 2010 Dec 15 46(4) 249-254


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Low-level laser therapy in burning mouth syndrome patients: a pilot study.

Kato IT, Pellegrini VD, Prates RA, Ribeiro MS, Wetter NU, Sugaya NN

Centro de Lasers e Aplicacoes, Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares-IPEN/CNEN-SP, Cidade Universitaria, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the treatment of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). In addition, the laser effect was compared on the different affected oral sites. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eleven subjects with a total of 25 sites (tongue, lower lip, upper lip, and palate) affected by a burning sensation were selected. The affected areas were irradiated once a week for three consecutive weeks with an infrared laser (lambda = 790 nm). The probe was kept in contact with the tissue, and the mucosal surface was scanned during the irradiation. The exposure time was calculated based on the fluence of 6 J/cm(2), the output power of 120 mW, and the area to be treated. Burning intensity was recorded through a visual analog scale before and after the treatment and at the 6-week follow-up. The percentage of the improvement in symptoms was also obtained. RESULTS: Burning intensity at the end of the laser therapy was statistically lower than at the beginning (p < 0.01). Patients reported an 80.4% reduction in the intensity of symptoms after laser treatment. There was no statistical difference between the end of the treatment and the 6-week follow-up, except for the tongue site. CONCLUSION: Under the investigated parameters, infrared LLLT proved to be a valuable alternative for BMS treatment, providing a significant and lasting reduction in symptoms.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 28(6) 835-9


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Effectiveness of Laser treatment at acupuncture sites compared to traditional acupuncture in the treatment of peripheral artery disease.

Cunha RG, Rodrigues KC, Salvador M, Zangaro RA

Research and Development Institute, IP&D, Univap, Av. Shishima Hifumi, 2911, Sao Jose dos Campos, 12244-000, SP, Brazil.

Cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of mortality, not only in Brazil, but around the world. The use of acupuncture as a complementary and alternative treatment for cardiovascular diseases has been suggested for animals as well as human beings. Possible advantages in using acupuncture are the low cost of treatment and low risks of collateral damage from a combination of acupuncture with other medical treatments. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of traditional acupuncture with needles and laser acupuncture on arterial pressure and peripheral circulation of inferior limbs in patients with circulatory deficiency. Ten acupuncture points were stimulated in 40 individuals, being that 20 were stimulated by Aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) laser with emission in the red spectral region (650 nm) using an energy density of 2,4 J/cm2, and 20 were stimulated by systemic acupuncture needles. The analysis of peripheral circulation was performed based on the measurement of arterial pressure of the ankle and arms, using sphygmomanometer and Doppler equipment. The variance of the revascularization index of the laser acupuncture group was 0,057, and 0.030 for the needles group with p= 0,006. These results show that only those treated with laser acupuncture exhibit a significant increase in systolic pressure of their lower limbs, with a consequent improvement of the Revascularization Index, suggesting that different stimuli on acupuncture points generate different variations of peripheral resistance of lower limbs. is column.

Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2010 1 1262-5


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Biomedical engineering meets acupuncture–development of a miniaturized 48-channel skin impedance measurement system for needle and laser acupuncture.

Litscher G, Wang L

Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and TCM Research Center Graz, Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 29, 8036 Graz, Austria. gerhard.litscher@medunigraz.at

BACKGROUND: Due to controversially discussed results in scientific literature concerning changes of electrical skin impedance before and during acupuncture a new measurement system has been developed. METHODS: The prototype measures and analyzes the electrical skin impedance computer-based and simultaneously in 48 channels within a 2.5×3.5 cm matrix. Preliminary measurements in one person were performed using metal needle and violet laser (405 nm) acupuncture at the acupoint Kongzui (LU6). The new system is an improvement on devices previously developed by other researchers for this purpose. RESULTS: Skin impedance in the immediate surroundings of the acupoint was lowered reproducibly following needle stimulation and also violet laser stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: A new instrumentation for skin impedance measurements is presented. The following hypotheses suggested by our results will have to be tested in further studies: Needle acupuncture causes significant, specific local changes of electrical skin impedance parameters. Optical stimulation (violet laser) at an acupoint causes direct electrical biosignal changes.

Biomed Eng Online 2010 9 78


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Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) acts as cAMP-elevating agent in acute respiratory distress syndrome.

de Lima FM, Moreira LM, Villaverde AB, Albertini R, Castro-Faria-Neto HC, Aimbire F

Research and Development Institute – IP&D, Av. Shishima Hifumi, 2911 – Urbanova, Po Box 12244-00, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil.

The aim of this work was to investigate if the low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on acute lung inflammation (ALI) induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is linked to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in alveolar macrophages (AM) from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of mice. LLLT has been reported to actuate positively for relieving the late and early symptoms of airway and lung inflammation. It is not known if the increased TNF mRNA expression and dysfunction of cAMP generation observed in ALI can be influenced by LLLT. For in vivo studies, Balb/c mice (n = 5 for group) received LPS inhalation or TNF intra nasal instillation and 3 h after LPS or TNF-alpha, leukocytes in BALF were analyzed. LLLT administered perpendicularly to a point in the middle of the dissected bronchi with a wavelength of 660 nm and a dose of 4.5 J/cm(2). The mice were irradiated 15 min after ALI induction. In vitro AM from mice were cultured for analyses of TNF mRNA expression and protein and adenosine3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) levels. One hour after LPS, the TNF and cAMP levels in AM were measured by ELISA. RT-PCR was used to measure TNF mRNA in AM. The LLLT was inefficient in potentiating the rolipram effect in presence of a TNF synthesis inhibitor. LLLT attenuated the neutrophil influx and TNF in BALF. In AM, the laser increased the cAMP and reduced the TNF-alpha mRNA. LLLT increases indirectly the cAMP in AM by a TNF-dependent mechanism.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Dec 24


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Effect of intravenous laser irradiation of the blood on plasma content of ceruloplasmin in patients with chronic pancreatitis.

Burduli NM, Gutnova SK

Department of Therapy, Advanced Training and Professional Re-Training Faculty, North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Federal Agency for Health Care and Social Development, Vladikavkaz, Russia. gutnova76@mail.ru.

Ceruloplasmin content in the blood plasma significantly increased in patients with chronic pancreatitis during exacerbation of the disease. Addition of intravenous laser irradiation of the blood to complex therapy of patients with chronic pancreatitis normalized ceruloplasmin content in the plasma.

Bull Exp Biol Med 2010 Jun 149(6) 697-8


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High-power diode laser use on Fordyce granule excision: a case report.

Baeder FM, Pelino JE, de Almeida ER, Duarte DA, Santos MT

BACKGROUND: Fordyce granules are conventionally considered to be a developmental oral lesion with a higher incidence in men. OBJECTIVE: To report a clinical case of surgical lip Fordyce granule excision in a 19-year-old male. METHODS: Fordyce granules were excised using a high-power diode laser (gallium arsenide [GaAs], Diode Vision(R), MDL, 10 Dental Laser Unit, GmbH, Lower Saxony, Germany) with wavelength emission at 980 +/- 10 nm, in a continuous wave mode, pulse width of 0.5 mus, fiber optic delivery system of 400 mum in diameter, at 2.5 W. Subsequently, low-intensity laser therapy was applied (gallium-aluminum-arsenide [GaAlAs], at 670 nm, 50 mW, at 4 J/cm(2); Dentoflex(R), Sao Paulo, Brazil] in order to stimulate a faster wound tissue-healing process and less postoperative pain and inflammation. CONCLUSION: The excellent esthetic result demonstrated the effectiveness of both high- and low-intensity laser therapy on the excision of Fordyce granules.

J Cosmet Dermatol 2010 Dec 9(4) 321-4


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The effectiveness of low laser therapy in subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomized placebo controlled double-blind prospective study.

Dogan SK, Ay S, Evcik D

Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine, Ufuk University, Ankara, Turkey. sebnemkoldas@yahoo.com

OBJECTIVES: Conflicting results were reported about the effectiveness of Low level laser therapy on musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of 850-nm gallium arsenide aluminum (Ga-As-Al) laser therapy on pain, range of motion and disability in subacromial impingement syndrome. METHODS: A total of 52 patients (33 females and 19 males with a mean age of 53.59 +/- 11.34 years) with subacromial impingement syndrome were included. The patients were randomly assigned into two groups. Group I (n = 30, laser group) received laser therapy (5 joule/cm(2) at each point over maximum 5-6 painful points for 1 minute). Group II (n = 22, placebo laser group) received placebo laser therapy. Initially cold pack (10 minutes) was applied to all of the patients. Also patients were given an exercise program including range of motion, stretching and progressive resistive exercises. The therapy program was applied 5 times a week for 14 sessions. Pain severity was assessed by using visual analogue scale. Range of motion was measured by goniometer. Disability was evaluated by using Shoulder Pain and Disability Index. RESULTS: In group I, statistically significant improvements in pain severity, range of motion except internal and external rotation and SPADI scores were observed compared to baseline scores after the therapy (p < 0.05). In Group II, all parameters except range of motion of external rotation were improved (p < 0.05). However, no significant differences were recorded between the groups (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The Low level laser therapy seems to have no superiority over placebo laser therapy in reducing pain severity, range of motion and functional disability.

Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010 65(10) 1019-22


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Management of myofascial pain: low-level laser therapy versus occlusal splints.

Oz S, Gokcen-Rohlig B, Saruhanoglu A, Tuncer EB

Department of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, University of Istanbul Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul, Turkey.

The present study was designed to compare the effects of low-level laser with occlusal splints in patients with signs and symptoms of myofascial pain (MP) dysfunction syndrome. A total of 40 (34 women and 6 men, with a mean age of 32.84 [SD, 10.70] years) were selected after the diagnosis of MP according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorder. The patients were randomly divided into 2 groups: study group (n = 20) and control group (n = 20). Low-level laser was applied to patients in the study group 2 times per week, for a total of 10 sessions. Patients in the control group were instructed to wear occlusal splints 24 h/d for 3 months. The functional examination was based on Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorder and pressure pain threshold values were obtained with the aid of an algometer in both groups. Patients’ self-report of pain was evaluated with visual analog scale. Comparisons were made within and between the groups before and after treatment. Vertical movements showed statistically significant improvements after the treatments in both groups (P < 0.01), but when the groups were compared with each other, there were no significant difference between the groups. In both groups, tenderness to palpation of the muscles decreased significantly. Pressure pain threshold evaluations and visual analog scale scores revealed similar results, too. This particular type of low-level laser therapy (820 nm, 3 J/cm2, 300-mW output power) is as effective as occlusal splint in pain release and mandibular movement improvement in MP.

J Craniofac Surg 2010 Nov 21(6) 1722-8


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Comparative Effects of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound and Low-Level Laser Therapy on Injured Skeletal Muscle.

Renno AC, Toma RL, Feitosa SM, Fernandes K, Bossini PS, de Oliveira P, Parizotto N, Ribeiro DA

1 Department of Biosciences, Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) , Santos, SP, Brazil .

Abstract The main purpose of this study was to compare the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (US) and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on injured skeletal muscle after cryolesion by means of histopathological analysis and immunohistochemistry for cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2). Thirty-five male Wistar rats were randomly distributed into four groups: intact control group with uninjured and untreated animals; injured control group with muscle injury and no treatment; LLLT-treated group with muscle injury treated with 830-nm laser; and US-treated group with muscle injury treated with US. Treatments started 24 h postsurgery and were performed during six sessions. LLLT-treated animals presented minor degenerative changes of muscle tissue. Exposure to US reduced tissue injuries induced by cryolesion, but less effectively than LLLT. A large number of COX-2 positive cells were found in untreated injured rats, whereas COX-2 immunoexpression was lower in both LLLT- and US-treated groups. This study revealed that both LLLT and US therapies have positive effects on muscle metabolism after an injury in rats, but LLLT seems to produce a better response.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 18


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Low-level laser in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: clinical, electrophysiological, and ultrasonographical evaluation.

Tascioglu F, Degirmenci NA, Ozkan S, Mehmetoglu O

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Osmangazi University, Meselik Campus, 26480, Eskisehir, Turkey, fundat@ogu.edu.tr.

The objective of this study is to investigate the efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Sixty patients with CTS were included in this placebo-controlled and double-blind study and randomly assigned to three treatment groups: active laser with a dosage of 1.2 J/per painful point, active laser with a dosage of 0.6 J/per painful point, and placebo groups. A total of 5 points across the median nerve trace were irradiated with Gal-Al-As diode laser. All groups were treated 5 times per week for 3 weeks. Clinical assessments included pain intensity, grip strength, symptom severity score (SSS), functional status score (FSS), nerve conduction studies, and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve as measured by ultrasonography. Compared to baseline, post-treatment VAS scores (group 1, P < 0.001; group 2, P < 0.001; group 3, P < 0.01), grip strength (P < 0.05), SSS scores (group 1, P < 0.001; group 2, P < 0.001; group 3, P < 0.01), and FSS scores (P < 0.05) improved significantly in all groups. Only sensorial nerve velocity measurements on the palmar region showed a significant improvement in both active laser groups (P < 0.01). There was no significant difference in any of the outcome measures among the groups. With the chosen laser type and dose regimen, the results suggested that LLLT was no more effective than placebo in CTS.

Rheumatol Int 2010 Dec 1


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[Comparative analysys of immunocorrective effect of ultraviolet irradiation of autoblood and plasmapheresis in patients with recurrent polypous rhinosinusitis.]

Shagova VS, Mashkova TA

Voronezhskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia im. N.N. Burdenko.

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the immune status of patients with chronically recurring polypous rhinosinusitis (CRPS) for the identification of the key markers of immune disorders. Assessment of the efficiency of traditional therapy during the postoperative period demonstrated that it was very low in terms of beneficial effect on the major components of the immune system, T and B lymphocytes. Determination of the frequency of immune disorders during irradiation of autoblood with ultraviolet light and plasmapheresis in the postoperative period and evaluation of “true” effects of these treatments revealed their significant quantitative immunostimulating action. Integral evaluation (rank-sum analysis) demonstrated similar therapeutic efficiency of the two methods.

Vestn Otorinolaringol 2010 (5) 15-19


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Resonance frequency analysis of orthodontic miniscrews subjected to light-emitting diode photobiomodulation therapy.

Uysal T, Ekizer A, Akcay H, Etoz O, Guray E

Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey.

The aim of this prospective experimental study was to evaluate the effect of light-emitting diode (LED) photobiomodulation therapy (LPT) on the stability of immediately loaded miniscrews under different force levels, as assessed by resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Sixty titanium orthodontic miniscrews with a length of 8 mm and a diameter of 1.4 mm were implanted into cortical bone by closed flap technique in each proximal tibia of 15 New Zealand white adult male rabbits (n = 30). The animals were randomly divided into irradiated and control groups under different force levels (0, 150, and 300 cN). OsseoPulse(R) LED device (Biolux Research Ltd.) 618 nm wavelength and 20 mW/cm(2) output power irradiation (20 minutes/day) was applied to the miniscrews for 10 days. The RFA records were performed at miniscrew insertion session (T1) and 21 days after surgery (T2). Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U-tests were used for statistical evaluation at P < 0.005 level. It was found that initial primer stability of all miniscrews was similar in all groups at the start of the experimental procedure. Statistically significant differences were found for changes in implant stability quotient (ISQ) values between LED-photobiomodulated group and the control (0 cN, P = 0.001; 150 cN, P < 0.001; and 300 cN, P < 0.001). Significant increase was found in ISQ values of LPT applied miniscrews under 0 cN (+11.63 ISQ), 150 cN (+10.50 ISQ), and 300 cN (+7.00 ISQ) force during observation period. By the increase of force levels, it was determined that ISQ values decreased in non-irradiated control miniscrews. Within the limits of this in vivo study, the present RFA findings suggest that LPT might have a favourable effect on healing and attachment of titanium orthodontic miniscrews.

Eur J Orthod 2010 Dec 27


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Violet laser acupuncture-part 1: effects on brain circulation.

Litscher G, Huang T, Wang L, Zhang W

Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and TCM Research Center Graz, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.

Violet laser acupuncture using a wavelength of 405 nm has been investigated in only a few scientific studies. The aim of this study was to provide selective evidence of a specific effect of violet laser acupuncture on mean cerebral blood flow velocity using a Doppler ultrasound technique. A transcranial Doppler sonography construction was developed especially for this study to monitor blood flow profiles in the basilar and middle cerebral arteries simultaneously and continuously. The acupuncture point Dazhui on the upper back was tested in a controlled study with 10 healthy volunteers (24.9 +/- 3.3 years, mean age +/- SD; 5 females, 5 males). In addition to an on/off-effect, violet laser stimulation increased the blood flow velocity in the basilar artery significantly (p < 0.001) compared with the reference interval before laser acupuncture. In the middle cerebral artery, only minimal, nonsignificant changes in blood flow velocity were seen. Metal needle acupuncture at the same point intensified the effects; however, blood flow profiles did not change significantly during and after stimulation with a deactivated violet laser.

J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2010 Dec 3(4) 255-9


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Effect of Photobiomodulation on Vinblastine-Poisoned Murine HERS Cells.

Hodgson BD, Pyszka B, Henry MM, Buchmann E, Whelan HT

1 Marquette University , Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of near-infrared (NIR) photobiomodulation on the proliferation and glutathione levels in murine Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath (HERS) cells after poisoning with vinblastine. Background: Photobiomodulation has been shown to improve wound healing in a number of animal models. There have been no studies on the effect of photobiomodulation on cancer-related chemotherapy injury to the cells that initiate tooth root growth. Materials and Methods: Control groups consisted of murine HERS cells without vinblastine (VB-) and cells with vinblastine at 10, 20, and 30 ng/mL (VB10, VB20, and VB30). Experimental groups consisted of these same groups with light therapy (VB-L, VB10L, VB20L, and VB30L). The cells were exposed to vinblastine for 1 h. Photobiomodulation consisted of a 75-cm(2) gallium-aluminum-arsenide light-emitting diode (LED) array at an energy density of 12.8 J/cm(2), delivered with 50 mW/cm(2) power over 256 s. Results: Vinblastine alone significantly decreased HERS cell proliferation and glutathione levels at all concentrations (VB10 [-55%, p < 1.0 x 10(-8)]; VB20 [-72%, p < 1.0 x 10(-9)]; VB30 [-80%, p < 1.0 x 10(-10)]; and VB10 [-36%, p < 0.0001]; VB20 [-49%, p < 1.0 x 10(-6)]; VB30 [-53%, p < 1.0 x 10(-7)] respectively). Photobiomodulation significantly increased cell proliferation at all levels of vinblastine exposure (VB10L [+50%, p < 0.0001]; VB20L [+45%, p < 0.05]; VB30 [+39%, p < 0.05]) but not of the control (+22%, p = 0.063). The photobiomodulation significantly increased glutathione production in all concentrations of vinblastine except 20 ng/mL (VB10L [+39%, p = 0.007]; VB20L [+19%, p = 0.087]; VB30 [+14%, p = 0.025]) and the control (+12%, p = 0.13). Conclusions: Photobiomodulation demonstrated an improvement in proliferation and glutathione levels in vinblastine-poisoned murine HERS cells.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 23


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Dentine caries inhibition through CO(2) laser (10.6mum) irradiation and fluoride application, in vitro.

Esteves-Oliveira M, Zezell DM, Ana PA, Yekta SS, Lampert F, Eduardo CP

Department of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry (ZPP), RWTH Aachen University, Pauwelsstr. 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to investigate whether dentine irradiation with a pulsed CO(2) laser (10.6mum) emitting pulses of 10ms is capable of reducing dentine calcium and phosphorus losses in an artificial caries model. DESIGN: The 90 dentine slabs obtained from bovine teeth were randomly divided into six groups (n=15): negative control group (GC); positive control group, treated with fluoride 1.23% (GF); and laser groups irradiated with 8J/cm(2) (L8); irradiated as in L8+fluoride 1.23% (L8F); irradiated with 11J/cm(2) (L11); irradiated as in L11+fluoride 1.23% (L11F). After laser irradiation the samples were submitted to a pH-cycling model for 9 days. The calcium and phosphorous contents in the de- and remineralization solutions were measured by means of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer – ICP-OES. Additionally intrapulpal temperature measurements were performed. The obtained data were analysed by means of ANOVA and Tukey’s test (alpha=0.05). RESULTS: In the demineralization solutions the groups L11F and GF presented significantly lower means of calcium and phosphorous losses than the control group; and in L11F means were significantly lower than in the fluoride group. Both irradiation parameters tested caused intrapulpal temperature increase below 2 degrees C. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that under the conditions of this study, CO(2) laser irradiation (10.6mum) with 11J/cm(2) (540mJ and 10Hz) of fluoride treated dentine surfaces decreases the loss of calcium and phosphorous in the demineralization process and does not cause excessive temperature increase inside the pulp chamber.

Arch Oral Biol 2010 Dec 19


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Oral Mucositis Prevention by Low-Level Laser Therapy in Head-and-Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy: A Phase III Randomized Study.

Gouvea de Lima A, Villar RC, de Castro G Jr, Antequera R, Gil E, Rosalmeida MC, Federico MH, Snitcovsky IM

Departamento de Radiologia, Disciplina de Oncologia, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

PURPOSE: Oral mucositis is a major complication of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in head-and-neck cancer patients. Low-level laser (LLL) therapy is a promising preventive therapy. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of LLL therapy to decrease severe oral mucositis and its effect on RT interruptions. METHODS AND MATERIALS: In the present randomized, double-blind, Phase III study, patients received either gallium-aluminum-arsenide LLL therapy 2.5 J/cm(2) or placebo laser, before each radiation fraction. Eligible patients had to have been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma or undifferentiated carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, or metastases to the neck with an unknown primary site. They were treated with adjuvant or definitive CRT, consisting of conventional RT 60-70 Gy (range, 1.8-2.0 Gy/d, 5 times/wk) and concurrent cisplatin. The primary endpoints were the oral mucositis severity in Weeks 2, 4, and 6 and the number of RT interruptions because of mucositis. The secondary endpoints included patient-reported pain scores. To detect a decrease in the incidence of Grade 3 or 4 oral mucositis from 80% to 50%, we planned to enroll 74 patients. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients were included, and 37 patients received preventive LLL therapy. The mean delivered radiation dose was greater in the patients treated with LLL (69.4 vs. 67.9 Gy, p = .03). During CRT, the number of patients diagnosed with Grade 3 or 4 oral mucositis treated with LLL vs. placebo was 4 vs. 5 (Week 2, p = 1.0), 4 vs. 12 (Week 4, p = .08), and 8 vs. 9 (Week 6, p = 1.0), respectively. More of the patients treated with placebo had RT interruptions because of mucositis (6 vs. 0, p = .02). No difference was detected between the treatment arms in the incidence of severe pain. CONCLUSIONS: LLL therapy was not effective in reducing severe oral mucositis, although a marginal benefit could not be excluded. It reduced RT interruptions in these head-and-neck cancer patients, which might translate into improved CRT efficacy.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2010 Dec 14


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[Treatment of epicondylitis – a current review].

Schleicher I, Szalay G, Kordelle J

Klinik fur Unfallchirurgie, Universitatsklinikum Giessen und Marburg GmbH in Giessen. iris.schleicher@ortho.med.unigiessen.de

Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow is a common injury, which affects not only people who play tennis but occurs with many different activities. It reflects overuse of the extensor muscles of the forearm. There are some other pathologies which have to be separated from epicondylitis. The choice of different treatments is hard to overlook and there are only a few good clinical trials which support one treatment option by means of evidence based medicine. During the acute phase topical NSAIR, steroid injections, ultrasound and acupuncture are helpful. There is no consensus about the effectiveness of physiotherapy, orthoses, laser, electrotherapy or botulinumtoxininjections. During the chronic phase none of the different treatment modalities is effective according to criterias of evidence based medicine. By now, it has not been proven whether patients profit during that time of physiotherapy, orthoses, extracorporeal shock wave therapy or an operation. Whether orthobiological treatment options may play a role in the future is presently uncertain.

Sportverletz Sportschaden 2010 Dec 24(4) 218-24


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Laser-induced alveolar bone changes during orthodontic movement: a histological study on rodents.

Habib FA, Gama SK, Ramalho LM, Cangussu MC, Santos Neto FP, Lacerda JA, Araujo TM, Pinheiro AL

Centro de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial Prof. Jose Edimo Soares Martins, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess by light microscopy changes in alveolar bone during orthodontic movement in rats. BACKGROUND: Orthodontic movement causes both removal and deposition of bone tissue. The use of laser phototherapy (LPT) is considered an enhancement factor for bone repair. METHODS: Thirty Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 15) and subdivided according to animal death (7,13, and 19 days). Half of the animals in each group were treated with LPT during orthodontic movement. After animal death, specimens were processed and underwent histological and semi-quantitative analyses (HE and Sirius red). RESULTS: LPT-irradiated specimens showed significantly higher numbers of osteoclasts when compared with controls at both 7 (p = 0.015) and 19 (p = 0.007) days, as well as significant increases in the number of osteoblasts (p = 0.015) between days 7 and 13. The amount of collagen matrix was significantly reduced between days 7 and 13 at both pressure and tension sites in controls (p = 0.015) but not in LPT-treated animals. LPT-treated subjects showed significantly greater deposition of collagen matrix at the pressure site at both the thirteenth (p = 0.007) and nineteenth days (p = 0.001). At the tension site, a significant increase in the amount of collagen matrix was observed in non-irradiated specimens (p = 0.048) between days 7 and 19. CONCLUSIONS: LPT caused significant histological changes in the alveolar bone during induced tooth movement, including alterations in the number of both osteoclasts and osteoblasts and in collagen deposition in both pressure and tension areas.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 28(6) 823-30


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Effects of two low-intensity laser therapy protocols on experimental tooth movement.

Marquezan M, Bolognese AM, Araujo MT

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. marianamarquezan@gmail.com

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this in vivo study was to determine the effect of two low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) protocols on macroscopic and microscopic parameters of experimental tooth movement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To induce experimental tooth movement in rats, 40 cN of orthodontic force was applied to the left first molars. Next, a gallium-aluminum-arsenide (Ga-Al-As) diode laser with a wavelength of 830 nm and power output of 100 mW was applied with fluence of 6000 J/cm(2) on the area around the moved tooth. Two different application protocols were used in the experimental groups: one with daily irradiation and another with irradiation during early stages. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses were performed at days 2 and 7 of tooth movement. The amount of tooth movement was measured with a caliper, and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase and picrosirius staining were used to enable identification of osteoclasts and immature collagen, respectively. RESULTS: The amount of tooth movement did not differ between the irradiated and nonirradiated groups on days 2 and 7 of the experiment. On day 2, no difference was observed in the number of osteoclasts or the percentage of immature collagen. On day 7, there was an increase in the number of osteoclasts after daily applications of LILT, while two applications produced no significant difference from control. The amount of immature collagen on the tension side significantly increased in the nonirradiated group and when LILT was applied for only 2 d, whereas it was shown to be inhibited by daily LILT applications (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The tested LILT protocols were unable to accelerate tooth movement. Even though the number of osteoclasts increased when LILT was applied daily, the repair at the tension zone was inhibited.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 28(6) 757-62


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Placebos and controls in phototherapy.

Lanzafame RJ

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 28(6) 717-8


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Low-intensity laser irradiation stimulates wound healing in diabetic wounded fibroblast cells (WS1).

Houreld N, Abrahamse H

Laser Research Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein, South Africa.

BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes suffer from slow-to-heal wounds, which often necessitate amputation. Low-intensity laser irradiation (LILI) has been shown to reduce the healing time in such patients. This study aimed to determine the effect of different wavelengths of LILI on cellular migration, viability, and proliferation in a wounded diabetic cell model. METHODS: Diabetic wounded and unwounded human skin fibroblast cells (WS1) were irradiated at 632.8, 830, or 1,064 nm with 5 J/cm(2). Cellular morphology and migration were determined microscopically, while cellular viability was determined by ATP luminescence, and proliferation was determined by basic fibroblast growth factor expression and alkaline phosphatase activity. RESULTS: Diabetic wounded cells irradiated at 1,064 nm showed a lesser degree of migration, viability, and proliferation compared to cells irradiated at 632.8 or 830 nm. Cells irradiated at 632.8 nm showed a higher degree of haptotaxis and migration as well as ATP luminescence compared to cells irradiated at 830 nm. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that LILI of diabetic wounded cells in the visible range (632.8 nm) was more beneficial to wound healing than irradiating the same cells to wavelengths in the infrared range. Cells irradiated at a longer wavelength of 1,064 nm performed worse.

Diabetes Technol Ther 2010 Dec 12(12) 971-8


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Photounbinding of calmodulin from a family of CaM binding peptides.

Neumuller KG, Elsayad K, Reisecker JM, Waxham MN, Heinze KG

Department of Optical Engineering, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria.

BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that fluorescently labeled antibodies can be dissociated from their antigen by illumination with laser light. The mechanism responsible for the photounbinding effect, however, remains elusive. Here, we give important insights into the mechanism of photounbinding and show that the effect is not restricted to antibody/antigen binding. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We present studies of the photounbinding of labeled calmodulin (CaM) from a set of CaM-binding peptides with different affinities to CaM after one- and two-photon excitation. We found that the photounbinding effect becomes stronger with increasing binding affinity. Our observation that photounbinding can be influenced by using free radical scavengers, that it does not occur with either unlabeled protein or non-fluorescent quencher dyes, and that it becomes evident shortly after or with photobleaching suggest that photounbinding and photobleaching are closely linked. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The experimental results exclude surface effects, or heating by laser irradiation as potential causes of photounbinding. Our data suggest that free radicals formed through photobleaching may cause a conformational change of the CaM which lowers their binding affinity with the peptide or its respective binding partner.

PLoS One 2010 5(11) e14050


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[Proliferation of normal and tumor cells at the presence of serum from patients with breast cancer after phototherapy with visible and near infrared light].

Simultaneous low-intensity visible (VIS) and near infrared (nIR) irradiation from laser and non-laser sources was used for treatment of complications developing in cancer patients after surgical tumor resection, chemo- and radiation therapy. However, the question remains about the impact of this physiotherapeutic method on proliferative activity of the patients’ tumor cells and cells involved in wound healing, fibroblasts (FB) and keratinocytes (KC). In this paper, we studied the effect blood serum obtained from the patients with breast cancer after the course of irradiation with visible and NI light (480–3400 nm, 95 % polarization, 40 mW/cm2, 12 J/cm2) in postoperative period on the proliferative activity of primary cultures of human FB and KC, and of several human tumor cell lines (BT-474, HBL-100, Hs578T and A431). Seven-day course of phototherapy increase proliferation of FB (as compared to the initial level) and KC (as compared to postoperative level) by 22 and 28 %, respectively. The tumor cells BT-474, Hs578T and A431 showed statistically significant decrease in proliferative activity compared with the preoperative (initial) level by 31.5, 8.97 and 6.47%, respectively, whereas the cells BT-474, HBL-100, Hs578T and A431 also reduced their proliferative activity by 32,16, 8.65 and 6.26%, respectively, as compared with postperative level. The results obtained demonstrate the safety of the phototherapy with the visible and NI light for BC patients in the postoperative period.

Tsitologiia 2010 52(9) 785-92


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Noninvasive cutaneous blood flow assessment as a response predictor for visible light therapy on segmental vitiligo: A prospective pilot study.

Yu WT, Yu HS, Wu CS, Lee CH, Cheng YC, Lin WT, Chen GS, Lan CC

Department of Dermatology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, College of Health Science, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Department of Public Health, College of Health Science, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Department of Dermatology, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Center of Excellence for Environmental Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Background: Visible light is a treatment option for segmental vitiligo (SV), and visible light-induced repigmentation is associated normalization of sympathetic dysfunction. Currently, it is difficult to predict individual patient’s response to visible light therapy. Objectives: To test whether cutaneous blood flow can serve as a response predictor for visible light on treating SV. Patients and methods: Fourteen patients with SV were recruited in this prospective pilot study. Laser Doppler flowmeter was used to evaluate the cutaneous blood flow over SV lesion and contralateral normal skin. The pre-treatment blood flow evaluation consisting of two stages was performed. Subsequently, the patients received regular visible light treatment for 3 months, and a comparison of the pre-treatment blood flow patterns between the visible light responding and the non-responding groups was carried out at the end of the study period. Results: The SV lesions showed different blood flow profiles as compared to their contralateral normal skin. At the end of 3 month study period, seven (50%) patients showed clinical repigmentation of more than 25%. Additional analyses revealed that the visible light responding group showed a more consistent occurrence of increased blood flow after stage 2 of the pre-treatment evaluation while the non-responding counterpart showed no significant changes. Conclusions: Normalization of sympathetic dysfunction may be accountable for visible light’s efficacy on treating SV. Evaluation of cutaneous blood flow with or without prior visible light irradiation on cold-stressed SV lesions may serve as a treatment response predictor.

Br J Dermatol 2010 Nov 18


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In vitro effect of low intensity laser on the cytotoxicity produced by substances released by bleaching gel.

Dantas CM, Vivan CL, Ferreira LS, Freitas PM, Marques MM

School of Dentistry, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

This in vitro study aimed to analyze the effect of different parameters of phototherapy with low intensity laser on the viability of human dental pulp fibroblasts under the effect of substances released by bleaching gel. Cells were seeded into 96 wells plates (1 x 10(3) cells/well) and placed in contact with culture medium conditioned by a 35 % hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel for 40 minutes, simulating the clinical condition of the in-office bleaching treatment. Cells cultured in ideal growth conditions served as positive control group (PC), and the cells grown in conditioned medium and non-irradiated served as negative control group (NC). Cells grown in conditioned medium were submitted to a single irradiation with a diode laser (40 mW, 0.04 cm(2)) emitting at visible red (660 nm; RL) or near infrared (780 nm; NIR) using punctual technique, in contact mode and energy densities of 4, 6 or 10 J/cm(2). The cell viability was analyzed through the MTT reduction assay immediately and 24 hours after the irradiation. The data was compared by ANOVA followed by the Tukey’s test (p < 0.05). The cell viability increased significantly in 24 hours within each group. The PC presented cell viability significantly higher than NC in both experimental times. Only the NIR/10 J/cm(2) group presented cell viability similar to that of PC in 24 hours. The phototherapy with low intensity laser in defined parameters is able to compensate the cytotoxic effects of substances released by 35 % hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel.

Braz Oral Res 2010 Dec 24(4) 460-6


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Low-level laser therapy associated to N-acetylcysteine lowers macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) mRNA expression and generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species in alveolar macrophages.

de Lima FM, Villaverde AB, Albertini R, de Oliveira AP, Faria Neto HC, Aimbire F

Institute of Research and Development, IP&D, UNIVAP, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work was to investigate the low-level laser therapy (LLLT) effect on alveolar macrophages (AM) activated by oxidative stress and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). BACKGROUND DATA: LLLT has been reported to actuate positively relieving the late and early symptoms of airway and lung inflammation. It is not known if the increased MIP-2 mRNA expression and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation observed in acute lung inflammation (ALI) can be influenced by LLLT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rat AM cell line (AMJ2-C11) was cultured with LPS or H(2)O(2) and laser irradiated. MIP-2 mRNA and ROS production in the AM were evaluated by Real Time-PCR and the 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) respectively. The NF-kappaB protein in the AM was measured by the enzyme linked immunoassay method. To investigate the antioxidant effect of laser, the AM were prebathed with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and then irradiated with laser. LLLT was also studied in the presence of an inhibitor of NF-kappaB (BMS 205820). In addition, the effect of LLLT on NF-kappaB protein was investigated. RESULTS: LLLT attenuated the MIP-2 mRNA expression and intracellular ROS generation after LPS or H(2)O(2). When the AM were pretreated with NAC, the laser effect was potentiated. BMS 205820 suppresses the effect of LLLT on MIP-2 mRNA expression and ROS generation, stimulated by LPS or H(2)O(2). On NF-kappaB transcription factor, both the LLLT and NAC reduced this protein in the AM exposed to LPS or H(2)O(2). The synergistic effect between LLLT and NAC on the reduction the NF-kappaB was also evidenced. CONCLUSION: Results indicate that there is a synergistic action of LLLT with NAC on MIP-2 mRNA expression from LPS- or H(2)O(2)-stimulated AM, and that both ROS intracellular generation and NF-kB signaling seem to be involved.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Dec 28(6) 763-71


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LLLT Promotes Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (VEGFR1) Expression in Endothelial and Non-Endothelial Cells of Mice Gastrocnemius Exposed to Snake Venom.

Dourado DM, Favero S, Matias R, Carvalho PD, da Cruz-Hofling MA

Departmento de Histologia e Embriologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, CEP 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil Centro de Ciencias Biologicas, Agrarias e da Saude, Universidade Anhanguera – UNIDERP, CEP 79037-280, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil.

Crotalinae snake venoms cause severe local myonecrosis and microvasculature failure at the bite site. We evaluated whether low-level laser therapy (LLLT) could accelerate angiogenesis and myoregeneration in male Swiss mice injected with Bothrops moojeni venom through immunohistochemistry of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (VEGFR-1). Envenomed gastrocnemius was either unirradiated (V) or irradiated with HeNe (VHN, 632.8nm) or GaAs (VGA, 904nm, 10000 Hz). Animals sacrificed at 3 and 12h were irradiated once (4 J/cm(2) ), at 24h (twice), and at 3, 7, 21d (4, 8, 22 times, respectively). At 3d, LLLT increased angiogenesis (80%:HeNe vs. 40%:GaAs), decreased neutrophils and increased proliferation of regenerating cells. However, after 21d, myoregeneration, observed mainly in the VHN-group, appeared delayed compared to the V-group. Since LLLT improved revascularization, the suggestive delay in myoregeneration could be a dose-response effect caused by multiple irradiations. The immunodetection of VEGFR-1 in neutrophils, macrophages, satellite cells, fibroblasts, Schwann cells and skeletal and smooth muscle fibers (not seen in saline-controls) at only the acute stages of envenoming suggests a mediator role for VEGFR-1 in local alterations. This is the first time that VEGFR-1 expression, and its modulation by photostimulation, has been demonstrated in endothelial and non-endothelial cells of snake envenomed skeletal muscle.

Photochem Photobiol 2010 Dec 17


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The effect of diode laser irradiation on dentin as a preventive measure against dental erosion: an in vitro study.

de-Melo MA, Passos VF, Alves JJ, Barros EB, Santiago SL, Rodrigues LK

Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing, Federal University of Ceara, Cap. Francisco Pedro S/N – Rodolfo Teofilo, 60430-170, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, maryannesmelo@yahoo.com.

Increasing rates of non-carious cervical lesions due to dental erosion, exposure of dentinal tubules, and hypersensitivity to environmental stimuli have led to the development of new prevention strategies. This study evaluated the effects of a low-intensity diode laser (lambda = 808 nm) on the dentinal chemical composition and prevention of demineralization. In addition, the study monitored temperature changes during the course of irradiation. Forty dentin specimens were randomly allocated into four groups (n = 10): G1 – No treatment (control), G2 – irradiated with 15 J/cm(2), G3 – irradiated with 30 J/cm(2), and G4 – irradiated with 60 J/cm(2). Each specimen was partially covered with nail varnish, treated according to the group irradiation levels, and exposed to an erosive challenge (1.0 M hydrochloric acid) for 5 min. Afterwards, dentin loss was profilometrically analyzed and examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). Intrapulpal temperatures were measured during the dentin irradiation. One-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (p < 0.05) were performed to assess differences. For all irradiated groups, intrapulpal temperature changes were less than 3 degrees C. The G2 group showed statistically significant differences when compared to the other groups, representing the lowest temperature increase. A quantitative element analysis via EDX did not significantly differ (p < 0.05) for Ca, P, F, O, or C between the four groups when measured after irradiation/erosion. The mean wear rates (+/- SD, mum) were 35.66 +/- 7.28; 40.70 +/- 5.03; 38.17 +/- 10.81 and 25.25 +/- 6.87 for G1-G4, respectively. The G4 group statistically differed from all other groups representing the lowest wear rate. These results suggest that dentin irradiation, using a diode laser with levels set at 60 J/cm(2), may induce inhibitory effects on root dentin demineralization without causing any harmful thermal effects. However, the exact mechanism of the action of the laser remains unclear.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Nov 20


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Basic study of charring detection at the laser catheter-tip using back scattering light measurement during therapeutic laser irradiation in blood.

Takahashi M, Ito A, Kajihara T, Matsuo H, Arai T

School of Fundamental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Technology, KEIO University (Japan).

The purpose of this study is to investigate transient process of the charring at the laser catheter-tip in blood during therapeutic laser irradiation by the back scattering light measurement to detect precursor state of the charring. We took account of using photodynamic therapy for arrhythmia in blood through the laser catheter. We observed the influence of the red laser irradiation (lambda=663 nm) upon the shape of red blood cells (RBCs). The RBCs aggregation, round formation, and hemolysis were took place sequentially before charring. With a model blood sandwiched between glass plates simulated as a catheter-tip boundary, we measured diffuse-reflected-light power and transmitted-light power simultaneously and continuously by a microscopic optics during the laser irradiation. We found that measured light power changes were originated with RBCs shape change induced by temperature rise due to the laser irradiation. A gentle peak following a slow descending was observed in the diffuse-reflected-light power history. This history might indicate the precursor state of the charring, in which the hemolysis might be considered to advance rapidly. We think that the measurement of diffuse-reflected-light power history might be able to detect precursor state of charring at the catheter-tip in blood.

Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2010 1 2759-61


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Bactericidal effects of 2.94 microm and 1.67 microm laser.

Kukidome N, Amagai T, Osuka K, Kato J, Hirai Y, Kato T, Aida S

Division of General Dentistry, Tokyo Dental College Chiba Hospital, Chiba, Japan. kukidome@tdc.ac.jp

The bactericidal effects of lasers with wavelengths of 1.67 and 2.94 microm on cariogenic Streptococcus mutans were investigated. Temperature during irradiation was also measured to determine the mechanism underlying the bactericidal effects of the lasers. An aliquot of 2 microl cell suspension of S. mutans JC-2 strain was placed on anhydrous quartz or dentin plate, covering an area of approximately 5.0 mm in diameter to a depth of approximately 0.1 mm. Cell suspension was then irradiated at a power of 0.8 W (3.1 J/cm(2)) at a rate of 40 pps for 30 sec. After irradiation, the plate was put into a bottle containing PBS and vigorously voltated. Solution was serially diluted and inoculated on MS agar. After incubation anaerobically for 72 hr, colony forming units on the agar were counted. The experimental group, the number of bacteria decreased significantly compared to the control group under all conditions. No significant differences were observed in effect of wavelength or plate on bactericidal activity. In conclusion, laser irradiation at a wavelength of 1.67 microm for 30 sec showed a bactericidal effect on S. mutans, suggesting that this wavelength is more useful than 2.94 microm due to greater tissue penetration.

Bull Tokyo Dent Coll 2010 51(4) 185-92


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Inaccuracies in laser therapy meta-analysis for neck pain?

Bjordal JM, Lopes-Martins R, Johnson MI, Chow R

Bergen University College, Norway.

J Physiother 2010 56(4) 282


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[Low intensity laser therapy effects on cell proliferation and differentiation: review of the literature].

Henriques AC, Cazal C, Castro JF

UFRN, Natal, RN, BR. aguidacgh@gmail.com

Low energy laser has been used as an adjuvant therapy or as a therapeutic tool in many different areas of Dentistry. It is recognized by its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and also as a tissue repair inductor. Low intensity laser property in stimulate cell proliferation during wound healing and its biomodulation mechanisms are discussed in this paper. These properties have already been established for cultured benign cells, but there is a controversy when extended to the spectrum of the malignant neoplastic process, normally generating great discussions. The objective of this work was to perform a literature review about the low intensity laser capacity in induce cell proliferation. The discussion is specially concerned about its effects on malignant cells.

Rev Col Bras Cir 2010 Aug 37(4) 295-302


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LLLT Literature Watch November 2010

65 LLLT papers for you to review, a new record high for this bi-monthly literature watch. This edition finds 14 human clinical trials, eleven of which happen to be maxillofacial or intraoral related conditions including LLLT treatments for mouth dryness, desensitisation of teeth, periodontitis, complex regional pain syndrome, preventing restenosis after percutaneous angioplasty and a case report where LLLT was highly effective in reversing the effects of  Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

Clinical evaluation of Er:YAG, Nd:YAG, and diode laser therapy for desensitization of teeth with gingival recession.

Dilsiz A, Aydin T, Canakci V, Gungormus M

Department of Periodontology, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey. aydilsiz@yahoo.com

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of three types of lasers, Er:YAG, Nd:YAG, and GaAlAs (Diode), as dentin desensitizers, as well as to determine both the immediate and late therapeutic effects on teeth with gingival recessions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on 24 patients with 96 teeth with Miller’s class I or class II gingival recessions with clinically elicitable dentin hypersensitivity (DH) divided into three test groups: (A) Er:YAG, 2,940 nm, 60 mJ/pulse, 2 Hz, 20 s; (B) Nd:YAG, 1,064 nm, 100 mJ/pulse, 15 Hz, 100 s, (C) diode; 808 nm, 100 mW, 20s; and one control group (d) control not irradiated. DH was assessed by means of air stimulus. A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to measure DH. The selected teeth in three groups received laser therapy for three sessions. The measurements were performed before each treatment session and at 30 min after the laser application (immediate effect), and additional measurements were also performed at 15, 30, and 60 days after the conclusion of treatment (late effect) to assess the extent of desensitization obtained with the different laser devices. RESULTS: Significant reduction of DH occurred at all times measured during the three treatment sessions in groups treated with Er:YAG, Nd:YAG, and diode lasers. Comparing the means of the responses in the three treatment sessions of the four groups, Group b showed a higher degree of desensitization in teeth with gingival recession compared with the other groups (p < 0.001). The immediate and late therapeutic effects of group b were more evident compared with the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: The Er:YAG, Nd:YAG, and diode lasers can be used to reduce DH. Nd:YAG laser irradiation is more effective in the treatment of DH than are Er:YAG and diode laser. Within the limitations of the present study, the Nd:YAG laser seems to be a suitable tool for successful reduction of DH, especially because the 3-month results of this treatment modality are promising.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28 Suppl 2 S11-7


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The Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy as an Adjunct to Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment.

Aykol G, Baser U, Maden I, Kazak Z, Onan U, Tanrikulu-Kucuk S, Ademoglu E, Issever H, Yalcin F

Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy of smoking and non smoking patients with moderate to advanced chronic periodontitis. Methods: All 36 systemically healthy patients who were included in our study, initially received non-surgical periodontal therapy. The LLLT group (n=18) received GaAlAs diode laser therapy as an adjunct to non surgical periodontal therapy. A diode laser with a wavelength of 808 nm was used for the low level laser therapy. Energy density of 4 J/cm(2) was applied to the gingival surface following the periodontal treatment on the 1(st), 2(nd) and 7(th) days. Each of the LLLT and control groups were divided into two groups as smoking and nonsmoking patients to investigate the effect of smoking on the treatment. GCF samples were collected from all patients and clinical parameters were recorded on baseline, the 1st, 3rd and 6th months after treatment. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, tissue inhibitor matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1, transforming growth factor (TGF)-ss1 and basic-fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) levels in the collected gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) were measured. Results: The primary outcome variable was gingival bleeding and inflammation changes in this study. At all time points, the LLLT group showed significantly more improvement in SBI, CAL, PD levels when compared to the control group (p<0.001). There were clinically significant improvements in the laser applied smokers’ PD and SBI levels when compared to smokers to whom laser was not applied, between the baseline and all time points (p<0.001). (SBI score; control group: 1.12, LLLT group: 1.49, PD; control group: 1.21mm, LLLT group: 1.46mm, between baseline and 6 months). TGF-ss1 levels and the ratio of MMP-1 to TIMP-1 decreased significantly in both groups in 1, 3 and 6 months after periodontal therapy (p<0.001). b-FGF levels significantly decreased in both groups at the 1(st) month after the treatment, then increased at the 3(rd) and 6(th) months (p<0.005). No marker level change showed significant differences between the groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: LLLT as an adjunctive therapy to nonsurgical periodontal treatment improves periodontal healing.

J Periodontol 2010 Oct 8


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Laser Phototherapy for Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: A Case Report.

Simoes A, de Freitas PM, Bello-Silva MS, Tuner J, de Paula Eduardo C

1 Centro de Pesquisa em Biologia Oral, Departamento de Materiais Dentarios, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo , Sao Paulo, Brazil .

Abstract Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a life-threatening dermatosis characterized by epidermal sloughing and stomatitis. We report the case of a 7-year-old boy in whom laser phototherapy (LPT) was highly effective in reversing the effects of an initial episode of SJS that had apparently developed in association with treatment with phenobarbital for a seizure disorder. The patient was first seen in the intensive care unit (ICU) of our institution with fever, cutaneous lesions on his extremities, trunk, face, and neck; mucosal involvement of his genitalia and eyes (conjunctivitis); ulcerative intraoral lesions; and swollen, crusted, and bleeding lips. He reported severe pain at the sites of his intraoral and skin lesions and was unable to eat, speak, swallow, or open his mouth. Trying to prevent and minimize secondary infections, gastric problems, pain, and other complications, the patient was given clindamycin, ranitidine, dipyrone, diphenhydramine (Benadryl) drops, and morphine. In addition, he was instructed to use bicarbonate solution and Ketoconazole (Xylogel) in the oral cavity. Because of the lack of progress of the patient, the LPT was selected. At 5 days after the initial session of LPT, the patient was able to eat gelatin, and on the following day, the number and severity of his intraoral lesions and his labial crusting and swelling had diminished. By 6 days after his initial session of LPT, most of the patient’s intraoral lesions had disappeared, and the few that remained were painless; the patient was able to eat solid food by himself and was removed from the ICU. Ten sessions of LPT were conducted in the hospital. The patient underwent three further and consecutive sessions at the School of Dentistry, when complete healing of his oral lesions was observed. The outcome in this case suggests that LPT may be a new adjuvant modality for SJS complications.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 25


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The Prevention of Induced Oral Mucositis with Low-Level Laser Therapy in Bone Marrow Transplantation Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Silva GB, Mendonca EF, Bariani C, Antunes HS, Silva MA

1 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Unit, Araujo Jorge Hospital, Goias Fight Cancer Association , Goiania, Goias, Brazil .

Abstract Background Data and Objective: Patients who have received high doses of chemotherapy, either alone or in combination with total body irradiation often cite oral mucositis (OM) as the most debilitating side effect. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the prevention of conditioning-induced OM in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Methods: We randomized 42 patients who underwent autologous or allogeneic HSCT. A low-level InGaAlP diode laser was used, emitting light at 660 nm, 40 mW, and 4 J/cm(2). An evaluation of OM was carried out using the World Health Organization scale. Results and Conclusion: In the LLLT group, 57.1% of patients had an OM grade 0, 9.6% had grade 1, and 33.3% had grade 2, whereas in the control group, only 4.8% of patients were free of OM (grade 0). Our results indicate that the preventive use of LLLT in patients who have undergone HSCT is a powerful instrument in reducing OM incidence.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 22


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Treatment of Burning Mouth Syndrome with a Low-Level Energy Diode Laser.

Yang HW, Huang YF

1 Oral Medicine Center, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital , Taichung City, Taiwan .

Abstract Objective: To test the therapeutic efficacy of low-level energy diode laser on burning mouth syndrome. Background: Burning mouth syndrome is characterized by burning and painful sensations in the mouth, especially the tongue, in the absence of significant mucosal abnormalities. Although burning mouth syndrome is relatively common, little is known regarding its etiology and pathophysiology. As a result, no treatment is effective in all patients. Low-level energy diode laser therapy has been used in a variety of chronic and acute pain conditions, including neck, back and myofascial pain, degenerative osteoarthritis, and headache. Methods: A total of 17 patients who had been diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome were treated with an 800-nm wavelength diode laser. A straight handpiece was used with an end of 1-cm diameter with the fiber end standing 4 cm away from the end of handpiece. When the laser was applied, the handpiece directly contacted or was immediately above the symptomatic lingual surface. The output used was 3 W, 50 msec intermittent pulsing, and a frequency of 10 Hz, which was equivalent to an average power of 1.5 W/cm(2) (3 W x 0.05 msec x 10 Hz = 1.5 W/cm(2)). Depending on the involved area, laser was applied to a 1-cm(2) area for 70 sec until all involved area was covered. Overall pain and discomfort were analyzed with a 10-cm visual analogue scale. Results: All patients received diode laser therapy between one and seven times. The average pain score before the treatment was 6.7 (ranging from 2.9 to 9.8). The results showed an average reduction in pain of 47.6% (ranging from 9.3% to 91.8%). The burning sensation remained unchanged for up to 12 months. Conclusion: Low-level energy diode laser may be an effective treatment for burning mouth syndrome.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 22


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Measurements of jaw movements and TMJ pain intensity in patients treated with GaAlAs laser.

Mazzetto MO, Hotta TH, Pizzo RC

Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Ribeirao Preto Dental School, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil. mazzetto@forp.usp.br

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the improvement of the mandibular movements and painful symptoms in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Forty patients were randomly divided into two groups (n=20): Group 1 received the effective dose (GaAlAs laser lambda 830 nm, 40 mW, 5J/cm(2)) and Group 2 received the placebo application (0 J/cm(2)), in continuous mode on the affected condyle lateral pole: superior, anterior, posterior, and posterior-inferior, twice a week during 4 weeks. Four evaluations were performed: E1 (before laser application), E2 (right after the last application), E3 (one week after the last application) and E4 (30 days after the last application). The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant more improvements (p<0.01) in painful symptoms in the treated group than in the placebo group. A significant improvement in the range of mandibular movements was observed when the results were compared between the groups at E4. Laser application can be a supportive therapy in the treatment of TMD, since it resulted in the immediate decrease of painful symptoms and increased range of mandibular movements in the treated group. The same results were not observed in the placebo group.

Braz Dent J 2010 21(4) 356-60


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Clinical evaluation of low-level laser treatment for recurring aphthous stomatitis.

De Souza TO, Martins MA, Bussadori SK, Fernandes KP, Tanji EY, Mesquita-Ferrari RA, Martins MD

Rehabilitation Sciences Department, Nove de Julho University, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of low-level laser on the control of pain and the repair of recurring aphthous stomatitis (RAS). BACKGROUND: One of the most frequent pathologic conditions in the oral cavity is RAS. This multifactor immunologic inflammatory lesion causes patient discomfort, and treatment is controversial because of its unknown etiology. A number of treatment modalities have been proposed, but none is definitive. Low-level laser treatment (LLLT) has been used for lesions of an inflammatory nature, not as an inhibitor of the process, but for its modulating action and reparative effect on tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty patients with RAS were divided into one group treated with a topical corticoid agent (n = 5) and another group treated with laser (n = 15). Group I received conventional treatment with triamcinolone acetonide 4 times per day. The patients in Group II received laser treatment with an InGaA1P diode laser with wavelength of 670 nm, 50 mW, 3 J/cm(2) per point in daily sessions (once per day) on consecutive days. Both treatments were applied until the disappearance of the lesions. All patients were evaluated on a daily basis, and the following clinical parameters were determined during each session: pain intensity before and after treatment and clinical measurement of lesion size. RESULTS: The results revealed that 75% of the patients reported a reduction in pain in the same session after laser treatment, and total regression of the lesion occurred after 4 days. Total regression in the corticoid group was from 5 to 7 days. CONCLUSION: The use of LLLT under the conditions administered in the present study demonstrated analgesic and healing effects with regard to RAS.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28 Suppl 2 S85-8


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Calibration of low-level laser therapy equipment.

Fukuda TY, Jesus JF, Santos MG, Cazarini Junior C, Tanji MM, Plapler H

Physical Therapy Sector, Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericordia de Sao Paulo (ISCMSP), Sao Paulo (SP), Brazil. tfukuda10@yahoo.com.br

BACKGROUND: Despite the increase in the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT), there is still a lack of consensus in the literature regarding how often the equipment must be calibrated. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the real average power of LLLT devices in the Greater Sao Paulo area. METHODS: For the evaluation, a LaserCheck power meter designed to calibrate continuous equipment was used. The power meter was programmed with data related to the laser’s wavelength to gauge the real average power being emitted. The LLLT devices were evaluated in two ways: first with the device cooled down and then with the device warmed up for 10 minutes. For each condition, three tests were performed. The laser probe was aligned with the power meter, which provided the real average power being emitted by the LLLT device. All of the data and information related to the laser application were collected with the use of a questionnaire filled in by the supervising therapists. RESULTS: The 60 devices evaluated showed deficit in real average power in the cooled-down and warmed-up condition. The statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the real average power measured in relation to the manufacturer’s average power. On average, the most common dose in the clinics was 4 J/cm(2), and the most desired effects were healing and anti-inflammatory effects. According to the World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), 1 to 4 J of final energy are necessary to achieve these effects, however only one device was able to reach the recommended therapeutic window. CONCLUSION: The LLLT devices showed a deficit in real average power that emphasized a lack of order in the application of this tool. The present study also showed the need for periodical calibration of LLLT equipment and a better technical knowledge of the therapists involved.

Rev Bras Fisioter 2010 Aug 14(4) 303-8


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Taking a light approach to treating acute ischemic stroke patients: Transcranial near-infrared laser therapy translational science.

Lapchak PA

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Department of Neurology, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Abstract Transcranial near-infrared laser therapy (NILT) has been investigated as a novel neuroprotective treatment for acute ischemic stroke (AIS), for approximately 10 years. Two clinical trials, NeuroThera Effectiveness and Safety Trial (NEST)-1 and NEST-2, have evaluated the use of NILT to promote clinical recovery in patients with AIS. This review covers preclinical, translational, and clinical studies documented during the period 1997-2010. The primary aim of this article is to detail the development profile of NILT to treat AIS. Secondly, insight into possible mechanisms involved in light therapy will be presented. Lastly, possible new directions that should be considered to improve the efficacy profile of NILT in AIS patients will be discussed. The use of NILT was advanced to clinical trials based upon extensive translational research using multiple species. NILT, which may promote functional and behavioral recovery via a mitochondrial mechanism and by enhancing cerebral blood flow, may eventually be established as an Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved treatment for stroke. The NEST-3 trial, which is the pivotal trial for FDA approval, should incorporate hypotheses derived from translational studies to ensure efficacy in patients. Future NILT studies should consider administration of a thrombolytic to enhance cerebral reperfusion alongside NILT neuroprotection.

Ann Med 2010 Dec 42(8) 576-86


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The Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Salivary Glands in Patients With Xerostomia.

Loncar B, Mravak Stipetic M, Baricevic M, Risovic D

1 Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb , Croatia

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of low-level laser irradiation on the secretory function of salivary glands in 34 patients with xerostomia (dry mouth). Background Data: Xerostomia, a common complaint of oral dryness within the elderly population, is caused by a reduction in normal salivary secretion due to different causes. Treatment is aimed at increasing salivary flow, although in most cases it remains palliative. Materials and Methods: In this study, laser light from a pulsed Ga-As laser operating at 904 nm was applied bilaterally on each salivary gland area: extraorally on the parotid and submandibular gland areas and intraorally on the sublingual gland area. The operational probe distance from the irradiated area was 0.5 cm resulting in an irradiance of 246 mW/cm(2). The exposure time was 120 sec per daily treatment during 10 consecutive days. The average energy density per exposure was 29.5 J/cm(2). The control group consisted of 16 patients who were treated with 15 mL of a 2% citric acid solution applied as a mouth rinse for 30 sec. Results: The average difference in the amount of salivation (dQ-sal, mL/min) before and after laser therapy increased linearly from dQ-sal = 0.05 mL/min on the first day, up to dQ-sal = 0.13 mL/min on the last (10th) day of therapy. In the control group, the average dQ-sal initially demonstrated a gradual increase, with a reversal of the trend toward the end of the therapy period and eventually yielding no correlation between the duration of therapy and dQ-sal. Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that the effects of low-level laser therapy on salivary glands are not only stimulating, but also regenerative to a degree since the glandular response to the same amount of applied laser energy increased linearly over time.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Nov 6


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[Evaluation of low level laser and interferential current in the therapy of complex regional pain syndrome by infrared thermographic camera].

Kocic M, Lazovic M, Dimitrijevic I, Mancic D, Stankovic A

Klinicki centar Nis, Klinika za fizikalnu medicinu, rehabilitaciju i protetiku, Nis, Srbija. kocicm60@gmail.com

BACKGROUND/AIM; Complex regional pain syndrom type I (CRPS I) is characterised by continuous regional pain, disproportional according to duration and intensity and to the sort of trauma or other lesion it was caused by. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare, by using thermovison, the effects of low level laser therapy and therapy with interferential current in treatment of CRPS I. METHODS: The prospective randomized controlled clinical study included 45 patients with unilateral CRPS 1, after a fracture of the distal end of the radius, of the tibia and/or the fibula, treated in the Clinical Centre in Nis from 2004 to 2007. The group A consisted of 20 patients treated by low level laser therapy and kinesy-therapy, while the patients in the group B (n = 25) were treated by interferential current and kinesy-therapy. The regions of interest were filmed by a thermovision camera on both sides, before and after the 20 therapeutic procedures had been applied. Afterwards, the quantitative analysis and the comparing of thermograms taken before and after the applied therapy were performed. RESULTS: There was statistically significant decrease of the mean maximum temperature difference between the injured and the contralateral extremity after the therapy in comparison to the status before the therapy, with the patients of the group A (p < 0.001) as well as those of the group B (p < 0.001). The decrease was statistically significantly higher in the group A than in the group B (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: By the use of the infrared thermovision we showed that in the treatment of CRPS I both physical medicine methods were effective, but the effectiveness of laser therapy was statistically significantly higher compared to that of the interferential current therapy.

Vojnosanit Pregl 2010 Sep 67(9) 755-60


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Effects of low-level laser treatment on mouth dryness.

Juras DV, Lukac J, Cekic-Arambasin A, Vidovic A, Canjuga I, Sikora M, Carek A, Ledinsky M

Dental Clinic, Zagreb University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia. djuras@sfzg.hr

Mouth dryness (MD) is usually followed by inadequate mechanical cleaning of the mouth and decrease in the levels of salivary antimicrobial proteins (including secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA)). It is accompanied by difficulties during speaking and food swallowing, with an unpleasant taste, burning sensations in the mouth and higher susceptibility to oral diseases. Low-level laser treatment (LLLT) can intensify cell metabolism and its application on salivary glands could improve salivation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of LLLT on salivation of patients suffering from MD. The study included 17 patients with MD. Their major salivary glands were treated with low intensity laser BTL2000 on 10 occasions. The whole unstimulated and stimulated saliva quantities were measured just before the 1st, after the 10th and thirty days following the last (10th) treatment. In the samples of unstimulated saliva concentrations of sIgA were estimated by using ELISA method and its quantity in the time unit was calculated. The visual analogue scale (VAS) score was used to assess burning and/or pain intensity at these three time points. Statistical tests revealed significant salivation improvement quantitatively and qualitatively, i.e. increase in the quantity of saliva and sIgA. VAS score was also significantly improved and no side effects were observed. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, application of LLLT to xerostomic patients’ major salivary glands stimulates them to produce more saliva with better antimicrobial characteristics and improves the difficulties that are associated with MD. This simple non-invasive method could be used in everyday clinical practice for the treatment of MD.

Coll Antropol 2010 Sep 34(3) 1039-43


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Comparison of total oxidant/antioxidant status in unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia of newborn before and after conventional and LED phototherapy: A prospective randomized controlled trial.

Demirel G, Uras N, Celik IH, Aksoy HT, Oguz SS, Erdeve O, Erel O, Dilmen U

Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity Teaching Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. kgamze@hotmail.com

PURPOSE: We evaluated and compared the oxidant and antioxidant status of hyperbilirubinemic infants before and after the two forms of phototherapy: conventional and LED phototherapy, in order to identify the optimal treatment method. METHOD: Thirty newborns exposed to conventional (Group I) phototherapy and 30 infants exposed to LED phototherapy (Group II) were studied. The serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the total oxidant status (TOS) were assessed by EREL’s method. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in TAC or TOS levels between Group I and Group II prior to phototherapy, and no statistically significant difference in TAC levels between the two groups after phototherapy; however, TOS levels were significantly lower in Group II compared to Group I after phototherapy. Oxidative stress index (OSI) increased after conventional phototherapy (p < 0.05) CONCLUSION: The increase in TOS following conventional phototherapy was not not observed following LED phototherapy. This difference should be considered when using phototherapy.

Clin Invest Med 2010 33(5) E335-41


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Usefulness of intravascular low-power laser illumination in preventing restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention.

Derkacz A, Protasiewicz M, Poreba R, Szuba A, Andrzejak R

Department of Internal Medicine, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland. aderkacz@chirs.am.wroc.pl

Despite the several years of studies, no factor that could reduce the restenosis rate without significant limitations has been introduced. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of low-power 808-nm laser illumination of coronary vessels after percutaneous angioplasty in preventing restenosis. The procedure of laser intravascular illumination was performed on 52 patients (laser group), and another 49 patients formed the control group. All patients were monitored for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at the 6- and 12-month follow-up points. The MACE rate after 6 and 12 months was 7.7% in the laser group at both points. The MACE rate was 14.3% and 18.5% at 6 and 12 months of follow-up in the control group, respectively (p = NS). Follow-up coronary angiography was performed after 6 months. The difference in the restenosis rate was insignificant (15.0% vs 32.4%); however, significant differences were observed in the minimal lumen diameter (2.18 +/- 0.70 vs 1.76 +/- 0.74 mm; p < 0.05), late lumen loss (0.53 +/- 0.68 vs 0.76 +/- 0.76 mm; p < 0.01), and the late lumen loss index (0.28 +/- 0.39 vs 0.46 +/- 0.43; p < 0.005) in favor of the laser group. In conclusion, the new therapy seemed effective and safe. Marked differences between late loss, late loss index, and minimal lumen diameter were observed. The late lumen loss in the laser group was only slightly greater than that in studies of drug-eluting stents, and MACE rate remained within very comparable ranges. This suggests that intravascular laser illumination could bring advantages comparable to those of drug-eluting stents without the risk of late thrombosis.

Am J Cardiol 2010 Oct 15 106(8) 1113-7


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Infrared laser therapy after surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion to diminish pain and accelerate bone healing.

Abreu ME, Viegas VN, Pagnoncelli RM, de Lima EM, Farret AM, Kulczynski FZ, Farret MM

The aim of this study was to illustrate how gallium arsenite aluminum diode laser (824 nm) irradiation can reduce postsurgical edema and discomfort and accelerate sutural osseous regeneration after surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). An adult patient with an 8-mm transverse maxillary discrepancy was treated with SARPE. Infrared laser therapy was started on the 7th postoperative day, with a total of eight sessions at intervals of 48 hours. The laser probe spot had a size of 0.2827 cm2 and was positioned in contact with the following (bilateral) points: infraorbital foramen, nasal alar, nasopalatine foramen, median palatal suture at the height of the molars, and transverse palatine suture distal to the second molars. The laser was run in continuous mode with a power of 100 mW and a fluency of 1.5 J/cm2 for 20 seconds at each point. Subsequently, an absence of edema and pain was observed. Further, fast bone regeneration in the median palatal suture could be demonstrated by occlusal radiographs. These findings suggest that laser therapy can accelerate bone regeneration of the median palatal suture in patients who have undergone SARPE. World J Orthod 2010;11:273-277.

World J Orthod 2010 Fall 11(3) 273-7


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Effects of the combined desensitizing dentifrice and diode laser therapy in the treatment of desensitization of teeth with gingival recession.

Dilsiz A, Aydin T, Emrem G

Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey. aydilsiz@yahoo.com

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare clinically the efficacy of desensitizer toothpaste alone and in combination with the diode laser in the management of dentin hypersensitivity (DH), as well as both the immediate and late therapeutic effects on teeth with gingival recessions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In total, 52 teeth diagnosed with DH in 13 (seven women, six men, aged 16-48 years) healthy adult patients were included in this study, and teeth were randomly divided equally into two groups: the test group, which received treatment with desensitizer toothpaste and GaAlAs (diode) laser, and the control group, treated with desensitizer toothpaste. DH was assessed by means of an air stimulus, and a visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to measure DH. The selected teeth in the test group received laser therapy for three sessions. Teeth subjected to diode-laser treatment were irradiated at 100 mW for 25 sec at 808 nm, with continuous-emission, noncontact mode, perpendicular to the surface, with scanning movements on the region of exposed root surfaces. RESULTS: Significant reduction of DH occurred at all times measured during the three treatment sessions in the test group. When compared with the means of the responses in the three treatment sessions of the two groups, the test group showed a higher degree of desensitization in teeth with gingival recession than did the control group (p < 0.001). The immediate and late therapeutic effects of the diode laser were more evident compared with those of desensitizer toothpaste. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of the present study, a significant effect of combined desensitizer toothpaste and diode laser therapy occurs in the treatment of desensitization of teeth with gingival recession. Desensitizer toothpaste appears to have the therapeutic potential to alleviate DH. Conversely, diode laser can be used to reduce DH.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28 Suppl 2 S69-74


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Combined photodynamic and low-level laser therapies as an adjunct to nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis.

Lui J, Corbet EF, Jin L

Faculty of Dentistry, Periodontology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.

Background and Objective: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of dental lasers for treatment of periodontal diseases. The purpose of this short-term clinical trial was to evaluate the effects of a combination of photodynamic therapy with low-level laser therapy as an adjunct to nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis. Material and Methods: Twenty-four nonsmoking adults with untreated chronic periodontitis were randomly assigned in a split-mouth design to receive scaling and root debridement with or without one course of adjunctive photodynamic therapy and low-level laser therapy within 5 d. Plaque, bleeding on probing, probing depth and gingival recession were recorded at baseline, 1 and 3 mo after the treatment. Gingival crevicular fluid was collected for assay of interleukin-1beta levels at baseline, 1 wk and 1 mo. Results: The test teeth achieved greater reductions in the percentage of sites with bleeding on probing and in mean probing depth at 1 mo compared with the control teeth (p < 0.05). A significant decrease in gingival crevicular fluid volume was observed in both groups at 1 wk (p < 0.001), with a further decrease at 1 mo in the test sites (p < 0.05). The test sites showed a greater reduction of interleukin-1beta levels in gingival crevicular fluid at 1 wk than the control sites (p < 0.05). No significant differences in periodontal parameters were found between the test and control teeth at 3 mo. Conclusions: The present study suggests that a combined course of photodynamic therapy with low-level laser therapy could be a beneficial adjunct to nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis on a short-term basis. Further studies are required to assess the long-term effectiveness of the combination of photodynamic therapy with low-level laser therapy as an adjunct in nonsurgical treatment of periodontitis.

J Periodontal Res 2010 Sep 22


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Low-level laser therapy on hands of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Meireles SM, Jones A, Natour J

Rheumatology Rehabilitation Section, Rheumatology Division, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Clin Rheumatol 2010 Oct 23


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Low-Level Laser Therapy Reduces Delayed Hypersensitivity Reaction to Ovalbumin in Balb/C Mice.

de Oliveira RG, Aarestrup FM, Miranda C, Vieira BJ, Ferreira AP, Andrade LC

1 Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, SUPREMA, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in an experimental model of delayed hypersensitivity reaction (DTH). LLLT has been used clinically to treat numerous diseases and has been tested in different experimental models, but some of its effects have yet to be explained. We assessed the effects of LLLT on DTH to ovalbumin (OVA), a protein that has commonly been used as an antigen to sensitize laboratory animals. This experimental model is broadly used to assess the effects of substances that can potentially modulate the immune system and inflammatory reactions. Balb/C mice were randomly divided into four groups: (I) immunized, untreated, and challenged (n = 6); (II) not immunized, untreated, and challenged (n = 6); (III) immunized, treated with azathioprine (AZA), and challenged (n = 6); and (IV) immunized, treated with LLLT, and challenged (n = 6). Forty-eight hours after the challenge, the animals were submitted to a paw edema test and euthanized for histopathology analysis of their plantar pads. The results obtained in DTH units were as follows: Group I, 19.6 +/- 8.9; Group II, 5.8 +/- 2.6; Group III, 5.6 +/- 2.5; and Group IV, 5.2 +/- 2.6. DTH was less intense for the groups treated with AZA and laser compared with Group I (p < 0.05). We observed no statistical difference between the AZA- and LLLT-treated groups. The slides obtained from the footpad specimens showed that AZA and laser acted similarly on the normal pattern of DTH triggering. Our results suggest that treatment with LLLT has an immunomodulatory effect on DTH to OVA.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 22


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Saad A, Yamany ME, Abbas O, Yehia, M

Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on bone turnover markers in ovariectomized rats.
Methods. Thirty adult female albino rats were divided into three groups; Group 1: 10 sham- operated control rats; Group 2: 10 bilaterally ovariectomized rats (OVX); Group 3: 10 OVX rats exposed to LLLT. LLLT was applied on the neck and shaft of femur, five times per week for 8 weeks. The dose applied on each point was 1000 Hertz, 5 Watts for 30 seconds with a total dose of 15 mJoule/cm2. At the end of experiment, blood samples were collected and sera were separated for determination of serum calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphorus (Pi), osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). In addition, a 24 hour urine sample was also collected from each rat for the determination of urinary calcium, phosphorous and deoxypyridinoline (U-DPD)/creatinine. Results. Significant increase in serum Ca, Pi , ALP, osteocalcin and significant decrease in U-DPD/creatinine in LLLT exposed group was found as compared to the other two groups. Bone morphological findings revealed the increase in calcium deposition and alkaline phosphatase of femoral bones in LLLT exposed group as compared to sham-operated and OVX rats. The software image analysis showed increased osteoblast numbers, decreased osteoclast numbers and increased compact bone thickness in LLLT exposed group. Significant positive correlations was obtained between osteoblast numbers and serum Ca , Pi, ALP and osteocalcin in LLLT exposed group ,while a significant negative correlation was noticed with U-DPD. Conclusion. The use of LLLT was found effective in enhancing bone formation and decreasing bone resorption in the osteoporotic OVX rats. Further studies are necessary to investigate the effect of different parameters of LLLT as wave length, duration and also numbers of sessions. The potential use of LLLT in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis is needed to be verified. Keywords: Ovariectomy – Laser – Calcium – Phosphorus – Alkaline phosphatase – Osteocalcin – Osteoporosis.

Endocr Regul 2010 44(4) 155-163


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[Muscle regeneration and the state of the thymus in adult rats under laser irradiation and alloplasty of newborn gastrocnemius muscle and diaphragm].

The regeneration of gastrocnemius muscles of adult rats under implantation conditions in areas of muscle tissue damage in newborn rats has been studied. Alloplasty was performed using minced gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles, which differs at birth in animals by degree of differentiation. The rat-recipient area of alloplasty was subjected to He-Ne laser radiation before operation, with the aim of reducing the immune response to allogenic muscle tissue. It has been shown that the number of regenerating myofibers produced in implanted gastrocnemius muscles is more than in alloplants from diaphragms. However, the formation of cartilage, bone, and adipose tissue foci were observed in the alloplastic region throughout the whole regeneration period. After implantation of minced diaphragm muscles, cartilage nodes were observed only in 7-day regenerates. At the end of observation, in the first instance, the area of muscle trauma in adult rat muscles was replaced by adipose tissue, even in the case of initial laser irradiation. During the implantation of diaphragm muscles, the area of trauma was filled with regenerating muscle tissue.

Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol 2010 Sep-Oct (5) 535-46


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Identification of source of calcium in HeLa cells by femtosecond laser excitation.

He H, Kong SK, Chan KT

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong.

Calcium is an important messenger in cells and whose store and diffusion dynamics at the subcellular level remain unclear. By inducing a controlled slow subcellular Ca(2+) release through femtosecond laser irradiation in HeLa cells immersed in different media, cytoplasm is identified to be the major intracellular Ca(2+) store, with the nucleus being the minor store and the extracellular Ca(2+) also contributing to the total cellular Ca(2+) level. Furthermore, Ca(2+) released in either the cytoplasm or nucleus diffuses into the nucleus or cytoplasm, respectively, at different rates and influences the Ca(2+) release in those regions.

J Biomed Opt 2010 Sep-Oct 15(5) 057010


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Effects of low-level laser therapy on expression of TNF-alpha and TGF-beta in skeletal muscle during the repair process.

Mesquita-Ferrari RA, Martins MD, Silva JA Jr, da Silva TD, Piovesan RF, Pavesi VC, Bussadori SK, Fernandes KP

Departamento de Pos Graduacao, Mestrado em Ciencias da Reabilitacao, Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 612, Agua Branca, CEP 05001-100, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, raquel.mesquita@gmail.com.

The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the expression of TNF-alpha and TGF-beta in the tibialis anterior muscle of rats following cryoinjury. Muscle regeneration involves cell proliferation, migration and differentiation and is regulated by growth factors and cytokines. A growing body of evidence suggests that LLLT promotes skeletal muscle regeneration by reducing the duration of acute inflammation and accelerating tissue repair. Adult male Wistar rats (n = 35) were randomly divided into three groups: control group (no lesion, untreated, n = 5), cryoinjury without LLLT group (n = 15), and cryoinjury with LLLT group (n = 15). The injured region was irradiated three times a week using an AlGaInP laser (660 nm; beam spot 0.04 cm(2), output power 20 mW, power density 500 mW/cm(2), energy density 5 J/cm(2), exposure time 10 s). Muscle remodeling was evaluated at 1, 7 and 14 days (long-term) following injury. The muscles were removed and total RNA was isolated using TRIzol reagent and cDNA synthesis. Real-time polymerase chain reactions were performed using TNF-alpha and TGF-beta primers; GAPDH was used to normalize the data. LLLT caused a decrease in TNF-alpha mRNA expression at 1 and 7 days following injury and in TGF-beta mRNA expression at 7 days following cryoinjury in comparison to the control group. LLLT modulated cytokine expression during short-term muscle remodeling, inducing a decrease in TNF-alpha and TGF-beta.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Nov 4


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A novel laser vaccine adjuvant increases the motility of antigen presenting cells.

Chen X, Kim P, Farinelli B, Doukas A, Yun SH, Gelfand JA, Anderson RR, Wu MX

Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Department of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America.

BACKGROUND: Development of a potent vaccine adjuvant without introduction of any side effects remains an unmet challenge in the field of the vaccine research. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that laser at a specific setting increased the motility of antigen presenting cells (APCs) and immune responses, with few local or systemic side effects. This laser vaccine adjuvant (LVA) effect was induced by brief illumination of a small area of the skin or muscle with a nondestructive, 532 nm green laser prior to intradermal (i.d.) or intramuscular (i.m.) administration of vaccines at the site of laser illumination. The pre-illumination accelerated the motility of APCs as shown by intravital confocal microscopy, leading to sufficient antigen (Ag)-uptake at the site of vaccine injection and transportation of the Ag-captured APCs to the draining lymph nodes. As a result, the number of Ag(+) dendritic cells (DCs) in draining lymph nodes was significantly higher in both the 1 degrees and 2 degrees draining lymph nodes in the presence than in the absence of LVA. Laser-mediated increases in the motility and lymphatic transportation of APCs augmented significantly humoral immune responses directed against a model vaccine ovalbumin (OVA) or influenza vaccine i.d. injected in both primary and booster vaccinations as compared to the vaccine itself. Strikingly, when the laser was delivered by a hair-like diffusing optical fiber into muscle, laser illumination greatly boosted not only humoral but also cell-mediated immune responses provoked by i.m. immunization with OVA relative to OVA alone. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The results demonstrate the ability of this safe LVA to augment both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. In comparison with all current vaccine adjuvants that are either chemical compounds or biological agents, LVA is novel in both its form and mechanism; it is risk-free and has distinct advantages over traditional vaccine adjuvants.

PLoS One 2010 5(10) e13776


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Metrical and histological investigation of the effects of low-level laser therapy on orthodontic tooth movement.

Altan BA, Sokucu O, Ozkut MM, Inan S

Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cumhuriyet University, 58140, Sivas, Turkey, burcuk12@yahoo.com.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 820-nm diode laser on osteoclastic and osteoblastic cell proliferation-activity and RANKL/OPG release during orthodontic tooth movement. Thirty-eight albino Wistar rats were used for this experiment. Maxillary incisors of the subjects were moved orthodontically by a helical spring with force of 20 g. An 820-nm Ga-Al-As diode laser with an output power of 100 mW and a fiber probe with spot size of 2 mm in diameter were used for laser treatment and irradiations were performed on 5 points at the distal side of the tooth root on the first, second, and 3rd days of the experiment. Total laser energy of 54 J (100 mW, 3.18 W/cm(2), 1717.2 J/cm(2)) was applied to group II and a total of 15 J (100 mW, 3.18 W/cm(2), 477 J/cm(2)) to group III. The experiment lasted for 8 days. The number of osteoclasts, osteoblasts, inflammatory cells and capillaries, and new bone formation were evaluated histologically. Besides immunohistochemical staining of PCNA, RANKL and OPG were also performed. No statistical difference was found for the amount of tooth movement in between the control and study groups (p > 0.05). The number of osteoclasts, osteoblasts, inflammatory cells, capillary vascularization, and new bone formation were found to be increased significantly in group II (p < 0.05). Immunohistochemical staining findings showed that RANKL immunoreactivity was stronger in group II than in the other groups. As to OPG immunoreactivity, no difference was found between the groups. Immunohistochemical parameters were higher in group III than in group I, while both were lower than group II. On the basis of these findings, low-level laser irradiation accelerates the bone remodeling process by stimulating osteoblastic and osteoclastic cell proliferation and function during orthodontic tooth movement.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Oct 31


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[Efficacy and safety evaluation of systemic red light therapy for burn wound repair].

Liu J, Fang Q, Zheng J, Dou Y, Zhang Q, Liao Z, Lin C, Xu J

Burn Center, Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China. jennetrj@hotmail.com

OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of systemic red light therapy on wound repair of burned patients and discuss its possible mechanisms of wound healing promotion. METHODS: 138 burned patients were randomly divided into systemic red light treatment group (n = 69) and control group (n = 69). Patients in control group received routine therapy, while those in test group were given systemic red light therapy once a day, 30 minutes at a time until the wounds were recovered. The clinical findings and variables indicating wound repair were assessed on the 7th, 10th, 14th day, 21st day post-burn and the day when the wounds were healed. RESULTS: Mean time of wound recovery were 19.86 +/- 2.43 days and 21.02 +/- 2.97 days respectively of those deep-thickness wounds in test group and control group, with statistically significance (P < 0.05). For the severity of the pain, VAS during time of dressing change on the 10th, 14th day post burn was lower in test group than that in control group which indicated less painful in test group (P < 0.05), suggesting pain relief effect of systemic red light therapy. CONCLUSION: Systemic red light therapy was effective to promote wound healing of deep-thickness burn wounds and other similar acute wounds. Simultaneously, it is efficacious in pain relief and safe for those patients.

Zhongguo Yi Liao Qi Xie Za Zhi 2010 Jul 34(4) 293-6


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Controversy: is there a role for adjuvants in the management of male pattern hair loss?

Rajput RJ

R R Institute, 201-A, Gasper Enclave, Ambedkar Road, Pali Hill Market, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400050, India.

Patients with hair loss are seeking treatment at a younger age and during earlier stages. Not all need hair transplants. Because of the lack of assured management and the fear of side-effects, patients are turning to ineffective alternative remedies from self-claimed experts. In this report, we discuss the available treatment options and how best they can be used in combination to produce satisfactory results. The traditional approach consists of administration of drugs such as minoxidil and finasteride. We propose a hypothesis that nutritional supplements, 2% ketoconazole shampoo and low-level laser therapy along with finasteride 1 mg used once in 3 days with 2% minoxidil used everyday, given in a cyclical medicine program may be useful to manage hair loss and achieve new hair growth. The scientific rationale for such an approach is explained. The need for further studies to establish the efficacy of the regime is stressed upon.

J Cutan Aesthet Surg 2010 May 3(2) 82-6


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The reactive oxygen species-Src-Stat3 pathway provokes negative feedback inhibition of apoptosis induced by high-fluence low-power laser irradiation.

Sun X, Wu S, Xing D

MOE Key Laboratory of Laser Life Science & Institute of Laser Life Science, College of Biophotonics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

High-fluence low-power laser irradiation (HF-LPLI) can induce apoptosis by triggering mitochondrial oxidative stress. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) is an important transcription factor in the modulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. Here, using real-time single-cell analysis and western blotting analysis, we investigated the changes in activities of Stat3 in COS-7 cells upon HF-LPLI (633 nm, 80 and 120 J.cm(-2)) and the underlying mechanisms involved. We found that Stat3 was significantly activated by HF-LPLI in a time-dependent and dose-dependent manner. Stat3 activation attenuated HF-LPLI-induced apoptosis, as shown by the fact that both dominant negative Stat3 (Y705F) and Stat3 small interfering RNA expression enhanced cellular apoptosis induced by HF-LPLI. Moreover, we also found that Src kinase was the major positive regulator of Stat3 activation induced by HF-LPLI. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was essential for Stat3 and Src activation upon HF-LPLI, because scavenging of ROS by vitamin C or N-acetylcysteine totally abrogated the activation of Stat3 and Src. Taken together, these findings show that the ROS-Src-Stat3 pathway mediates a negative feedback inhibition of apoptosis induced by HF-LPLI in COS-7 cells. Our research will provide new insights into the mechanism of apoptosis caused by HF-LPLI, and also extend the functional study of Stat3.

FEBS J 2010 Nov 277(22) 4789-802


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Effects of 660 and 780 nm low-level laser therapy on neuromuscular recovery after crush injury in rat sciatic nerve.

Gigo-Benato D, Russo TL, Tanaka EH, Assis L, Salvini TF, Parizotto NA

Thermophototherapy Unit, Physical Therapy Department, Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar), Sao Carlos, SP13565-905, Brazil. benatodavilene@yahoo.com.br

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Post-traumatic nerve repair is still a challenge for rehabilitation. It is particularly important to develop clinical protocols to enhance nerve regeneration. The present study investigated the effects of 660 and 780 nm low-level laser therapy (LLLT) using different energy densities (10, 60, and 120 J/cm(2)) on neuromuscular and functional recovery as well as on matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity after crush injury in rat sciatic nerve. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rats received transcutaneous LLLT irradiation at the lesion site for 10 consecutive days post-injury and were sacrificed 28 days after injury. Both the sciatic nerve and tibialis anterior muscles were analyzed. Nerve analyses consisted of histology (light microscopy) and measurements of myelin, axon, and nerve fiber cross-sectional area (CSA). S-100 labeling was used to identify myelin sheath and Schwann cells. Muscle fiber CSA and zymography were carried out to assess the degree of muscle atrophy and MMP activity, respectively. Statistical significance was set at 5% (P

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Nov 42(9) 673-82


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Low-level laser therapy for protection against skeletal muscle damage after ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat hindlimbs.

Lakyova L, Toporcer T, Tomeckova V, Sabo J, Radonak J

Faculty of Medicine, 1st Department of Surgery, Pavol Jozef Soafarik University in Kosoice, Kosoice 040 11, Slovak Republic. lalucka@gmail.com

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Despite numerous hypotheses regarding the action of laser light, the use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in ischemic reperfusion (I/R) injury is still being verified. The present study investigates the effects of low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) on I/R injury of the musculus gracilis in rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: I/R injury of the musculus gracilis flap was induced in male adult Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 84). Rats were subdivided depending on treatment into four subgroups: (1) healthy group, (2) I/R injury without irradiation, (3) R group irradiated only during reperfusion after injury, and (4) IR group irradiated during ischemia and reperfusion injury. LLLT (AlGaInP; lambda = 670 nm; 4 J/cm(2); 40 mW/cm(2)) was applied to the injured muscle four times daily until euthanasia. RESULTS: Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) levels were significantly lower (P<0.05) in the irradiated groups during the first 12-120 hours, while the lower creatine kinase (CK) level reached statistical significance only at 24 hours in the irradiated group when compared to the control group. The number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the gracilis muscle was significantly lower in the treated group only on the second day (P<0.0001). The lowered percentage of necrosis in the muscle tissue was statistically significant after 6 and 10 days of treatment (P<0.0001), while lower atrophy and higher neovascularization were observed at 6-14 days of irradiation (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the group irradiated only during reperfusion and that irradiated during ischemia and reperfusion. CONCLUSION: LLLT confers a protective effect against early inflammatory tissue response, further atrophy, and necrosis of the muscle and it stimulates neovascularization after I/R injury.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Nov 42(9) 665-72


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Laser photobiostimulation of wound healing: defining a dose response for splinted wounds in diabetic mice.

Chung TY, Peplow PV, Baxter GD

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: We have used a 660 nm, 80 mW laser diode in genetic diabetic mice to stimulate the healing of wounds covered with a Tegaderm HP dressing that causes a retardation of contraction (splinted wounds). The purpose of our study was to examine the effects of irradiating the wounds for different time intervals in order to determine a dose response relationship. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A circular excisional wound was made on the left flank of diabetic mice using a 5-mm skin punch, and covered with a Tegaderm HP dressing. Mice were allocated to four groups in which wounds were irradiated 660 nm, 80 mW for 0, 10, 20, or 40 seconds each day for 7 days. In total, 51 mice were used. Wounds were harvested on day 14 and the healing assessed from hematoxylin-eosin stained sections examined by light microscopy. RESULTS: The wounds were splinted in 40 of the mice, and splinting caused a retardation of healing. The findings for the four treatments showed that irradiation for 20 second/day for 7 days brought about the greatest extent of healing. The wounds healed mainly by re-epithelization and granulation tissue formation. This duration of irradiation represents an energy dose of 1.6 J per irradiation and, for an estimated area of irradiation of 32-43 mm(2), corresponds to an energy density of 3.7-5.0 J/cm(2). CONCLUSION: Irradiation with 660 nm, 80 mW at an energy density of 3.7-5.0 J/cm(2) each day for 7 days caused the maximal stimulation of healing in splinted wounds of diabetic mice.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Nov 42(9) 656-64


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Does Low-Level Laser Therapy Have an Antianesthetic Effect? A Review.

Aras MH, Omezli MM, Gungormus M

1 Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Gaziantep University , Gaziantep, Turkey .

Abstract Because local anesthetics are vasodilators, they tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the operative field as a result of the vasodilation of peripheral arterioles. To counteract this vasodilation, vasoconstrictive agents are often included in local anesthetic solutions to provide a longer duration of anesthesia. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has the same benefits, such as microcirculation activation and more-efficient tissue metabolism, analgesic effects, and vasodilatation. If LLLT is used to prevent pain postoperatively, improvements in local circulation and increased vasodilatation may increase the absorption of a local anesthetic agent. This may reduce the duration of the anesthesia, thereby allowing postoperative pain management to begin sooner. The maximal intensity of pain occurs during the first hours after surgery, when the local anesthetic has worn off. Theoretically, postoperative pain control can be increased with the use of a local anesthetic with a more-prolonged action. If a treatment method has both analgesic and antianesthetic effects, then the method may block its own effects. We review whether LLLT applied postoperatively to operated-on areas has an antianesthetic effect, that is, whether pain in the first hours after surgery was greater for patients who received LLLT than for control patients. Not too much evidence supports the antianesthetic effects of LLLT. However, additional experimental and clinical studies must be performed to investigate the effects of LLLT on the duration of anesthesia.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 25


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[Hemodynamic changes of pregnant rats with pre-eclampsia after treatment with low-energy laser irradiation of the chest].

Sun L, Liu P, Quan S

Center for Reproductive Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China. sunli.gz_1980@yahoo.com

OBJECTIVE: To observe the hemodynamic changes and liver and kidney function variations in pregnant rats with pre-eclampsia after treatment with low-energy laser irradiation. METHODS: Forty pregnant SD rats were randomly divided into the experimental group (group A), experimental control group (group B), blank control group (group C) and blank exposure group (group D) (n=10). The rats in groups A and B were injected with 1 microg/kg endotoxin via the tail vein at the 14th day of gestation, and those in groups C and D received normal saline injections. In groups A and B, low-energy laser irradiation of the chest was carried out since day 16 of gestation. Blood pressure, urine protein, liver and kidney function and the hemodynamic changes in the rats were observed. RESULTS: After the treatment, blood pressure, urine protein, ALT, BUN and Cr of group A were lower than those of group B (P<0.05), but similar with those in groups C and D (P>0.05). The blood and plasma viscosity and hematocrit of group A were also lower than those of group B (P<0.01), but comparable with those in groups C and D. CONCLUSION: Low-energy laser irradiation in the chest area may improve the hemodynamic indices, decrease blood pressure and urine protein, and ameliorate liver and kidney functions in pregnant rats with pre-eclampsia.

Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 2010 Oct 30(10) 2259-62


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Photomedicine and LLLT literature watch.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 711-2


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Long-term safety of single and multiple infrared transcranial laser treatments in Sprague-Dawley rats.

McCarthy TJ, De Taboada L, Hildebrandt PK, Ziemer EL, Richieri SP, Streeter J

PhotoThera, Inc., 5925 Priestly Drive, Suite 120, Carlsbad, California, USA. tmccarthy@photothera.com

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Growing interest exists in the use of near-infrared laser therapies for the treatment of numerous neurologic conditions, including acute ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. In consideration of these trends, the objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term safety of transcranial laser therapy with continuous-wave (CW) near-infrared laser light (wavelength, 808 +/- 10 nm, 2-mm diameter) with a nominal radiant power of 70 mW; power density, 2,230 mW/cm(2), and energy density, 268 J/cm(2) at the scalp (10 mW/cm(2) and 1.2 J/cm(2) at the cerebral cortical surface) in healthy Sprague-Dawley rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, 120 anesthetized rats received sequential transcranial laser treatments to the right and left parietal areas of the head on the same day (minimum of 5 min between irradiation of each side), on either Day 1 or on each of Days 1, 3, and 5. Sixty anesthetized rats served as sham controls. Rats were evaluated 1 year after treatment for abnormalities in clinical hematology and brain and pituitary gland histopathology. RESULTS: No toxicologically important differences were found in the clinical hematology results between sham-control and laser-treated rats for any hematologic parameters examined. All values fell within historic control reference ranges for aged Sprague-Dawley rats. Similarly, brain and pituitary gland histopathology showed no treatment-related abnormalities or induced neoplasia. CONCLUSIONS: Single and multiple applications of transcranial laser therapy with 808-nm CW laser light at a nominal power density of 10 mW/cm(2) at the surface of the cerebral cortex appears to be safe in Sprague-Dawley rats 1 year after treatment.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 663-7


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A combination of 670 nm and 810 nm diode lasers for wound healing acceleration in diabetic rats.

Jahangiri Noudeh Y, Shabani M, Vatankhah N, Hashemian SJ, Akbari K

Medical Students Research Committee, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. y.jahangiri@gmail.com

OBJECTIVES: To study the effects of the combination of 670 nm and 810 nm diode lasers on diabetic wound healing parameters in rats. BACKGROUND: An alternative to traditional treatment modalities for diabetic ulcers is low-level laser therapy (LLLT). A number of published studies demonstrate the beneficial effects of LLLT, although several other studies also exist which indicate results to the contrary. METHODS: Four groups were present in our study: Diabetic-laser (n = 5), Diabetic-control (n = 4), Nondiabetic-laser (n = 5) and Nondiabetic-control (n = 5) groups. Two intervention (laser) groups underwent low level laser therapy using 670 nm diode laser (500 mW, 10 J, 48 s) in the wound context, and 810 nm diode laser (250 mW, 12 J, 50 s) to the wound margins. The wound area was measured using computer software after digital microscopic photography on days 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 20, and 24. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the diabetic and non-diabetic groups in the wound area, percentage of open wound area, and wound healing rate throughout the repeated measurements of the study. After seven days of low level laser therapy in the non-diabetic group, urine excretion was significantly increased in comparison with the control group. CONCLUSION: Overall, our study showed results of measured wound healing parameters that were not significantly different in the LLLT group compared with the control group. The urine volume increase in non-diabetic rats after LLLT was an incidental observation that warrants future study.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 621-7


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Polarized light (lambda400-2000 nm) on third-degree burns in diabetic rats: immunohistochemical study.

Oliveira PC, Pinheiro AL, Reis Junior JA, de Castro IC, Gurgel C, Noia MP, Meireles GC, Cangussu MC, Ramalho LM

Center of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil.

AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate with light microscopy the healing process of third-degree burns on diabetic rats treated with polarized light (lambda400-2000 nm, 20 or 40 J/cm(2)/session, 40 mW/cm(2), 2.4 J/cm(2)/min, 5.5-cm beam diameter). BACKGROUND: Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus causes severe disruption of the body’s metabolism, including healing. Polarized light sources have been shown to be effective in improving healing in many situations. ANIMALS AND METHODS: Diabetes mellitus was induced with streptozotocin (60 mg/kg) in 45 male Wistar albino rats, and a third-degree burn (1.5 by 1.5 cm) was created on the dorsum of each animal under general anesthesia. The animals were randomly distributed into three groups: control, 20 J/cm(2), and 40 J/cm(2). Each group was then divided into three subgroups based on time of death (7, 14, 21 d). Phototherapy (20 or 40 J/cm(2) per session) was carried out immediately after the burning and repeated daily until the day before death. Following animal death, specimens were removed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) or Sirius Red or immunomarked with CK AE1/AE3 antibody. Qualitative and semiquantitative analyses were performed under light microscopy. The results were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: The animals treated with 20 J/cm(2) showed significant differences with regard to revascularization and re-epithelialization. Although the 40 J/cm(2) group showed stimulation of fibroblastic proliferation as an isolated feature, no other difference from the control was observed. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the use of polarized light at 20 J/cm(2) effectively improves the healing of third-degree burns on diabetic animals at both early and late stages of repair.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 613-9


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Comparative study of the effects of gallium-aluminum-arsenide laser photobiomodulation and healing oil on skin wounds in wistar rats: a histomorphometric study.

Goncalves RV, Novaes RD, Matta SL, Benevides GP, Faria FR, Pinto MV

Laboratory of Structural Biology, Department of General Biology, Federal University of Vicosa, MG, Brazil. reggysvilela@yahoo.com.br

OBJECTIVE: The present study compared the effects of gallium-aluminum-arsenide diode laser and healing oil on fibroblasts, blood vessels, and collagen maturation of skin wounds in Wistar rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-four male rats weighing 325 +/- 27 g were used. Five wounds, 12 mm in diameter, were made on the animals’ backs. The rats were randomly divided into four groups with six animals in each group. Control group: saline solution; L30 group: 30 J/cm(2) laser; L60 group: 60 J/cm(2) laser; Oil group: healing oil. Histomorphometric analysis was performed on the scar tissue removed from the different wounds every 4 d for 20 d. RESULTS: On day 4, there were significantly more fibroblasts in the wounds treated with the laser and the healing oil compared to the controls. On day 8, there were significantly more fibroblasts in the oil group compared to the L30 and L60 groups. On the same day, the quantity of vessels was significantly greater in the L60 group compared to the other groups. On day 16, there was a significant increase in the number of blood vessels in the wounds treated with the 60 J/cm(2) laser compared to the other groups. Analysis of the collagen maturation index throughout the experiment showed significantly higher values in the L60 group compared to the other groups at all time points. CONCLUSION: The healing oil exerted a greater effect on fibroblast proliferation, whereas the 60 J/cm(2) laser was more effective in stimulating angiogenesis and scar-tissue maturation.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 597-602


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Abstracts of Laser Florence 2010, 24th International Congress of Laser Medicine. November 5-6, 2010. Florence, Italy.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Nov 25(Suppl 1) S18-55


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Low-level laser therapy for neck pain.

Peres MF

Cephalalgia 2010 Nov 30(11) 1408


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Different brain network activations induced by modulation and nonmodulation laser acupuncture.

Hsieh CW, Wu JH, Hsieh CH, Wang QF, Chen JH

Department of Photonic and Communication Engineering, Asia University, Taichung 41354, Taiwan.

The aim of this study is to compare the distinct cerebral activation with continued wave (CW) and 10 Hz-modulated wave (MW) stimulation during low-level laser acupuncture. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies were performed to investigate the possible mechanism during laser acupuncture stimulation at the left foot’s yongquan (K1) acupoint. There are 12 healthy right-handed volunteers for each type of laser stimulation (10-Hz-Modulated wave: 8 males and 4 females; continued wave: 9 males and 3 females). The analysis of multisubjects in this experiment was applied by random-effect (RFX) analysis. In CW groups, significant activations were found within the inferior parietal lobule, the primary somatosensory cortex, and the precuneus of left parietal lobe. Medial and superior frontal gyrus of left frontal lobe were also aroused. In MW groups, significant activations were found within the primary motor cortex and middle temporal gyrus of left hemisphere and bilateral cuneus. Placebo stimulation did not show any activation. Most activation areas were involved in the functions of memory, attention, and self-consciousness. The results showed the cerebral hemodynamic responses of two laser acupuncture stimulation modes and implied that its mechanism was not only based upon afferent sensory information processing, but that it also had the hemodynamic property altered during external stimulation.

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011


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Comparison of the effects of electrical field stimulation and low-level laser therapy on bone loss in spinal cord-injured rats.

Medalha CC, Amorim BO, Ferreira JM, Oliveira P, Pereira RM, Tim C, Lirani-Galvao AP, da Silva OL, Renno AC

Department of Bioscience, Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Santos, SP, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and electrical stimulation (ES) on bone loss in spinal cord-injured rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-seven male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: standard control group (CG); spinal cord-injured control (SC); spinal cord-injured treated with laser (SCL; GaAlAs, 830 nm, CW, 30 mW/cm, 250 J/cm(2)); and spinal cord-injured treated with electrical field stimulation (SCE; 1.5 MHz, 1:4 duty cycles, 30 mW, 20 min). Biomechanical, densitometric, and morphometric analyses were performed. RESULTS: SC rats showed a significant decrease in bone mass, biomechanical properties, and morphometric parameters (versus CG). SCE rats showed significantly higher values of inner diameter and internal and external areas of tibia diaphyses; and the SCL group showed a trend toward the same result (versus SC). No increase was found in either mechanical or densitometric parameters. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the mentioned treatments were able to initiate a positive bone-tissue response, maybe through stimulation of osteoblasts, which was able to determine the observed morphometric modifications. However, the evoked tissue response could not determine either biomechanical or densitometric modifications.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 669-74


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Laser-Modulation of Heat and Capsaicin Receptor TRPV1 Leads to Thermal Antinociception.

Ryu JJ, Yoo S, Kim KY, Park JS, Bang S, Lee SH, Yang TJ, Cho H, Hwang SW

Er,Cr:YSGG lasers are used clinically in dentistry. The advantages of laser therapy include minimal thermal damage and the alleviation of pain. This study examined whether the Er,Cr:YSGG laser has in vivo and in vitro antinociceptive effects in itself. In capsaicin-evoked acute licking/shaking tests and Hargreaves tests, laser irradiation with an aerated water spray suppressed nociceptive behavior in mice. Laser irradiation attenuated TRPV1 activation by capsaicin in Ca(2+) imaging experiments with TRPV1-overexpressing cells and cultured trigeminal neurons. Therefore, the laser-induced behavioral changes are probably due to the loss of TRPV1 activity. TRPV4 activity was also attenuated, but limited mechanical antinociception by the laser was observed. The laser failed to alter the other receptor functions, which indicates that the antinociceptive effect of the laser is dependent on TRPV1. These results suggest that the Er,Cr:YSGG laser has analgesic effects via TRPV1 inhibition. Such mechanistic approaches may help define the laser-sensitive pain modality and increase its beneficial uses.

J Dent Res 2010 Oct 8


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Low-level laser intensity application in masseter muscle for treatment purposes.

Rizzi EC, Issa JP, Dias FJ, Leao JC, Regalo SC, Siessere S, Watanabe IS, Iyomasa MM

Department of Morphology, Stomatology and Physiology, Ribeirao Preto School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated with histochemical analysis how the number of laser applications can affect the masseter muscle. BACKGROUND: In dentistry today, the laser is used in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), mainly for radiating pain in the masticatory muscles, whose origins may be associated with malocclusion, although the laser effects are not well understood on the cellular level. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty mice (HRS/J lineage) were randomly distributed into groups according to the number of laser applications (three, six, and 10). For each group of laser applications (experimental, n = 5), it was considered the control group (n = 5), which was not irradiated. All animals inhaled halothane (2-bromo-2-chloro-1, 1, 1-trifluoroethane, minimum 99%, Sigma Aldrich, India) before each laser irradiation performed on the left masseter muscle region, on alternate days with 20 J/cm(2), 40 mW, for 20 sec. The muscle samples were collected for histochemical analysis with succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) enzyme 72 h after the last application. RESULTS: (a) A decrease in area of light fibers type (35.91% +/- 6.9%; 32.08% +/- 6.3%, and 27.88% +/- 6.3%), according to the increase of laser applications (p < 0.05); (b) significant increase (p < 0.05) in the area of intermediate fibers, with an increase of laser application (11.08% +/- 3.9%; 16.52% +/- 5.7%, and 15.96% +/- 3.9%), although the increase with 10 applications was small; (c) area increase of dark fibers in the group with three laser applications (0.16% +/- 0.3%) (p < 0.05), and in groups with six and 10 laser applications, respectively (9.68% +/- 6.0% and 9.60% +/- 4.0%). CONCLUSIONS: The SDH enzyme activity revealed that the number of laser applications increases the metabolic pattern of the muscle fibers. A minimal difference in metabolic activity between six and 10 applications of a laser suggests that further analyses should be done to confirm that six applications are enough to produce the same clinical effects, thereby contributing data to professionals from different fields in regard to the cost-benefit ratio of this therapy.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28 Suppl 2 S31-5


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Effect of laser (670 nm) on healing of wounds covered with occlusive dressing: a histologic and biomechanical analysis.

de Oliveira Guirro EC, de Lima Montebelo MI, de Almeida Bortot B, da Costa Betito Torres MA, Polacow ML

Department of Biomechanics, Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System, School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. ecguirro@fmrp.usp.br

OBJECTIVES: To analyze the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 670 nm, with doses of 4 and 7 J/cm(2), on the repair of surgical wounds covered by occlusive dressings. Background Data: The effect of LLLT on the healing process of covered wounds is not well defined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the histologic analysis with HE staining, 50 male Wistar rats were submitted to surgical incisions and divided into 10 groups (n = 5): control; stimulated with 4 and 7 J/cm(2) daily, for 7 and 14 days, with or without occlusion. Reepithelization and the number of leukocytes, fibroblasts, and fibrocytes were obtained with an image processor. For the biomechanical analysis, 25 rats were submitted to a surgical incision and divided into five groups (n = 5): treated for 14 days with and without occlusive dressing, and the sham group. Samples of the lesions were collected and submitted to the tensile test. One-way analysis of variance was performed, followed by post hoc analysis. A Tukey test was used on the biomechanical data, and the Tamhane test on the histologic data. A significance level of 5% was chosen (p

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 629-34


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Influence of laser (lambda670 nm) and dexamethasone on the chronology of cutaneous repair.

Marchionni AM, Medrado AP, Silva TM, Fracassi LD, Pinheiro AL, Reis SR

Laser Center, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the effect of LLLT associated with and without dexamethasone on inflammation and wound healing in cutaneous surgical wounds. Background: Limited studies are directed at the possible interference of laser photobiomodulation on the formation of myofibroblasts, associated with an antiinflammatory drug. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Standard skin wounds were performed on 80 Wistar rats, distributed into four groups: no treatment (sham group), laser only (lambda670 nm, 9 mW, 0.031 W/cm(2), 4 J/cm(2), single dose after surgery), dexamethasone only (2 mg/kg 1 h before surgery), and laser with dexamethasone. Tissue was examined histologically to evaluate edema, presence of polymorphonuclear, mononuclear cells, and collagen. The analysis of myofibroblasts was assessed by immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. The intensity was rated semiquantitatively. RESULTS: The results showed that laser and dexamethasone acted in a similar pattern to reduce acute inflammation. Collagen synthesis and myofibroblasts were more intense in the laser group (p = 0.048), whereas animals treated with dexamethasone showed lower results for these variables. In a combination of therapies, the synthesis of collagen and actin and desmin-positive cells was less than laser group. CONCLUSIONS: Laser was effective in reducing swelling and polymorphonuclear cells and accelerated tissue repair, even in the presence of dexamethasone.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 639-46


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Enhanced liver regeneration following acute hepatectomy by low-level laser therapy.

Oron U, Maltz L, Tuby H, Sorin V, Czerniak A

Department of Zoology, Life Sciences Faculty, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel. oronu@post.tau.ac.il

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on liver regeneration following hepatectomy. Background: LLLT has been found to modulate various biological processes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve mature male rats were used. The liver was exposed, and 70% of it was excised. The rats were assigned randomly to two groups: control, non-laser treated, and experimental, laser-treated (diode [Ga-Al-As] laser 804 nm) group. For determination of newly formed blood vessels and proliferating cells, 5-Bromo-2’deoxyuridine (BrdU) was injected intraperitoneally. The rats were sacrificed 2 d post hepatectomy, and histological sections from each liver were processed for analysis of new blood-vessel formation using BrdU immunostaining kit. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were assessed using c-kit immunostaining. BrdU-labeled cells were counted as for estimation of newly formed hepatic cells. RESULTS: It was found that the number of proliferating cells (BrdU positive cells) per area in the regenerating regions of the livers were significantly (p < 0.01) 2.6-fold higher in the laser-treated rats than in the control non-laser-treated rats. The density of the newly formed blood vessels and c-kit immunopositive cells in the regenerating area of the laser-treated livers was significantly (p < 0.01) 3.3- and 2.3-fold respectively higher than the control non-laser treated livers. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that LLLT following acute hepatectomy most probably stimulates a significant enhancement of liver regeneration conducive to both the formation of new hepatocytes and MSCs and angiogenesis in the regenerating liver.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 675-8


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Tooth movement after infrared laser phototherapy: clinical study in rodents.

Gama SK, Habib FA, Monteiro JS, Paraguassu GM, Araujo TM, Cangussu MC, Pinheiro AL

Centro de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial Prof. Jose Edimo Soares Martins, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazil.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of low-power laser on tooth movement in rats. BACKGROUND: Tooth movement is closely related to the process of bone remodeling. The biologic result, with the application of a force to the tooth, is bone absorption on the pressure side and neoformation on the traction side of the alveolar bone. The laser photobiomodulation is capable of providing an increase in cellular metabolism, blood flow, and lymphatic drainage. METHODS: Thirty young-adult male Wistar rats weighing between 250 and 300 g were divided into two groups, control and experimental, containing 15 animals each. The animals received orthodontic devices calibrated to release a force of 40 g/F, with the purpose of moving the first upper molar mesially. Low-intensity laser, wavelength 790 nm, was used in the experimental group; the dose was 4.5 J/cm(2) per point, mesial and distal, on the palatal side, 11 J/cm(2) on the buccal side, and this procedure was repeated every 48 h, totaling nine applications. The active movement was clinically evaluated after 7, 13, and 19 days. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The results showed no statistically significant difference, p = 0.079 (T0-T7), p = 0.597 (T7-T13), and p = 0.550 (T13-T19) between the laser and control groups on the amount of tooth movement in the different times evaluated. It may be concluded that laser phototherapy, with the parameters in the present study, did not significantly increase the amount of tooth displacement during induced orthodontic movement in rodents.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28 Suppl 2 S79-83


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Histological and radiographic evaluation of the muscle tissue of rats after implantation of bone morphogenic protein (rhBMP-2) in a scaffold of inorganic bone and after stimulation with low-power laser light.

Bengtson AL, Bengtson NG, Bengtson CR, Mendes FM, Pinheiro SR

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Metropolitan University of Santos (UNIMES). R. Constituicao, 374, Santos/SP, 11015-470, Brazil. al.bengtson@uol.com.br

OBJECTIVE: The present study histologically and radiologically evaluates the muscle tissue of rats after implantation of bone morphogenic protein (rhBMP-2) in a natural inorganic bone mineral scaffold from a bull calf femur and irradiation with low-power light laser. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The right and left hind limbs of 16 rats were shaved and an incision was made in the muscle on the face corresponding to the median portion of the tibia, into which rhBMP-2 in a scaffold of inorganic bone was implanted. Two groups of limbs were formed: control (G1) and laser irradiation (G2). G2 received diode laser light applied in the direction of the implant, at a dose of 8 J/cm2 for three minutes. On the 7th, 21st, 40th and 112th days after implantation, hind limbs of 4 animals were radiographed and their implants removed together with the surrounding tissue for study under the microscope. The histological results were graded as 0=absence, 1=slight presence, 2=representative and 3=very representative, with regard to the following events: formation of osteoid structure, acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, fibrin deposition, neovascularization, foreign-body granuloma and fibrosis. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in these events at each evaluation times, between the two groups (P > 0.05; Mann-Whitney test). Nevertheless, it could be concluded that the natural inorganic bone matrix with rhBMP-2, from the femur of a bull calf, is a biocompatible combination. CONCLUSIONS: Under these conditions, the inductive capacity of rhBMP-2 for cell differentiation was inhibited. There was a slight acceleration in tissue healing in the group that received irradiation with low-power laser light.

Indian J Dent Res 2010 Jul-Sep 21(3) 420-4


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Raman spectroscopy validation of DIAGNOdent-assisted fluorescence readings on tibial fractures treated with laser phototherapy, BMPs, guided bone regeneration, and miniplates.

Pinheiro AL, Lopes CB, Pacheco MT, Brugnera A Jr, Zanin FA, Cangussu MC, Silveira L Jr

Center of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. albp@ufba.br

OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess through Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence the levels of calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA) and lipids and proteins in complete fractures treated with internal rigid fixation (IRF) treated or not with laser phototherapy (LPT) and associated or not with bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and guided bone regeneration (GBR). BACKGROUND: Fractures have different etiologies and treatments and may be associated with bone losses. LPT has been shown to improve bone healing. METHODS: Tibial fractures were created on 15 animals and divided into five groups. LPT started immediately after surgery, repeated at 48-h intervals. Animal death occurred after 30 days. RESULTS: Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence were performed at the surface. Fluorescence data of group IRF + LPT + Biomaterial showed similar readings to those of the group IRF-no bone loss. Significant differences were seen between groups IRF + LPT + Biomaterial and IRF + LPT; IRF + LPT + Biomaterial; and IRF + Biomaterial; and between IRF + LPT + Biomaterial and IRF. CH groups of lipids and proteins readings showed decreased levels of organic components in subjects treated with the association of LPT, biomaterial, and GBR. Pearson correlation showed that fluorescence readings of both CHA and CH groups of lipids and proteins correlated negatively with the Raman data. CONCLUSIONS: The use of both methods indicates that the use of the biomaterials associated with infrared LPT resulted in a more-advanced and higher quality of bone repair in fractures treated with miniplates and that the DIAGNOdent may be used to perform optical biopsy on bone.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28 Suppl 2 S89-97


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Biosilicate((R)) and low-level laser therapy improve bone repair in osteoporotic rats.

Bossini PS, Muniz Renno AC, Ribeiro DA, Fangel R, Peitl O, Zanotto ED, Parizotto NA

Department of Physiotherapy, Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar), Rodovia Washington Luis (SP-310), km 235, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a novel bioactive material (Biosilicate((R))) and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on bone fracture consolidation in osteoporotic rats. Forty female Wistar rats were submitted to ovariectomy (OVX) to induce osteopenia. Eight weeks after surgery, the animals were randomly divided into four groups of 10 animals each: a bone defect control group (CG); a bone defect filled with Biosilicate group (BG); a bone defect filled with Biosilicate and irradiated with LLLT at 60 J/cm(2) group (BG60); and a bone defect filled with Biosilicate and irradiated with LLLT at 120 J/cm(2) group (BG120). Bone defects were surgically performed on both tibias. The size of particle used for Biosilicate was 180-212 microm. Histopathological analysis showed that bone defects were predominantly filled with the biomaterial in specimens treated with Biosilicate. LLLT with either 60 or 120 J/cm(2) was able to increase collagen, Cbfa-1, VGEF and COX-2 expression in the circumjacent cells of the biomaterial. A morphometric analysis revealed that the Biosilicate + laser groups showed a higher amount of newly formed bone. Our results indicate that laser therapy improves bone repair process in contact with Biosilicate as a result of increasing bone formation, as well as COX-2 and Cbfa-1 immunoexpression, angiogenesis and collagen deposition in osteoporotic rats. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2010 Oct 5


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Inflicting Controlled Nonthermal Damage to Subcellular Structures by Laser-Activated Gold Nanoparticles.

Krpetic Z, Nativo P, See V, Prior IA, Brust M, Volk M

Centre for Nanoscale Science, Department of Chemistry, Crown Street, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZD, United Kingdom.

We show that low-intensity laser irradiation of cancer cells containing endosomal gold nanoparticles leads to endosome rupture and escape of the nanoparticles into the cytosol without affecting the cells’ viability. The low light intensity of our experiments allows us to rule out photothermal effects as the underlying mechanism, and we present results that suggest photoinduced radicals as the photogenerated active species. This nonthermal mechanism may also be important in the context of cell death at higher laser intensities, which had been reported previously.

Nano Lett 2010 Oct 5


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Laser acupuncture and prevention of bone loss in tail-suspended rats.

Guo X, Liu MQ, Man HC, Wang XY, Mu JJ, Li YZ, Feng JS, Shi SQ, Zhang M

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China. rsguoxia@inet.polyu.edu.hk

BACKGROUND: Skeletal unloading during spaceflight results in bone loss. This study investigated whether laser acupuncture could be an effective countermeasure to prevent unloading-induced bone loss in rats. METHODS: There were 18 rats that were randomly assigned into three groups: a control group, a tail-suspended group (TS), and a tail-suspended with laser acupuncture treatment group (TSA). The rats in the TSA group were treated with laser acupuncture at the KI1 (Yong Quan) and ST36 (Zu San Li) acupoints of the left leg for 3 min per day. Bone mineral density (BMD), biomechanical properties, and histomorphometry of both tibiae were determined after the animals were euthanized at the end of week 4. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, BMD in the TS group significantly decreased by 12.3% in cortical bone and 15.1% in cancellous bone, whereas BMD in the TSA group decreased by only 3.1% in cortical bone and 9.0% in cancellous bone. The hardness of cortical bone dropped 44.1% in the TS group and 22.3% in the TSA group compared with the control group. The histomorphometry data were in accordance with BMD measurements. Although acupuncture treatment was applied only to the left side, we observed similar changes between the measurements of both the left and right tibiae. CONCLUSION: Laser acupuncture on KI1 and ST36 can inhibit bone loss in rats subjected to unloading. The fact that similar changes between the right and left sides when only the left limbs were treated suggests that the preventive effect of laser acupuncture occurs via a systemic regulation.

Aviat Space Environ Med 2010 Oct 81(10) 914-8


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[Effects of 650 nm laser and moxibustion pretreatment on enteric nervous system and medullary visceral zone in rats with visceral traction pain].

Yang HY, Guo TT, Ma YN, Liu TY, Gao M

Acupuncture and Massage College, Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai 201203, China. yhyabcd@sina.com

OBJECTIVE: To explore effects of 650 nm laser and moxibustion pretreatment on visceral traction pain (VTP) and its mechanism. METHODS: Forty male SD rats were randomly devided into a sham operation group (group A), a VTP group (group B), a 650 nm laser pretreatment group (group C), a moxibustion pretreatment group (group D). Rats in group A and group B were not treated except sham operation or VTP model. In group C and D, the VTP models were produced immediate after 650 nm laser irradiation or moxibustion at “Zusanli” (ST 36), respectively. The changes of pain score and systolic pressure were investigated and the activity of AChE, the content of SP and leu-enkephaline (LEK), and the positive index of c-Fos protein and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were detected by biochemistry, radio-immunity method and immunohistochemistry, respectively. RESULTS: Compared with group A, the pain score, systolic pressure, the activity of AChE, the content of SP, and the positive index of c-Fos protein and GFAP of group B increased significantly (all P < 0.05); compared with group B, the pain score, AChE activity, the content of SP and the positive index of c-Fos protein and GFAP of both group C and group D decreased significantly (all P < 0.05); compared with group B, the content of LEK increased and systolic pressure decreased significantly in group C (both P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Both 650 nm laser and moxibustion pretreatment can inhibit VTP and the mechanism may be related to reducing the activity of AChE and the content of SP, and increasing the activity of LEK and decreasing the expression of c-Fos protein and GFAP.

Zhongguo Zhen Jiu 2010 Sep 30(9) 745-51


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Estimation of the optimal wavelengths for laser-induced wound healing.

Ankri R, Lubart R, Taitelbaum H

Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: According to earlier in vitro low level laser therapy (LLLT) studies, wavelengths in the red and near infrared range, that are absorbed by cytochrome oxidase, stimulate cell growth and hence wound healing. Wavelengths in the blue region that are absorbed by flavins were found to exert a bactericidal effect that is very important for treating infected wounds. However, as far as therapeutic application of light is concerned, penetration into the tissue must be considered. For this purpose we estimated the penetration depth as a function of the relevant wavelengths, using the formulae of the photon migration model for skin tissue. METHODS: We use the photon diffusion model, which is an analytical model for describing light transfer in biological tissues. We refer to the most common chromophores in human tissue and evaluate their volume fraction and concentration in skin cells. These empirically estimated mean wavelength-dependent absorption coefficients are then substituted in the theoretical expressions for the optical penetration depth in the tissue. The wavelengths, for which the penetration depth is the highest, are the optimal wavelengths to be used in wound healing treatments. RESULTS: Our model suggests that the optimal wavelengths for therapeutic treatments are in the red region with a local maximum at 730 nm. As to the blue region, a local maximum at 480 nm was found. CONCLUSION: Light at 480 nm should be used for treating infected wounds followed by 730 nm light for enhancing wound closure.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Oct 42(8) 760-4


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Low energy laser light (632.8 nm) suppresses amyloid-beta peptide-induced oxidative and inflammatory responses in astrocytes.

Yang X, Askarova S, Sheng W, Chen JK, Sun AY, Sun GY, Yao G, Lee JC

Department of Biological Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA.

Oxidative stress and inflammation are important processes in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Recent studies have implicated the role of amyloid beta-peptides (Abeta) in mediating these processes. In astrocytes, oligomeric Abeta induces the assembly of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase complexes resulting in its activation to produce anionic superoxide. Abeta also promotes production of pro-inflammatory factors in astrocytes. Since low energy laser has previously been reported to attenuate oxidative stress and inflammation in biological systems, the objective of this study was to examine whether this type of laser light was able to abrogate the oxidative and inflammatory responses induced by Abeta. Primary rat astrocytes were exposed to Helium-Neon laser (lambda=632.8 nm), followed by the treatment with oligomeric Abeta. Primary rat astrocytes were used to measure Abeta-induced production of superoxide anions using fluorescence microscopy of dihydroethidium (DHE), assembly of NADPH oxidase subunits by the colocalization between the cytosolic p47(phox) subunit and the membrane gp91(phox) subunit using fluorescent confocal microscopy, phosphorylation of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) cPLA(2) and expressions of pro-inflammatory factors including interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) using Western blot Analysis. Our data showed that laser light at 632.8 nm suppressed Abeta-induced superoxide production, colocalization between NADPH oxidase gp91(phox) and p47(phox) subunits, phosphorylation of cPLA(2,) and the expressions of IL-1beta and iNOS in primary astrocytes. We demonstrated for the first time that 632.8 nm laser was capable of suppressing cellular pathways of oxidative stress and inflammatory responses critical in the pathogenesis in AD. This study should prove to provide the groundwork for further investigations for the potential use of laser therapy as a treatment for AD.

Neuroscience 2010 Sep 25


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Effects of laser photherapy on bone defects grafted with mineral trioxide aggregate, bone morphogenetic proteins, and guided bone regeneration: A Raman spectroscopic study.

Pinheiro AL, Aciole GT, Cangussu MC, Pacheco MT, Silveira L Jr

Center of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, Av. Araujo Pinho, 62, Canela, Salvador, BA 40110-150, Brazil; Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, Nucleo do Parque Tecnologico de Sao Jose dos Campos, Rodovia Presidente Dutra, km. 138, Distrito de Eugenio de Melo, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP 12245-230, Brazil; Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Optica e Fotonica, Sao Carlos, SP 13560-970, Brazil. albp@ufba.br.

We have used Raman analysis to assess bone healing on different models. Benefits on the isolated or combined use of mineral trioxide aggregate, bone morphogenetic proteins, guided bone regeneration and laser on bone repair have been reported, but not their combination. We studied peaks of hydroxyapatite and CH groups on defects grafted with MTA, treated or not with laser, BMPs, and GBR. Ninety rats were divided in 10 groups each, subdivided into three subgroups. Laser (lambda850 nm) was applied at every other day for 2 weeks. Raman readings were taken at the surface of the defect. Statistical analysis (CHA) showed significant differences between all groups (p = 0.001) and between Group II and all other (p < 0.001), but not with Group X (p = 0.09). At day 21 differences were seen between all groups (p = 0.031) and between Groups VIII and X when compared with Groups VI (p = 0.03), V (p < 0.001), IV (p < 0.001), and IX (p = 0.04). At the end of the experimental period no significant differences were seen. On regards CH, significant differences were seen at the 15(th) day (p = 0.002) and between Group II and all other groups (p < 0.0001) but not with control. Advanced maturation on irradiated bone is because of increased secretion of calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA) that is indicative of greater calcification and resistance of the bone. We conclude that the association of the MTA with laser phototherapy (LPT) and/or not with GBR resulted in a better bone repair. The use of the MTA associated to IR LPT resulted in a more advanced and quality bone repair. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2010.

J Biomed Mater Res A 2010 Dec 15 95(4) 1041-7


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[Laser acupuncture for chronic back pain. A double-blind clinical study]

Ruth M, Weber M, Zenz M

Zentrum fur Fruhrehabilitation und akutgeriatrische Medizin, Klinikum Ingolstadt GmbH, Krumenauer Str. 25, 85049 Ingolstadt. ruth.mail@t-online.de

BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of laser acupuncture for the clinical picture of chronic back pain under everyday conditions using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study design. A further aim was to analyze to what extent placebo effects also influence the outcome of acupuncture under these conditions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included male and female patients with chronic back pain (lasting longer than 6 months) aged between 30 and 77 years with a pain score of at least 5 on a visual analog scale. The main criterion was achieving alleviation of pain by at least 50% 3 months after the start of treatment. The assessment tools used were the Von Korff questionnaire supplemented by the FFbH, FABQ, and SF-12. In addition, the participants were questioned about whether they perceived anything during the treatment and how certain they were that they had received treatment with active or inactive lasers. RESULTS: A total of 111 patients were included in the study and were treated according to the randomization list in two groups each consisting of 51 subjects. The study was completed as scheduled by 102 participants. Analysis of the primary outcome measure, improvement of the pain score by more than 50% over baseline, revealed improvements in both treatment groups between the time points used for measurement. The placebo group exhibited better levels than the group that received laser treatment. No efficacy advantage of laser acupuncture over placebo treatment could be determined. CONCLUSION: It was possible to completely blind the acupuncture forms with the study design employed. Perhaps the consistent exclusion of nonspecific treatment effects contributed to this result. It cannot be ruled out that the effects of acupuncture are based on a strong placebo effect.

Schmerz 2010 Sep 24(5) 485-93


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Transcontinental and translational high-tech acupuncture research using computer-based heart rate and “Fire of Life” heart rate variability analysis.

Litscher G

Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, TCM Research Center Graz, Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 29, Austria. gerhard.litscher@medunigraz.at

A variable heartbeat was considered a sign of good health by ancient Asian physicians. Today, new computer-based methods (e.g., “Fire of Life” analysis) allow quantification of heart rate and heart rate variability during acupuncture. The objective of this article is to compare different acupuncture methods to evaluate the influence of acupuncture on heart rhythm in short-term and long-term measurements. There were four main sections in this study: (A) a randomized controlled study using needle acupuncture and acupressure at Yintang (Ex1); (B) an innovative blue (violet) laser acupuncture randomized controlled study in Asian volunteers; (C) a comparative study using moxibustion methods; and (D) teleacupuncture. A total of 72 patients (mean age +/- SD: 27.9 +/- 8.6 years) were monitored over periods of 20 minutes to 24 hours in Asia and Austria. Acupuncture was performed with metal needles (in sections A, C and D) or blue laser (in section B) on Yintang, Neiguan, Guanyuan or a special acupuncture regimen for stress disorders (in sections A, B, C and D, respectively). Significant decreases in heart rate after verum intervention at Yintang, Neiguan and Guanyuan were found. Improvements in state of health following teleacupuncture were also noted. Computer-based heart rate and heart rate variability analysis was demonstrated to be effective in evaluating the status of health during acupuncture.

J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2010 Sep 3(3) 156-64


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Effects of low-power laser irradiation (LPLI) at different wavelengths and doses on oxidative stress and fibrogenesis parameters in an animal model of wound healing.

Silveira PC, Silva LA, Freitas TP, Latini A, Pinho RA

Exercise Biochemistry and Physiology Laboratory, Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences, Health Sciences Unit, University of Southern Santa Catarina, Criciuma, SC, Brazil, silveira_paulo2004@yahoo.com.br.

Gallium-arsenide (GaAs) and helium-neon (HeNe) lasers are the most commonly used low-energy lasers in physiotherapy for promoting wound healing and pain modulation. The aim of this study was investigate the effect of low-power laser irradiation (LPLI) at different wavelengths and doses on oxidative stress and fibrogenesis parameters in an animal model of wound healing. The animals were randomly divided into five groups (n = 6): Controls (skin injured animals without local or systemic treatment), skin injury treated with HeNe 1 J/cm(2) (two seg); skin injury treated with HeNe 3 J/cm(2) (six seg); skin injury treated with GaAs 1 J/cm(2) (three seg); skin injury treated with GaAs 3 J/cm(2) (nine seg). A single circular wound measuring 8 mm in diameter was surgically created on the back of the animal. The rats were irradiated at 2, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h after skin injury. The parameters, namely hydroxyproline content, activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), and lipid (TBARS) and protein oxidation (carbonyl groups) measurements were assessed. In addition, wound size regression was also analyzed. The results showed an improvement in the wound healing reflected by the reduction in wound size and increased collagen synthesis. Moreover, a significant reduction in TBARS levels, carbonyl content, and SOD and CAT activities were observed after laser irradiation, particularly with the treatments HeNe laser 1 and 3 J/cm(2) dose and GaAs 3 J/cm(2) dose. The data strongly indicate that LPLI therapy is efficient in accelerating the skin wound healing process after wounding, probably by reducing the inflammatory phase and inducing collagen synthesis.

Lasers Med Sci 2011 Jan 26(1) 125-131


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Influence of carbon dioxide laser irradiation on the healing process of extraction sockets.

Fukuoka H, Daigo Y, Enoki N, Taniguchi K, Sato H

Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Division of Fixed Prosthodontics, Fukuoka Dental College, Fukuoka, Japan.

Abstract Objective. To clarify the healing-promoting effects of carbon dioxide laser irradiation in high and low reactive-level laser therapies (HLLT and LLLT, respectively) on extraction sockets after tooth extraction. Material and methods. Forty-two 5-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into laser irradiation and non-irradiation (control) groups and compared. The laser-irradiation group underwent HLLT immediately after tooth extraction and then LLLT 1 day post-extraction. Tissue was excised 6 h and 3, 7, or 21 days after extraction and histopathologically investigated. The alveolar crest height was measured osteomorphometrically 21 days post-extraction, and granulation tissue in the extraction socket surface layer was immunohistologically investigated using anti-alpha-smooth muscle actin (anti-alpha-SMA) antibody 3 and 7 days post-extraction. Results. Many osteoclasts appeared and active bone resorption was noted in the irradiation group 3 days after extraction compared to the controls. On Day 7, new bone formation started around the extraction socket in the control group, but from the superficial to over the middle layer of the socket in the irradiation group. On Day 21, a concavity existed in the alveolar crest region in the controls, whereas this region was flat, with no concavity, in the irradiation group. On osteomorphometry, the alveolar crest height was significantly higher in the irradiation (0.7791 +/- 0.0122) than the control (0.6516 +/- 0.0181) group (P < 0.05). On immunostaining, many alpha-SMA-positive cells were noted in the control group, but very few in the irradiation group. Conclusion. Laser-irradiated extraction wound healing showed characteristics different from those of the normal healing process, suggesting a favorable healing-promoting effect.

Acta Odontol Scand 2010 Sep 23


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Low-level laser therapy with a pulsed infrared laser accelerates second-degree burn healing in rat: a clinical and microbiologic study.

Ezzati A, Bayat M, Khoshvaghti A

Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University, M.C., Tehran, Iran.

OBJECTIVE: This study was carried out to investigate the influence of pulsed-wave low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the healing of a deep second-degree burn model in rat. BACKGROUND DATA: Review of literature indicates that LLLT has a biostimulatory effect on wound healing; however, no clear recommendation can yet be made. METHODS: Two deep second-degree burns were made in the skin of 67 rats. Rats were divided into four groups. In the first group (control), the proximal burn were received LLLT with shot down laser; in the second and third groups, proximal burns were treated with a 3,000-Hz pulsed infrared diode laser with 2.3 and 11.7 J/cm(2) energy densities, respectively. In the fourth group, the proximal burns were treated topically with 0.2% nitrofurazone. The distal burn of all groups was considered the control burn. The response to treatment was assessed both microbiologically and macroscopically. RESULTS: The incidence of Staphylococcus aureus decreased significantly in group 3 in comparison with group 1 on day 28 (chi(2) test, p = 0.05). Analysis of variance showed that LLLT with 11.7 J/cm (2) significantly increased the wound-closure rate at 2 weeks (0.915 +/- 0.310) and 3 weeks (0.677 +/- 0.397) after burning compared with placebo burns (1.413 +/- 0.319; 1.116 +/- 0.436, respectively) ANOVA-LSD test, p = 0.045 and p = 0.046 respectively. Independent sample t tests showed that LLLT with 11.7 J/cm (2) significantly increased the wound-closure rate at 4 weeks after burning (0.211 +/- 0.146) compared with the control burns (0.707 +/- 0.480) p = 0.039. CONCLUSIONS: Pulsed LLLT with 11.7 J/cm(2)/890 nm of a deep second-degree burn model in rat significantly increased the rate of wound closure compared with control burns.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Oct 28(5) 603-11


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The effectiveness of laser acupuncture in women with menopausal symptoms.

Beyazit Y, Kekilli M, Beyazit F, Purnak T

Menopause 2010 Sep-Oct 17(5) 1087; author reply 1087-8


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Ultra-low-level laser therapy.

Baratto L, Calza L, Capra R, Gallamini M, Giardino L, Giuliani A, Lorenzini L, Traverso S

La Colletta Bioengineering Center, Arenzano, GE, Italy.

A growing number of laboratory and clinical studies over the past 10 years have shown that low-level laser stimulation (633 or 670 nm) at extremely low power densities (about 0.15 mW/cm(2)), when administered through a particular emission mode, is capable of eliciting significant biological effects. Studies on cell cultures and animal models as well as clinical trials give support to a novel therapeutic modality, which may be referred to as ultra low level laser therapy (ULLLT). In cultured neural cells, pulsed irradiation (670 nm, 0.45 mJ/cm(2)) has shown to stimulate NGF-induced neurite elongation and to protect cells against oxidative stress. In rats, anti-edema and anti-hyperalgesia effects following ULLL irradiation were found. Clinical studies have reported beneficial effects (also revealed through sonography) in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. The present paper reviews the existing experimental evidence available on ULLLT. Furthermore, the puzzling issue of the biophysical mechanisms that lie at the basis of the method is explored and some hypotheses are proposed. Besides presenting the state-of-the-art about this novel photobiostimulation therapy, the present paper aims to open up an interdisciplinary discussion and stimulate new research on this subject.

Lasers Med Sci 2011 Jan 26(1) 103-112


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Gene and noncoding RNA regulation underlying photoreceptor protection: microarray study of dietary antioxidant saffron and photobiomodulation in rat retina.

Natoli R, Zhu Y, Valter K, Bisti S, Eells J, Stone J

Division of Biomedical Sciences & Biochemistry, Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Sydney, Australia. riccardo.natoli@anu.edu.au

PURPOSE: To identify the genes and noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) involved in the neuroprotective actions of a dietary antioxidant (saffron) and of photobiomodulation (PBM). METHODS: We used a previously published assay of photoreceptor damage, in which albino Sprague Dawley rats raised in dim cyclic illumination (12 h 5 lux, 12 h darkness) were challenged by 24 h exposure to bright (1,000 lux) light. Experimental groups were protected against light damage by pretreatment with dietary saffron (1 mg/kg/day for 21 days) or PBM (9 J/cm(2) at the eye, daily for 5 days). RNA from one eye of four animals in each of the six experimental groups (control, light damage [LD], saffron, PBM, saffronLD, and PBMLD) was hybridized to Affymetrix rat genome ST arrays. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of 14 selected genes was used to validate the microarray results. RESULTS: LD caused the regulation of 175 entities (genes and ncRNAs) beyond criterion levels (p<0.05 in comparison with controls, fold-change >2). PBM pretreatment reduced the expression of 126 of these 175 LD-regulated entities below criterion; saffron pretreatment reduced the expression of 53 entities (50 in common with PBM). In addition, PBM pretreatment regulated the expression of 67 entities not regulated by LD, while saffron pretreatment regulated 122 entities not regulated by LD (48 in common with PBM). PBM and saffron, given without LD, regulated genes and ncRNAs beyond criterion levels, but in lesser numbers than during their protective action. A high proportion of the entities regulated by LD (>90%) were known genes. By contrast, ncRNAs were prominent among the entities regulated by PBM and saffron in their neuroprotective roles (73% and 62%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Given alone, saffron and (more prominently) PBM both regulated significant numbers of genes and ncRNAs. Given before retinal exposure to damaging light, thus while exerting their neuroprotective action, they regulated much larger numbers of entities, among which ncRNAs were prominent. Further, the downregulation of known genes and of ncRNAs was prominent in the protective actions of both neuroprotectants. These comparisons provide an overview of gene expression induced by two neuroprotectants and provide a basis for the more focused study of their mechanisms.

Mol Vis 2010 16 1801-22


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Posted in Research | on LLLT Literature Watch November 2010

Bogus cold laser / LLLT training courses

I feel sorry for anyone curious about Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) / Cold Laser. There is a myriad of different products with extreme differences in specification:

  • 635 – 980nm wavelengths
  • 5mW – 12,000mW
  • Laser vs LED‘s
  • Super pulsed vs continuous vs gated CW
  • Recommended treatment times ranging from a few seconds to several minutes
  • Intervals ranging from daily to weekly
  • Prices from $3,000 – $55,000

To make matters worse, many training courses are just sales pitches spiced with pseudoscience. You could try reading all the original research but it is a vast field and hard to get a good overview.

Here is my recommendation. Start by reading this Harvard Medical School review (which I co-authored). If you find it too heavy going come on our training course. It is substantially based on this paper but more simply illustrated, delivered in slow motion, you can ask questions as we go, all technical terms introduced in an understandable way.

Here is the THOR training plan

09:00 Breakfast & coffee
09:30 Introduction to LLLT
10:00 Mechanism of action
10:30 Published clinical research on tissue repair, inflammation, edema, analgesic effects (wounds, soft tissue injuries, osteoarthritis, back and neck pain, neuropathic pain)
11:30 Break
11:45 Physics & dose (Wavelength, power, irradiance, pulses, Joules, J/cm2, energy, penetration, how much is enough, how much is too much)
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Safety, contraindications, adverse effects, regulations and reimbursement
15:00 Treatment plans (treatment time, intervals, total number of treatments, techniques)
17:00 End

If you are keen to understand LLLT and prefer an evidence based training then attend our training. We promise that you will find it is based on sound scientific principles, not pseudoscience. Click here to see dates and venues, read testimonials and register.

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LLLT Literature watch for September 2010

62 new LLLT papers for your review including three RCT‘s: neck pain with radiculopathy, temporomandibular joint pain, muscle fatigue and a review from the BMJ sports medicine journal on frozen shoulder.

Low-level laser therapy for acute neck pain with radiculopathy: a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study.

Konstantinovic LM, Cutovic MR, Milovanovic AN, Jovic SJ, Dragin AS, Letic MDj, Miler VM

Clinic for Rehabilitation, Medical School, University of Belgrade, Sokobanjska 13, Belgrade, Serbia.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to investigate clinical effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in patients with acute neck pain with radiculopathy. DESIGN: Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. SETTING: The study was carried out between January 2005 and September 2007 at the Clinic for Rehabilitation at the Medical School, University of Belgrade, Serbia. PATIENTS AND INTERVENTION: Sixty subjects received a course of 15 treatments over 3 weeks with active or an inactivated laser as a placebo procedure. LLLT was applied to the skin projection at the anatomical site of the spinal segment involved with the following parameters: wavelength 905 nm, frequency 5,000 Hz, power density of 12 mW/cm(2), and dose of 2 J/cm(2), treatment time 120 seconds, at whole doses 12 J/cm(2). OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was pain intensity as measured by a visual analog scale. Secondary outcome measures were neck movement, neck disability index, and quality of life. Measurements were taken before treatment and at the end of the 3-week treatment period. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences between groups were found for intensity of arm pain (P = 0.003, with high effect size d = 0.92) and for neck extension (P = 0.003 with high effect size d = 0.94). CONCLUSION: LLLT gave more effective short-term relief of arm pain and increased range of neck extension in patients with acute neck pain with radiculopathy in comparison to the placebo procedure.

Pain Med 2010 Aug 11(8) 1169-78


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Effects of superpulsed low-level laser therapy on temporomandibular joint pain.

Marini I, Gatto MR, Bonetti GA

Department of Orthodontics and Gnathology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

OBJECTIVES: A randomized double-blind study was conducted to compare the efficacy of superpulsed low-level laser therapy (SLLLT) with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of pain caused by temporomandibular joint disorders. METHODS: A total of 99 patients with temporomandibular joint disorders, secondary to disc displacement without reduction or osteoarthritis were randomly divided into 3 groups. Thirty-nine patients received SLLLT in 10 sessions over 2 weeks, 30 patients received ibuprofen 800 mg twice a day for 10 days, and 30 patients received sham laser as placebo in 10 sessions over 2 weeks. Pain intensity was measured by visual analog scale at baseline, 2, 5, 10, and 15 days of treatment. Mandibular function was evaluated by monitoring active and passive mouth openings and right and left lateral motions at baseline, 15 days, and 1 month of treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed at baseline and the end of therapy. RESULTS: Mean visual analog scale pain scores in SLLLT group was significantly lower than in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug group and control group (P=0.0001) from fifth day up to the end of the observation period. As for active and passive mouth openings and right and left lateral motions, superiority of SLLLT was evident 1 month after treatment (interaction time treatment, P=0.0001). DISCUSSION: Mandibular function improved in all SLLLT patients proving the effectiveness in the treatment of pain, as demonstrated by a significant improvement in clinical signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disc displacement without reduction and osteoarthritis at the end of treatment and stability over a period of 1 month.

Clin J Pain 2010 Sep 26(7) 611-6


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Frozen shoulder: the effectiveness of conservative and surgical interventions–systematic review.

Favejee MM, Huisstede BM, Koes BW

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Background A variety of therapeutic interventions is available for restoring motion and diminishing pain in patients with frozen shoulder. An overview article concerning the evidence for the effectiveness of these interventions is lacking. Objective To provide an evidence-based overview regarding the effectiveness of conservative and surgical interventions to treat the frozen shoulder. Methods The Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, Cinahl and Pedro were searched for relevant systematic reviews and randomised clinical trials (RCTs). Two reviewers independently selected relevant studies, assessed the methodological quality and extracted data. A best-evidence synthesis was used to summarise the results. Results Five Cochrane reviews and 18 RCTs were included studying the effectiveness of oral medication, injection therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, arthrographic distension and suprascapular nerve block (SSNB). Conclusions We found strong evidence for the effectiveness of steroid injections and laser therapy in short-term and moderate evidence for steroid injections in mid-term follow-up. Moderate evidence was found in favour of mobilisation techniques in the short and long term, for the effectiveness of arthrographic distension alone and as an addition to active physiotherapy in the short term, for the effectiveness of oral steroids compared with no treatment or placebo in the short term, and for the effectiveness of SSNB compared with acupuncture, placebo or steroid injections. For other commonly used interventions no or only limited evidence of effectiveness was found. Most of the included studies reported short-term results, whereas symptoms of frozen shoulder may last up to 4 years. High quality RCTs studying long-term results are clearly needed in this field.

Br J Sports Med 2010 Jul 20


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Effect of Light-Emitting Diodes Therapy (LEDT) on Knee Extensor Muscle Fatigue.

Baroni BM, Leal Junior EC, Geremia JM, Diefenthaeler F, Vaz MA

1 Exercise Research Laboratory (LAPEX); Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) , Porto Alegre RS, Brazil .

Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of light-emitting diodes therapy (LEDT) on quadriceps muscle fatigue by using torque values from the isokinetic dynamometer as an outcome measure. Background Data: Light therapy is considered an innovative way to prevent muscle fatigue. Although positive results have been obtained in animal models and in clinical experiments, no results are available on the effects of this therapeutic modality on human performance studies with isokinetic dynamometry. Materials and Methods: Seventeen healthy and physically active male volunteers were included in a crossover randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. They performed two sessions of an isokinetic fatigue test (30 maximal concentric knee flexion-extension contractions; range of motion, 90 degrees; angular velocity, 180 degrees per second) after LEDT or placebo treatment. Maximal knee extensor muscle isokinetic voluntary contractions were performed before (PRE-MVC) and after (POST-MVC) the fatigue test. LEDT treatment was performed with a multidiode cluster probe (34 red diodes of 660 nm, 10 mW; 35 infrared diodes of 850 nm, 30 mW) at three points of the quadriceps muscle, with a total irradiating dose of 125.1 J. Results: No differences were observed in the PRE-MVC between LEDT (284.81 +/- 4.52 Nm) and placebo (282.65 +/- 52.64 Nm) treatments. However, for the POST-MVC, higher torques (p = 0.034) were observed for LEDT (237.68 +/- 48.82 Nm) compared with placebo (225.68 +/- 44.14 Nm) treatment. Conclusion: LEDT treatment produced a smaller maximal isometric torque decrease after high-intensity concentric isokinetic exercise, which is consistent with an increase in performance.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Jul 13


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Laser phototherapy in the treatment of periodontal disease. A review.

de Paula Eduardo C, de Freitas PM, Esteves-Oliveira M, Aranha AC, Ramalho KM, Simoes A, Bello-Silva MS, Tuner J

Special Laboratory of Lasers in Dentistry (LELO), Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, 227 Cidade Universitaria, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Many studies in the literature address the effect of low-power lasers in the management of pathologies related to periodontal tissues. Due to the lack of standardized information and the absence of a consensus, this review presents the current status of laser phototherapy (LPT) in periodontics and discusses its benefits and limits in the treatment of periodontal disease. The literature was searched for reviews and original research articles relating to LPT and periodontal disease. The articles were selected using either electronic search engines or manual tracing of the references cited in key papers. The literature search retrieved references on wound and bone healing, analgesia, hypersensitivity, inflammatory process and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy. Each topic is individually addressed in this review. The current literature suggests that LPT is effective in modulating different periodontal disease aspects in vitro, in animals, and in simple clinical models. Further development of this therapy is now dependent on new clinical trials with more complex study designs.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Nov 25(6) 781-92


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Importance of pulsing illumination parameters in low-level-light therapy.

Barolet D, Duplay P, Jacomy H, Auclair M

RoseLab Skin Optics Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

The influence of emission parameters in low-level-light therapy on cellular responses is not yet fully understood. This study assessed the impact of various light delivery modes on collagen production in human primary fibroblast cultured in monolayers after three treatments with red light-emitting diode illumination (630 nm, 8 J/cm(2)). Human type I collagen was measured in cell culture supernatants with procollagen type I C-peptide enzyme immunoassay. Results demonstrated that, 72 h post-baseline, specific microsecond pulsing patterns had a more favorable impact on the ability of fibroblasts to produce collagen de novo than comparative conditions of continuous wave, pulsed 50% duty cycle, and millisecond pulsing domains. The cascade of events leading to collagen production by red illumination may be explained by the photodissociation of nitric oxide from cytochrome c oxidase. Short and intermittent light delivery might enhance this cellular event.

J Biomed Opt 2010 Jul-Aug 15(4) 048005


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Effect of Low-Level Laser Irradiation on Unresponsive Oral Lichen Planus: Early Preliminary Results in 13 Patients.

Cafaro A, Albanese G, Arduino PG, Mario C, Massolini G, Mozzati M, Broccoletti R

1 Oral Medicine Unit, Dentistry Section, Department of Biological Sciences and Human Oncology, University of Turin , Turin, Italy .

Abstract Objective: To detail the efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for the management of oral lichen planus (OLP) unresponsive to standard therapy. Background: OLP is an inflammatory disease that can be painful, mainly in the atrophic and erosive forms. Numerous drugs have been used with dissimilar results, but most treatments are empiric. However, to date, the most commonly used and useful agents for the treatment of OLP are topical corticosteroids. Materials and Methods: The investigators studied a prospective cohort of 13 patients affected by OLP, who received biostimulation with a pulsed diode laser (GaAs). Patients were exposed to a 904-nm pulsed infrared laser (4 J/cm(2) energy density per minute; spot size, 0.8 cm). Outcome variables, statistically evaluated, were as follows: the size of lesions, visual analogue score of pain, and stability of the obtained result in the follow-up period. Results: We detailed significant reduction in lesion size and in reported pain. No reported complications or therapy side effects were observed in any of the patients treated. Conclusion: This study suggests that LLLT could be a possible treatment for patients with unresponsive OLP. These results, although not conclusive, are a step forward for enhanced management of this quite common condition; however, it would be interesting to the results would be the same with a greater number of patients or in a different clinical setting.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 25


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Prophylactic low-level light therapy for the treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids: a case series.

Barolet D, Boucher A

RoseLab Skin Optics Research Laboratory, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Hypertrophic and keloid scars result from alterations in the wound healing process. Treating abnormal scars remains an important challenge. The aim of this case series was to investigate the effectiveness of near infrared (NIR) light emitting diode (LED) treatment as a prophylactic method to alter the wound healing process in order to avoid or attenuate the formation of hypertrophic scars or keloids. STUDY DESIGN/PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three patients (age 27-57) of phototypes I-III with hypertrophic scars or keloids due to acne or surgery participated in this case series. Following scar revision by surgery or CO(2) laser ablation on bilateral areas, one scar was treated daily by the patient at home with non-thermal, non-ablative NIR LED (805 nm at 30 mW/cm(2)) for 30 days. Efficacy assessments, conducted up to a year post-treatment, included the Vancouver Scar scale (VSS), clinical global assessment of digital photographs, and quantitative profilometry analysis using PRIMOS. Safety was documented by adverse effects monitoring. RESULTS: Significant improvements on the NIR-treated versus the control scar were seen in all efficacy measures. No significant treatment-related adverse effects were reported. CONCLUSION: Possible mechanisms involved are inhibition of TGF-beta I expression. Further studies in larger group of patients are needed to evaluate this promising technique.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 597-601


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Low-level laser therapy in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis: a pilot study.

Hofling DB, Chavantes MC, Juliano AG, Cerri GG, Romao R, Yoshimura EM, Chammas MC

Radiology Institute (InRad), Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Avenida Dr. Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar, CEP 05403-001 Sao Paulo, Brazil.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) remains the most common cause of acquired hypothyroidism. There is currently no therapy that is capable of regenerating CAT-damaged thyroid tissue. The objective of this study was to gauge the value of applying low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in CAT patients based on both ultrasound studies (USs) and evaluations of thyroid function and thyroid autoantibodies. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients who had hypothyroidism caused by CAT and were undergoing levothyroxine (LT4) treatment were selected to participate in the study. Patients received 10 applications of LLLT (830 nm, output power 50 mW) in continuous mode, twice a week, using either the punctual technique (8 patients) or the sweep technique (7 patients), with fluence in the range of 38-108 J/cm(2). USs were performed prior to and 30 days after LLLT. USs included a quantitative analysis of echogenicity through a gray-scale computerized histogram index (EI). Following the second ultrasound (30 days after LLLT), LT4 was discontinued in all patients and, if required, reintroduced. Triiodothyronine, thyroxine (T4), free T4, thyrotropin, thyroid peroxidase (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin (TgAb) antibodies levels were assessed before LLLT and then 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 months after LT4 withdrawal. RESULTS: We noted all patients’ reduced LT4 dosage needs, including 7 (47%) who did not require any LT4 through the 9-month follow-up. The LT4 dosage used pre-LLLT (96 +/- 22 microg/day) decreased in the 9th month of follow-up (38 +/- 23 microg/day; P < 0.0001). TPOAb levels also decreased (pre-LLLT = 982 +/- 530 U/ml, post-LLLT = 579 +/- 454 U/ml; P = 0.016). TgAb levels were not reduced, though we did observe a post-LLLT increase in the EI (pre-LLLT = 0.99 +/- 0.09, post-LLLT = 1.21 +/- 0.19; P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The preliminary results indicate that LLLT promotes the improvement of thyroid function, as patients experienced a decreased need for LT4, a reduction in TPOAb levels, and an increase in parenchymal echogenicity.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 589-96


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A Meta-analysis of the Efficacy of Laser Phototherapy on Pain Relief.

Fulop AM, Dhimmer S, Deluca JR, Johanson DD, Lenz RV, Patel KB, Douris, PC, Enwemeka CS

College of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.

OBJECTIVE: Laser phototherapy has been widely used to relieve pain for more than 30 years, but its efficacy remains controversial. To ascertain the overall effect of phototherapy on pain, we aggregated the literature and subjected the studies to statistical meta-analysis. METHODS: Relevant original studies were gathered from every available source and coded. Articles that met preestablished inclusion criteria were subjected to statistical meta-analysis, using Cohen’s d statistic to determine treatment effect sizes. RESULTS: Fifty-two effect sizes were computed from the 22 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The resulting overall mean effect size was highly significant; d=+0.84 (95% confidence interval=0.44-1.23). The effect size remained significant even when a high outlying d value was conservatively excluded from the analysis; d=+0.66 (95% confidence interval=0.46-0.86). The fail-safe number associated with the overall treatment effect, that is, the number of additional studies in which phototherapy has negative or no effect on pain needed to negate the overall large effect size of +0.84, was 348. DISCUSSION: These findings warrant the conclusion that laser phototherapy effectively relieves pain of various etiologies; making it a valuable addition to contemporary pain management armamentarium.

Clin J Pain 2010 Sep 8


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The brain effects of laser acupuncture in healthy individuals: an FMRI investigation.

Quah-Smith I, Sachdev PS, Wen W, Chen X, Williams MA

School of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Randwick, New South Wales, Australia.

BACKGROUND: As laser acupuncture is being increasingly used to treat mental disorders, we sought to determine whether it has a biologically plausible effect by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the cerebral activation patterns from laser stimulation of relevant acupoints. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Ten healthy subjects were randomly stimulated with a fibreoptic infrared laser on 4 acupoints (LR14, CV14, LR8 and HT7) used for depression following the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and 1 control non-acupoint (sham point) in a blocked design (alternating verum laser and placebo laser/rest blocks), while the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI response was recorded from the whole brain on a 3T scanner. Many of the acupoint laser stimulation conditions resulted in different patterns of neural activity. Regions with significantly increased activation included the limbic cortex (cingulate) and the frontal lobe (middle and superior frontal gyrus). Laser acupuncture tended to be associated with ipsilateral brain activation and contralateral deactivation that therefore cannot be simply attributed to somatosensory stimulation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We found that laser stimulation of acupoints lead to activation of frontal-limbic-striatal brain regions, with the pattern of neural activity somewhat different for each acupuncture point. This is the first study to investigate laser acupuncture on a group of acupoints useful in the management of depression. Differing activity patterns depending on the acupoint site were demonstrated, suggesting that neurological effects vary with the site of stimulation. The mechanisms of activation and deactivation and their effects on depression warrant further investigation.

PLoS One 2010 5(9)


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Lasers in dental traumatology.

Olivi G, Caprioglio C, Genovese MD

Visiting Professor in Restorative Dentistry, University of Genoa Private practice in Rome.

AIM: Dental traumas are frequent in children. They can be complex events and sometimes real emergencies. Since very little attention is devoted to this topic in the international literature and there are no well-coded laser guidelines for these specific clinical events, our aim is to consider and present those situations in which laser-assisted therapy can offer new treatment possibilities. The authors’ aim is to stimulate more extensive scientific research in this area, which might not only increase the use of these technologies, but also improve outcomes and reduce complications connected to dental trauma, particularly in children. Furthermore, laser-assisted therapies drastically reduce the need for analgesics and anti- inflammatory medications compared with conventional procedures. CONCLUSION: Using laser equipment to obtain anaesthesia is another challenge, while the use of low power setting for desensitising tissue and to obtain anaesthesia is also an open field.

Eur J Paediatr Dent 2010 Jun 11(2) 71-6


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Low-level laser irradiation enhances BMP-induced osteoblast differentiation by stimulating the BMP/Smad signaling pathway.

Hirata S, Kitamura C, Fukushiama H, Nakamichi I, Abiko Y, Terashita M, Jimi E

Division of Molecular Signaling and Biochemistry, Department of Biosciences, 2-870-1, Sakaecho-Nishi, Matsudo, Chiba 271-8587, Japan.

Low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) has been shown to induce bone formation and osteoblast differentiation both in vivo and in vitro. However, the molecular mechanism by which LLLI stimulates osteoblast differentiation is still unclear. The aim of the present study was to examine whether Ga-Al-As laser irradiation could enhance BMP2-induced alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in C2C12 cells. Laser irradiation at 0.5 W for 20 min enhanced BMP2-induced ALP activity. Laser treatment alone did not affect ALP activity. To exclude the effect of pH or temperature changes during irradiation, we shortened the exposure time to 2 min, with various levels of laser power. At 2.5 W, irradiation stimulated BMP2-induced ALP activity but not cell proliferation, whereas 1 or 5 W laser power did not induce any significant effects. Irradiation stimulated BMP2-induced phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and BMP2 expression, but had no effect on the expression of inhibitory Smads 6 and 7, BMP4 or IGF-1. Laser irradiation enhanced Smad-induced Id1 reporter activity as well as expression of BMP-induced transcription factors such as Id1, Osterix and Runx2. Laser irradiation also stimulated BMP-induced expressions of type I collagen, osteonectin and osteocalcin mRNA, markers of osteoblasts. This enhancement of BMP2-induced ALP activity and Smad phosphorylation by laser irradiation was also observed in primary osteoblasts. These results suggest that LLLI accelerates the differentiation of BMP-induced osteoblasts by stimulating the BMP/Smad signaling pathway. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

J Cell Biochem 2010 Sep 9


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Clinical observations on laser acupuncture in simple obesity therapy.

Hu WL, Chang CH, Hung YC

Department of Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Taiwan.

A previous study has shown that laser acupuncture is a useful healing method for the treatment of visceral postmenopausal obesity in combination with a low-calorie diet. We observe and evaluate the therapeutic effect of laser acupuncture in subjects of simple obesity with a non-restrictive diet protocol. Subjects included 73 women and 22 men with simple obesity and body mass indices > or = 27 kg/m2. Daily energy intake recommendations for obese females and males were 1620.0 and 1894.2 kcal in average, respectively. The gallium aluminum arsenide Handylaser Trion was used to apply 0.25 J of energy to each of the following acupuncture points three times per week for four consecutive weeks: Stomach, Hunger, ST25, ST28, ST40, SP15, and CV9. The subjects’ body weights and body mass indices were recorded before treatment, and four weeks after treatment, and the percent reduction in each parameter was calculated. Statistically significant reductions in body weight and body mass index were detected after four weeks of treatment. The mean reduction and mean percent reduction in body weight were 3.17 kg and 3.80% (p < 0.0001), respectively. The corresponding values for the body mass index were 1.22 kg/m2 and 3.78% (p < 0.0001), respectively. We concluded that laser acupuncture was found to exert a therapeutic effect on simple obesity by reducing both body weight and body mass index. Moreover, subjects showed good compliance with this comfortable and non-restrictive diet protocol.

Am J Chin Med 2010 38(5) 861-7


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Endonasal phototherapy significantly alleviates symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but has a limited impact on the nasal mucosal immune cells.

Brehmer D, Schon MP

Private ENT Clinic Goettingen, Faculty of Medicine, University Witten/Herdecke, Friedrichstr. (3/4), 37073, Gottingen, Germany.

The literature documents the fact that UV irradiation of cutaneous Langerhans cells (LC) in vivo prevents the development of contact allergy and produces long-lasting immunosuppression. However, not much is known about the effect of UV irradiation on the LC of the nasal mucosa and their connection with clinical scores. Local antigen presentation may be necessary for both primary and recall T cell responses to birch pollen in patients with hay fever. Endonasal phototherapy combination of UVB (5%), UVA (25%) and visible light (70%) utilises the immunosuppressive effects of UV irradiation. The aim of this study was to correlate clinical symptom scores with possible changes in the LC of the nasal mucosa induced by UV radiation. The clinical effectiveness of this form of treatment is discussed. Nasal biopsies were obtained from ten birch pollen-sensitive patients with seasonal rhinitis before and after endonasal phototherapy. All patients showed a significant clinical benefit post-treatment as assessed by standardised instruments, including total nasal symptom score, nasal congestion score, nasal itching score, sneezing score, nasal secretion score and impairment-to-health score. However, we found no significant morphological changes, to, or quantitative differences in, the CD1a+, CD4, CD8 or CD31 cells before and 14 days after treatment. Despite the positive clinical effect, the study revealed no effect of UV irradiation on the LC and other analysed cells of the nasal mucosa immune system. Possible reasons for this are discussed.

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2010 Sep 3


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Treating dentin hypersensitivity: therapeutic choices made by dentists of the northwest PRECEDENT network.

Cunha-Cruz J, Wataha JC, Zhou L, Manning W, Trantow M, Bettendorf MM, Heaton LJ, Berg J

Department of Dental Public Health Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific St., Box 357475, Seattle, Wash. 98195-7475, USA.

BACKGROUND: Methods used by dental practitioners to diagnose and treat dentin hypersensitivity are not well documented. The authors conducted a survey of dentists in the Northwest Practice-based REsearch Collaborative in Evidence-based DENTistry (PRECEDENT) to ascertain the treatment methods they used. Methods. Via an Internet survey, the authors collected data regarding methods used for diagnosis and treatment of dentin hypersensitivity from 209 Northwest PRECEDENT dentists. RESULTS: The PRECEDENT dentists indicated that they most often used fluoride varnishes and gels, advice regarding toothbrushing and diet, bonding agents, restorative materials and glutaraldehyde/2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) to treat dentin hypersensitivity. They reported that the most successful treatments were fluorides, glutaraldehyde/HEMA, bonding agents, potassium nitrates and restorative treatments; they considered observation, advice regarding toothbrushing and diet and laser therapy to be the least successful. Dentists listed fluorides, calcium phosphates, glutaraldehyde/HEMA and bonding agents as the treatments most desirable for inclusion in a future randomized clinical trial of dental hypersensitivity treatments. CONCLUSIONS: Dentists rely on patients to assess the severity of dentin hypersensitivity. Modalities for the diagnosis and treatment of hypersensitivity are diverse. Methods used to diagnose and treat dentin hypersensitivity in practice are challenging to justify. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Practitioners should be aware of the diversity of methods available for diagnosing and treating dentin hypersensitivity as they manage the care of their patients with this condition.

J Am Dent Assoc 2010 Sep 141(9) 1097-105


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Low-level laser therapy (LLLT; 780 nm) acts differently on mRNA expression of anti- and pro-inflammatory mediators in an experimental model of collagenase-induced tendinitis in rat.

Pires D, Xavier M, Araujo T, Silva JA Jr, Aimbire F, Albertini R

Institute of Research and Development, Av. Shishima Hifumi, 2911, Urbanova, CEP, 12.244-000, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been found to produce anti-inflammatory effects in a variety of disorders. Tendinopathies are directly related to unbalance in expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines which are responsible by degeneration process of tendinocytes. In the current study, we decided to investigate if LLLT could reduce mRNA expression for TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, TGF-beta cytokines, and COX-2 enzyme. Forty-two male Wistar rats were divided randomly in seven groups, and tendinitis was induced with a collagenase intratendinea injection. The mRNA expression was evaluated by real-time PCR in 7th and 14th days after tendinitis. LLLT irradiation with wavelength of 780 nm required for 75 s with a dose of 7.7 J/cm(2) was administered in distinct moments: 12 h and 7 days post tendinitis. At the 12 h after tendinitis, the animals were irradiated once in intercalate days until the 7th or 14th day in and them the animals were killed, respectively. In other series, 7 days after tendinitis, the animals were irradiated once in intercalated days until the 14th day and then the animals were killed. LLLT in both acute and chronic phases decreased IL-6, COX-2, and TGF-beta expression after tendinitis, respectively, when compared to tendinitis groups: IL-6, COX-2, and TGF-beta. The LLLT not altered IL-1beta expression in any time, but reduced the TNF-alpha expression; however, only at chronic phase. We conclude that LLLT administered with this protocol reduces one of features of tendinopathies that is mRNA expression for pro-inflammatory mediators.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Aug 25


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Development and Evaluation of Fiber Optic Probe-based Helium-Neon Low-level Laser Therapy System for Tissue Regeneration-An In Vivo Experimental Study.

Prabhu V, Rao SB, Rao NB, Aithal KB, Kumar P, Mahato KK

Biophysics Unit, Manipal Life Sciences Centre, Manipal University, Manipal, India.

Abstract We report the design and development of an optical fiber probe-based Helium-Neon (He-Ne) low-level laser therapy system for tissue regeneration. Full thickness excision wounds on Swiss albino mice of diameter 15 mm were exposed to various laser doses of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 J cm(-2) of the system with appropriate controls, and 2 J cm(-2) showing optimum healing was selected. The treatment schedule for applying the selected laser dose was also standardized by irradiating the wounds at different postwounding times (0, 24 and 48 h). The tissue regeneration potential was evaluated by monitoring the progression of wound contraction and mean wound healing time along with the hydroxyproline and glucosamine estimation on wound ground tissues. The wounds exposed to 2 J cm(-2) immediately after wounding showed considerable contraction on days 5, 9, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of postirradiation compared with the controls and other treatment schedules, showing significant (P < 0.001) decrease in the healing time. A significant increase in hydroxyproline and glucosamine levels was observed for the 2 J cm(-2) irradiation group compared with the controls and other treatment groups. In conclusion, the wounds treated with 2 J cm(-2) immediately after the wounding show better healing compared with the controls.

Photochem Photobiol 2010 Jul 30


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Low intensity laser therapy (LILT) in vivo acts on the neutrophils recruitment and chemokines/cytokines levels in a model of acute pulmonary inflammation induced by aerosol of lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli in rat.

Mafra de Lima F, Villaverde AB, Salgado MA, Castro-Faria-Neto HC, Munin E, Albertini R, Aimbire F

Institute of Research and Development, Av. Shishima Hifumi, 2911, Urbanova, CEP: 12.244-000, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil.

It has been suggested that low intensity laser therapy (LILT) acts on pulmonary inflammation. Thus, we investigate in this work if LILT (650nm, 2.5mW, 31.2mW/cm(2), 1.3J/cm(2), laser spot size of 0.08cm(2) and irradiation time of 42s) can attenuate edema, neutrophil recruitment and inflammatory mediators in acute lung inflammation. Thirty-five male Wistar rats (n=7 per group) were distributed in the following experimental groups: control, laser, LPS, LPS+laser and dexamethasone+LPS. Airway inflammation was measured 4h post-LPS challenge. Pulmonary microvascular leakage was used for measuring pulmonary edema. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cellularity and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were used for measuring neutrophil recruitment and activation. RT-PCR was performed in lung tissue to assess mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), interleukin (IL-10), cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1), macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). Protein levels in both BALF and lung were determined by ELISA. LILT inhibited pulmonary edema and endothelial cytoskeleton damage, as well as neutrophil influx and activation. Similarly, the LILT reduced the TNF-alpha and IL-1beta, in lung and BALF. LILT prevented lung ICAM-1 up-regulation. The rise of CINC-1 and MIP-2 protein levels in both lung and BALF, and the lung mRNA expressions for IL-10, were unaffected. Data suggest that the LILT effect is due to the inhibition of ICAM-1 via the inhibition of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta.

J Photochem Photobiol B 2010 Jul 27


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Photomedicine and LLLT Literature Watch.

Carroll JD

THOR Photomedicine Ltd, 18a East Street, Chesham, HP5 1HQ, UK.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 28(4) 575-6


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Influence of Laser Photobiomodulation on Collagen IV During Skeletal Muscle Tissue Remodeling After Injury in Rats.

Baptista J, Martins MD, Pavesi VC, Bussadori SK, Fernandes KP, Junior DD, Ferrari RA

1 Universidade Nove de Julho- UNINOVE , Sao Paulo, Brazil .

Abstract Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of GaAlAs low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on collagen IV remodeling of the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle in rats after cryolesion. Background: Considerable interest exists in skeletal muscle regeneration in situations such as repair after exercise-induced muscle injury, after muscle transplantation, in muscular dystrophy, exercise-induced muscle injury, and the recovery of strength after atrophy due to disuse. A number of studies have demonstrated the potential of LLLT in facilitating the muscle-healing process; however, no consensus is found in the literature regarding the best laser-irradiation parameters. Methods: Adult male Wistar rats (n = 45) were used and randomly divided into three groups: control (n = 5); nontreated cryolesioned group (n = 20), and LLLT-cryolesioned group (n = 20). The cryolesioned groups were analyzed at 1, 7, 14, and 21 days after the injury procedure. Laser irradiation was performed 3 times per week on the injured region by using the GaAlAs laser (660 nm; beam spot of 0.04 cm(2), output power of 20 mW, power density of 500 mW/cm(2), and energy density of 5 J/cm(2), for 10 sec). The muscles were removed, frozen, cryosectioned, and then stained with hematoxylin-eosin for the visualization of general morphology or used for immunohistochemical analysis of collagen IV. Results: It was demonstrated that LLLT promotes an increase in collagen IV immunolabeling in skeletal muscle in the first 7 days after acute trauma caused by cryoinjury, but does not modify the duration of the tissue-repair process. Even with LLLT, the injured muscle tissue needs approximately 21 days to achieve the same state of organization as that in the noninjured muscle. Conclusion: The collagen IV content is modulated in regenerating skeletal muscle under LLLT, which might be associated with better tissue outcome, although the histologic analysis did not detect tissue improvement in the LLLT group.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 11


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Clinic-epidemiological evaluation of ulcers in patients with leprosy sequelae and the effect of low level laser therapy on wound healing: a randomized clinical trial.

Barreto JG, Salgado CG

Dermato-Immunology Laboratory UEPA/UFPA/Marcello Candia, Marituba, Para, Brazil.

BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium leprae is the only pathogenic bacteria able to infect peripheral nerves. Neural impairment results in a set of sensitive, motor and autonomic disturbances, with ulcers originating primarily on the hands and feet. The study objectives were to analyze the clinic-epidemiological characteristics of patients attended at one specialized dressing service from a leprosy-endemic region of the Brazilian Amazon and to evaluate the effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on wound healing of these patients. METHODS: Clinic-epidemiological evaluation of patients with leprosy sequelae was performed at the reference unit in sanitary dermatology of the state of Para in Brazil. We conducted anamnesis, identification of the regions affected by the lesions and measurement of ulcer depth and surface area. After that, we performed a randomized clinical trial. Fifty-one patients with ulcers related to leprosy were evaluated, twenty-five of them were randomly assigned to a low level laser therapy group or a control group. Patients were treated 3 times per week for 12 weeks. Outcome measures were ulcer surface area, ulcer depth and the pressure ulcer scale for healing score (PUSH). RESULTS: Ninety-seven ulcers were identified, with a mean (SD) duration of 97.6 (111.7) months, surface area of 7.3 (11.5) cm2, and depth of 6.0 (6.2) mm. Statistical analysis of the data determined that there were no significant differences in the variables analyzed before and after treatment with low level laser therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Ulcers in patients with leprosy remain a major source of economic and social losses, even many years after they have been cured of M. leprae infection. Our results indicate that it is necessary to develop new and more effective therapeutic tools, as low level laser therapy did not demonstrate any additional benefits to ulcer healing with the parameters used in this study. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov as NCT00860717.

BMC Infect Dis 2010 10 237


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The effect of the association of near infrared laser therapy, bone morphogenetic proteins, and guided bone regeneration on tibial fractures treated with internal rigid fixation: a Raman spectroscopic study.

Lopes CB, Pacheco MT, Silveira L Jr, Cangussu MC, Pinheiro AL

Laser Center, IP&D, FCS, UNIVAP, Urbanova, S J Campos, SP, Brazil.

Fractures have different etiology and treatment and may be associated or not to bone losses. Laser light has been shown to improve bone healing. We aimed to assess, through Raman spectroscopy, the level of CHA (approximately 958 cm(-1)) on complete fractures animals treated with IRF treated or not with Low Level Laser Therapy-LLLT and associated or not to BMPs and GBR. Complete tibial fractures were created on 15 animals that were divided into five groups. LLLT (Laser Unit, Kondortech, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, lambda790 nm, 4 J/cm(2)/point, 40 mW, phi approximately 0.5 cm(2), 16 J/cm(2) session) started immediately after surgery and repeated at 48 h interval (2 weeks). Animal death occurred after 30 days. Raman spectroscopy was performed at the surface of the fracture. Our results showed significant differences between the groups IRF + BL /IRF_NBL (p = 0.05); between all experimental groups and untreated bone; bone/IRF + BL; IRF + BL + Bio + GBR; IRF + BL + LLLT; IRF + BL + Bio + GBR + LLLT; IRF_NBL (p < 0.001, all); IRF_NBL/IRF + BL + LLLT (p = 0.03); IRF_NBL/IRF + BL + Bio + GBR + LLLT (p = 0.02); IRF + BL/IRF + BL + LLLT (p = 0.04); IRF + BL/IRF + BL + Bio + GBR + LLLT (p = 0.002); IRF + BL + Bio + GBR/IRF + BL + Bio + GBR + LLLT (p = 0.05). It is concluded that the use of NIR LLLT associated to BMPs and GBR was effective in improving bone healing on fractured bones due to increased levels of CHA.

J Biomed Mater Res A 2010 Sep 15 94(4) 1257-63


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Types of hair loss and treatment options, including the novel low-level light therapy and its proposed mechanism.

Ghanaat M

Department of Dermatology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA.

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss in men, and female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is the most common form of hair loss in women. Traditional methods of treating hair loss have included minoxidil, finasteride, and surgical transplantation. Currently there is a myriad of new and experimental treatments. In addition, low-level light therapy (LLLT) has recently been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of hair loss. There are several theories and minimal clinical evidence of the safety and efficacy of LLLT, although most experts agree that it is safe. More in vitro studies are necessary to elucidate the mechanism and effectiveness at the cellular level, and more controlled studies are necessary to assess the role of this new treatment in the general population.

South Med J 2010 Sep 103(9) 917-21


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Adjunctive periodontal therapy: a review of current techniques.

Bader HI

Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA.

This paper has reviewed the different types of adjunctive therapeutic approaches used in the control of periodontitis. While there are many avenues of current clinical use and research, it is generally agreed that all of the modalities reviewed are adjunctive to basic mechanical control of the root surface environment in the form of SRP.

Dent Today 2010 Jul 29(7) 94-6, 98; quiz 98, 103


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Interventions for treating oral mucositis for patients with cancer receiving treatment.

Clarkson JE, Worthington HV, Furness S, McCabe M, Khalid T, Meyer S

Dental Health Services Research Unit, University of Dundee, The Mackenzie Building, Kirsty Semple Way, Dundee, UK, DD2 4BF.

BACKGROUND: Treatment of cancer is increasingly effective but associated with short and long term side effects. Oral side effects, including oral mucositis (mouth ulceration), remain a major source of illness despite the use of a variety of agents to treat them. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of interventions for treating oral mucositis or its associated pain in patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy or both. SEARCH STRATEGY: Electronic searches of Cochrane Oral Health Group and PaPaS Trials Registers (to 1 June 2010), CENTRAL via The Cochrane Library (to Issue 2, 2010), MEDLINE via OVID (1950 to 1 June 2010), EMBASE via OVID (1980 to 1 June 2010), CINAHL via EBSCO (1980 to 1 June 2010), CANCERLIT via PubMed (1950 to 1 June 2010), OpenSIGLE (1980 to 1 June 2010) and LILACS via the Virtual Health Library (1980 to 1 June 2010) were undertaken. Reference lists from relevant articles were searched and the authors of eligible trials were contacted to identify trials and obtain additional information. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised controlled trials comparing agents prescribed to treat oral mucositis in people receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy or both. Outcomes were oral mucositis, time to heal mucositis, oral pain, duration of pain control, dysphagia, systemic infection, amount of analgesia, length of hospitalisation, cost and quality of life. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Data were independently extracted, in duplicate, by two review authors. Authors were contacted for details of randomisation, blindness and withdrawals. Risk of bias assessment was carried out on six domains. The Cochrane Collaboration statistical guidelines were followed and risk ratio (RR) values calculated using fixed-effect models (less than 3 trials in each meta-analysis). MAIN RESULTS: Thirty-two trials involving 1505 patients satisfied the inclusion criteria. Three comparisons for mucositis treatment including two or more trials were: benzydamine HCl versus placebo, sucralfate versus placebo and low level laser versus sham procedure. Only the low level laser showed a reduction in severe mucositis when compared with the sham procedure, RR 5.28 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.30 to 12.13).Only 3 comparisons included more than one trial for pain control: patient controlled analgesia (PCA) compared to the continuous infusion method, therapist versus control, cognitive behaviour therapy versus control. There was no evidence of a difference in mean pain score between PCA and continuous infusion, however, less opiate was used per hour for PCA, mean difference 0.65 mg/hour (95% CI 0.09 to 1.20), and the duration of pain was less 1.9 days (95% CI 0.3 to 3.5). AUTHORS’ CONCLUSIONS: There is weak and unreliable evidence that low level laser treatment reduces the severity of the mucositis. Less opiate is used for PCA versus continuous infusion. Further, well designed, placebo or no treatment controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of interventions investigated in this review and new interventions for treating mucositis are needed.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010 8 CD001973


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High fluence low-power laser irradiation induces apoptosis via inactivation of Akt/GSK3beta signaling pathway.

Huang L, Wu S, Xing D

MOE Key Laboratory of Laser Life Science & Institute of Laser Life Science, College of Biophotonics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China.

High fluence low-power laser irradiation (HF-LPLI) is a newly discovered stimulus through generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) to trigger cell apoptosis. Activation of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK3beta) is proved to be involved in intrinsic apoptotic pathways under various stimuli. However, whether the proapoptotic factor GSK3beta participates in HF-LPLI-induced apoptosis has not been elucidated. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the involvement of GSK3beta in apoptosis under HF-LPLI treatment (120 J/cm(2), 633 nm). We found that GSK3beta activation could promote HF-LPLI-induced apoptosis, which could be prevented by Lithium Chloride (a selective inhibitor of GSK3beta) exposure or by GSK3beta-KD (a dominant-negative GSK3beta) overexpression. We also found that the activation of GSK3beta by HF-LPLI was due to the inactivation of protein kinase B (Akt), a widely reported and important upstream negative regulator of GSK3beta, indicating the existence and inactivation of Akt/GSK3beta signaling pathway. Moreover, the inactivation of Akt/GSK3beta pathway depended on the fluence of HF-LPLI treatment. Furthermore, vitamin c, a ROS scavenger, completely prevented the inactivation of Akt/GSK3beta pathway, indicating ROS generation was crucial for the inactivation. In addition, GSK3beta promoted Bax activation by down-regulating Mcl-1 upon HF-LPLI treatment. Taken together, we have identified a new and important proapoptotic signaling pathway that is consisted of Akt/GSK3beta inactivation for HF-LPLI stimulation. Our research will extend the knowledge into the biological mechanisms induced by LPLI. J. Cell. Physiol. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

J Cell Physiol 2010 Aug 3


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Influence of naloxone and methysergide on the analgesic effects of low-level laser in an experimental pain model.

Peres e Serra A, Ashmawi HA

Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (FMUSP), SP.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Although the mechanism of action of laser phototherapy (LPT) is not known, it is a promising analgesic method. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the action of LPT depends on the activation of peripheral opioid or serotonergic receptors. METHOD: Inflammatory pain was induced through the injection of carrageenin in the left posterior paw of male Wistar rats. The InGaAIP visible laser diode (660 nm) with fluency of 2.5 J*cm(-2) was used. Von Frey filaments were used to analyze mechanical hyperalgesia. Animals were separated into five groups: Carrageenin; Laser (LPT); Non-coherent light; LPT + Naloxone; and LPT + Methysergide. RESULTS: Low-Level Laser phototherapy proved to be an effective analgesic method, while non-coherent light did not show a similar effect. The use of naloxone blocked the analgesic effect of LPT, while methysergide did not affect LPT-induced analgesia. CONCLUSIONS: According to the parameter used in this study, LPT produced analgesia. Analgesia induced by laser phototherapy is mediated by peripheral opioid receptors. Laser phototherapy does not seem to interact with peripheral serotonergic receptors.

Rev Bras Anestesiol 2010 May-Jun 60(3) 302-10


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[Buccal manifestations in patients submitted to chemotherapy]

Hespanhol FL, Tinoco EM, Teixeira HG, Falabella ME, Assis NM

Faculdade de Odontologia, Suprema – Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas e da Saude de Juiz de Fora, Salvaterra, Juiz de Fora MG, Brazil.

Several changes in the oral cavity due to chemotherapy can be observed and can lead to important systemic complications, increasing the time of the patient in hospital and the costs of the treatment as well as affect the quality of life of the patients. The aim of this study was to assess the oral manifestation in patients treated with chemotherapy according to sex, age and tumor type. Data was collected in an oncology hospital in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais State, from patients’ records that were submitted to oncologic treatment. It was possible to verify that mucositis, associated or not to other type of lesions, was the most common lesion in both sex of all ages (15.5%). Xerostomia and other lesions, such as Candida infection and aphthous lesions, were also present. It is possible to improve the quality of life of the patient during and after anti-neoplastic therapies through a protocol of odontological assistance that includes changes of the oral environment previous to chemotherapy such as profilaxis, caries removal, treatment of periodontal and periapical lesions, oral hygiene instructions, diet orientation and laser therapy. It is very important the insertion of the dentist in the oncologic medical team for the early diagnosis of the oral manifestation and follow-up during treatment time.

Cien Saude Colet 2010 Jun 15 Suppl 1 1085-94


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Multiple roles of cytochrome c oxidase in mammalian cells under action of red and IR-A radiation.

Karu TI

Laboratory of Laser Biology and Medicine, Institute of Laser and Information Technologies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russian Federation.

This article reviews the current knowledge in photobiology and photomedicine about the influence of monochromatic, quasimonochromatic, and bread-band radiation of red-to-near infrared (IR-A) part on solar spectrum upon mammalian cells and human skin. The role of cytochrome c oxidase as the photoacceptor and photosignal transducer is underlined and its photosensitivity at certain circumstances is discussed. The role of ATP as a critical signaling molecule is discussed.

IUBMB Life 2010 Aug 62(8) 607-10


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Low-level laser therapy in the management of neck pain.

Peres MF, Lucchetti G

Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa, Albert Einstein Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Curr Pain Headache Rep 2010 Oct 14(5) 325-7


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Comparative analysis of analgesic efficacy of selected physiotherapy methods in low back pain patients.

Charlusz M, Gasztych J, Irzmanski R, Kujawa J

Department of Internal Diseases and Cardiological Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Ward, Medical Military Faculty, Medical University, Lodz.

BACKGROUND: Low back pain syndromes are one of the most frequent causes of movement limitation in populations of highly industrialized countries. They are listed as the main cause of inability to work among people of working age. Chronic pain and the associated limitation of movement underlie the quest for effective therapies. The use of ultrasound, LLLT, vacuum therapy with Ultra Reiz current in physical therapy of these patients prompts research over their effectiveness in the therapy of patients with low-back pain. The aim of the work was to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of LLLT, ultrasound, and vacuum therapy with Ultra Reiz current in patients with low back pain. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved 94 people divided into three groups (A,B,C). Group A (n=35) received a series of 10 low energy laser therapy sessions (wave length 808 nm, surface density of radiation 510 mW/cm(2), continuous wave form, scanning mode, a dose of 12 J/cm(2) on a surface of 100 cm(2) [10x10cm]). Patients in Group B (n=27) had ultrasound sessions with a wave intensity of 1 W/cm(2) for 3 minutes. Patients in Group C (n=32) underwent vacuum therapy (8 kPa) combined with Ultra Reiz current. Subjective pain assessment was carried out using a modified Latinen questionnaire and a visual analogue scale of pain intensity. Lumbosacral spine mobility was evaluated with the Schober test and the finger-to- floor test. RESULTS: In Group A, following low energy laser therapy, a statistically significant decrease in pain intensity was observed, together with decreased analgesic consumption compared to the other groups. In Group C, following vacuum therapy combined with Ultra Reiz currents, a significant decrease in the frequency of pain was observed together with increased physical activity compared to both Groups A and B, assessed according to a modified Laitinen pain indicator questionnaire. The biggest improvement in global spine mobility and lumbosacral flexion was observed in Group C (vacuum therapy plus Ultra Reiz current) compared to the other groups. However, the most significant improvement in lower spine extension was noted in Group B (ultrasound). CONCLUSIONS: 1. The study showed slightly higher analgesic efficacy of laser biostimulation in comparison to vacuum therapy combined with Ultra Reiz current in patients with low back pain. 2. A more prominent increase in lumbosacral spine mobility was observed after vacuum therapy combined with Ultra Reiz current and ultrasound therapy.

Ortop Traumatol Rehabil 2010 May-Jun 12(3) 225-36


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Low-level laser therapy supported teeth extractions of two patients receiving IV zolendronate.

Kan B, Altay MA, Tasar F, Akova M

Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

BRONJ (bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of jaws) is a frequently encountered disease, particularly in the maxillofacial region, and a consequence of bisphosphonate use. Treatment of BRONJ remains controversial, as efficiency of medical and surgical approaches as well as a combination of these methods with supportive treatments have not been clearly demonstrated in the literature. In recent years, laser usage alone or in combination with the main therapy methods, has become popular for the treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteo-necrosis of jaws. In this article, we present the successful management of two dental patients who had high potentials for BRONJ development as a result of chemo and radiotherapy combined with IV zoledronic acid application. Multiple consecutive teeth extractions followed with primary wound closure and LLLT applications were performed under high doses of antibiotics prophylaxis. Satisfactory wound healing in both the surrounding soft and hard tissues was achieved. LLLT application combined with atraumatic surgical interventions under antibiotics prophylaxis is a preferable approach in patients with a risk of BRONJ development. Adjunctive effect of LLLT in addition to careful infection control on preventing BRONJ was reported and concluded.

Lasers Med Sci 2010 Jul 29


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Testing Photobiomodulatory Effects of Laser Irradiation on Wound Healing: Development of an Improved Model for Dressing Wounds in Mice.

Chung TY, Peplow PV, Baxter GD

1 Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago , Dunedin, New Zealand .

Abstract Objective: To develop a suitable method for dressing skin wounds in BKS.Cg-m(+)/(+)Lepr(db) mice for subsequent use in laser irradiation of wounds. The healing of nonirradiated wounds (controls) was examined histologically to provide essential reference data. Background data: Dressing excisional skin wounds in mice has many advantages. However, previous studies using dressings such as Tegaderm W or OpSite, with or without adhesives, have shown that this is not easily achieved. Materials and Methods: In a pilot study, a full-thickness wound was made on the left flank in six diabetic and six nondiabetic mice, and five different methods were tried for dressing the wounds with Tegaderm HP to develop an optimized procedure. The optimized procedure was used in subsequent studies, with a total of 23 diabetic and 13 nondiabetic mice being controls for laser-irradiated mice. Measurements of healing outcomes from histologic sections of controls were statistically analyzed. Results: The optimized procedure used Tegaderm HP with Cavilon and Fixomull Stretch strips for the first dressing, and with Mastisol for subsequent dressings. Wound closure by contraction was retarded in a large proportion of diabetic mice (approximately 80%) and a small proportion of nondiabetic mice. These wounds, described as “splinted,” healed mainly by epithelial regeneration and granulation tissue formation. Conclusion: A simple, easy-to-perform procedure was developed for dressing wounds in diabetic and nondiabetic mice. It was found to cause splinting with wound healing mimicking that in human patients. This model is suitable for examining the effects of different therapies on wound healing, including lasers.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Jul 28


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Laser photobiomodulation of proliferation of cells in culture: a review of human and animal studies.

Peplow PV, Chung TY, Baxter GD

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

AIM: The aim of this article was to review experimental studies of laser irradiation of human and animal cells in culture to assess the photobiomodulatory effects of such irradiation. BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that various types of cells respond differently to laser irradiation, depending on irradiation parameters. Cellular outcomes measured or examined include cell numbers, cell viability, and ultrastructural features. A review of these studies may provide a further insight into the clinical effects brought about by laser light on cells and tissues, including laser effects in wound healing and repair of nerves and skeletal muscle after injury. METHODS: A systematic review was completed of original research articles investigating the effects of laser therapy on human and animal cells in culture (January 2002 to September 2009). Relevant articles were primarily sourced from PubMed and Medline by using EndNote X1, and from secondary searches. Search terms were “cell proliferation,” “laser therapy,” “laser irradiation,” “laser phototherapy,” and “phototherapy.” RESULTS: In total, 46 relevant articles were included in the review, comprising work completed on a variety of cell types. Although results consistently demonstrated the potential of laser irradiation to affect cellular proliferation in a wavelength- and dosage-dependent manner, the relevance of other key irradiation parameters, such as irradiance, to such effects remained unclear. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from studies of cells in culture clearly demonstrate the ability of laser irradiation to modulate (typically stimulate) cellular proliferation. The relevance of some irradiation parameters remains occult and represents an important area for further research.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 28 Suppl 1 S3-40


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The interaction of light with nanoscopic layers of water may be essential to the future of photobiomodulation.

Santana-Blank L, Rodriguez-Santana E

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 28 Suppl 1 S173-4


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Assessment of the effect of the use of laser light or dantrolene on facial muscle under occlusal wear: a Raman spectroscopic study in a rodent model.

Lisboa MV, Lopes CB, Rocha R, Ramos TA, de Abreu ID, Cangussu MC, Pinheiro AL, dos Santos JN

Center of Biophotonics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to use Raman spectroscopy to measure levels of CaPi in muscles under occlusal wear and treated with laser phototherapy (LPT) or muscle-relaxant therapy or both on rodents. BACKGROUND: The etiology of temporomandibular disorders is multifactorial. Malocclusion may influence the masticatory muscles, causing fatigue. A major type of fatigue is the metabolic, caused by the increased accumulation of metabolites such as inorganic phosphate. Raman spectroscopy allows nondestructive analysis of the biochemical composition of tissues. METHODS: The 30 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups: occlusal wear (G-1), occlusal wear + LPT (G-2), and occlusal wear + muscle relaxant (G-3). Ten untreated animals were used for baseline data. Under intraperitoneal general anesthesia, animals of groups 1, 2, and 3 had unilateral amputation of molar cusps to simulate an occlusal-wear situation. The masseter muscle of G-2 received LPT (lambda830 nm, 4 J/cm(2), 40 mW, phi approximately 2 mm) after the procedure and repeated every other day for 14-30 days. Animals of G-3 were treated with a daily injection of dantrolene (2.5 mg/kg in 0.5 ml of H(2)O) beginning 24 h after cusp removal. Animals were killed with an overdose of general anesthetics at days 14 and 30 after cusps removal, and the ipsilateral masseter muscle was excised and divided into two parts. One part was routinely processed and underwent histologic analysis; the other was kept in liquid nitrogen for Raman spectroscopy. The mean value of the intensity of the peak 958 per centimeter was determined. RESULTS: No morphologic changes were seen. Raman analysis showed significantly less Raman intensity in the laser group at 30 days (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Occlusal wear did not caused morphologic alterations in the masseter muscle but resulted in changes of the levels of CaP(i) that were less compromising when the laser light was used.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 28 Suppl 1 S135-41


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The Anti-inflammatory Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Experimentally Induced Inflammation of Rabbit Temporomandibular Joint Retrodiscal Tissues.

Kucuk BB, Oral K, Selcuk NA, Toklu T, Civi OG

Aims: To investigate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on experimentally induced inflammation in retrodiscal tissues of the rabbit temporo?mandibular joint (TMJ) using scintigraphic imaging. Methods: Eleven male New Zealand rabbits were included in this study. Six randomly selected rabbits were imaged to provide normal joint images (normal group) before the initiation of the experiment. A 5% formalin solution was locally injected into both right and left TMJs of all rabbits. Subsequently, Ga-Al-As laser (wavelength: 815 nm; energy density: 12 J/cm2; output power: 250 mW) was applied for 48 seconds. The treatment was performed six times for 2 weeks to the left TMJ of all rabbits. The right TMJs of the rabbits were used as the control (nontreated) TMJ group, while left TMJs were used as the treated TMJ group. Static images of TMJ were taken at 24 hours, 7 days, and 14 days after the beginning of the treatment. The images of all TMJs were taken in the posteroanterior direction with the rabbit under sedation and its mouth open. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare group differences, and intragroup differences were determined by the Friedman test and Wilcoxon sign test. Results: Significant differences were found between normal and both the control and treated TMJ groups. A reduction of inflammation in both treated and control TMJ groups was obtained, but there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. Conclusion: Under the conditions used in this study, quantitative scintigraphic measurements of TMJ inflammation of the treated TMJ group decreased but did not differ significantly from those of the control TMJ group. J Orofac Pain 2010;24:293-297.

J Orofac Pain 2010 Summer 24(3) 293-7


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Evaluation of inflammatory biomarkers associated with oxidative stress and histological assessment of low-level laser therapy in experimental myopathy.

Servetto N, Cremonezzi D, Simes JC, Moya M, Soriano F, Palma JA, Campana VR

Catedra de Fisica Biomedica, Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Santa Rosa 1085, (5000) Cordoba, Argentina.

The objective of the present work was to study the effect of helium-neon (He-Ne) and gallium-arsenide (Ga-As) laser upon inflammatory biomarkers associated with oxidative stress: fibrinogen, nitric oxide (NO), L-citrulline, and superoxide dismutase (SOD). These were evaluated through histological assessment, in rats with experimental myopathy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The groups studied were: (A) control, (B) injured, (C) injured and treated with He-Ne laser, (D) injured and treated with Ga-As laser, (E) irradiated with He-Ne; and (F) irradiated with Ga-As laser. Myopathy was induced by injecting 0.05 mg/rat/day of adrenaline in the left posterior limb muscle at the same point on 5 consecutive days, in groups B, C, and D. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) was applied with 9.5 J/cm(2) daily for 7 consecutive days with each laser. The determination of the biomarkers was made by spectrophotometry. The muscles (5/8, single blinded) were stained with Gomori Trichrome and examined by optic microscopy. The quantitative variables were statistically analyzed by the Fisher’s test and categorical data by the Axionvision 4.8 program. Pearson’s chi-squared test was applied, setting significant difference at P < 0.05 for all cases. RESULTS: In group B, the biomarkers were significantly increased compared to the other groups (P < 0.001), except for NO which in group B decreased significantly (P < 0.001). In group B, there was a higher inflammatory infiltration level (80.67%) in relation to destroyed fibers. CONCLUSIONS: LLLT caused significant changes in inflammatory biomarkers and oxidative stress: decreased levels of fibrinogen, L-citrulline and SOD as opposed to the increase of NO in rats with experimental myopathies and significant muscle recovery.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 577-83


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Targeted increase in cerebral blood flow by transcranial near-infrared laser irradiation.

Uozumi Y, Nawashiro H, Sato S, Kawauchi S, Shima K, Kikuchi M

Department of Neurosurgery, National Defense Medical College, 3-2 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-8513, Japan.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Brain function is highly dependent on cerebral blood flow (CBF). The precise mechanisms by which blood flow is controlled by NIR laser irradiation on the central nervous system (CNS) have not been elucidated. In this study, we examined the effect of 808 nm laser diode irradiation on CBF in mice. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined the effect of NIR irradiation on CBF at three different power densities (0.8, 1.6 and 3.2 W/cm(2)) and directly measured nitric oxide (NO) in brain tissue during NIR laser irradiation using an amperometric NO-selective electrode. We also examined the contribution of NO and a neurotransmitter, glutamate, to the regulation of CBF by using a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, N(g)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME), and an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker, MK-801, respectively. We examined the change in brain tissue temperature during NIR laser irradiation. We also investigated the protection effect of NIR laser irradiation on transient cerebral ischemia using transient bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (BCCAO) in mice. RESULTS: We showed that NIR laser irradiation (1.6 W/cm(2) for 15-45 minutes) increased local CBF by 30% compared to that in control mice. NIR laser irradiation also induced a significant increase in cerebral NO concentration. In mice that received L-NAME, NIR laser irradiation did not induce any increase in CBF. Mice administered MK-801 showed an immediate increase but did not show a delayed additional increase in local CBF. The increase in brain tissue temperature induced by laser irradiation was estimated to be as low as 0.8 degrees C at 1.6 W/cm(2), indicating that the heating effect is not a main mechanism of the CBF increase in this condition. Pretreatment with NIR laser irradiation improved residual CBF and reduced the numbers of apoptotic cells in the hippocampus. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that NIR laser irradiation is a promising experimental and therapeutic tool in the field of cerebral circulation research.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 566-76


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Collagen changes and realignment induced by low-level laser therapy and low-intensity ultrasound in the calcaneal tendon.

Wood VT, Pinfildi CE, Neves MA, Parizoto NA, Hochman B, Ferreira LM

Division of Plastic Surgery, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), CEP 04023-002 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The treatment of calcaneal tendon injuries requires long-term rehabilitation. Ultrasound (US) and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) are the most used and studied physical agents in the treatment of tendon injuries; however, only a few studies examined the effects of the combination of US and LLLT. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate which treatment (the exclusive or combined use of US and LLLT) most effectively contribute to tendon healing. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a controlled laboratory study with 50 rats whose Achilles tendon was injured by direct trauma. The rats were randomly divided into five groups and treated for 5 consecutive days, as follows: group 1 (control) received no treatment; group 2 was treated with US alone; group 3 was treated with LLLT alone; group 4 was treated first with US followed by LLLT; and group 5 was treated first with LLLT followed by US. On the sixth post-injury day, the tendons were removed and examined by polarized light microscopy. The organization of collagen fibers was assessed by birefringence measurements. Picrosirius-stained sections were examined for the presence of types I and III collagen. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher organization of collagen fibers in group 2 (US) than in the control group (P = 0.03). The amount of type I collagen found in groups 2 (US), 3 (LLLT), and 5 (LLLT + US) was significantly higher than that in the control group (P

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 559-65


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Anti-inflammatory effects of low-level light emitting diode therapy on Achilles tendinitis in rats.

Xavier M, David DR, de Souza RA, Arrieiro AN, Miranda H, Santana ET, Silva JA Jr, Salgado MA, Aimbire F, Albertini R

Institute of Research and Development, IP&D, Vale do Paraiba University, UNIVAP, Av. Shishima Hifumi, 2911, 12244-000 Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The present study investigated the effects of low-level light emitting diode (LED) therapy (880 +/- 10 nm) on inflammatory process in a experimental model of Achilles tendinitis induced by collagenase. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-six male Wistar were separated into seven groups (n = 8), three groups in the experimental period of 7 days and four groups in the experimental period of 14 days, the control group (CONT), tendinitis group (TEND), LED therapy group (LEDT) for both experimental periods, and LED therapy group 7th to 14th day (LEDT delay) for 14 days experimental period. The LED parameters was 22 mW CW of optical output power, distributed in an irradiation area of 0.5 cm(2), with an irradiation time of 170 seconds, the applied energy density was 7.5 J/cm(2) in contact. The therapy was initiated 12 hours after the tendinitis induction, with a 48-hour interval between the irradiations. The histological analysis and inflammatory mediators were quantified. RESULTS: Our results showed that LED decreases the inflammatory cells influx and mRNA expression to IL-1 beta, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in both phase, and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) just in initial phase (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the anti-inflammatory therapy with low-power LED (880 nm) enhanced the tissue response in all groups. We can conclude that the LED was able to reduce signs of inflammation in collagenase-induced tendinitis in rats by reducing the number of inflammatory cells and decrease mRNA expression of cytokines.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 553-8


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Effects of low-level laser therapy on collagen expression and neutrophil infiltrate in 5-fluorouracil-induced oral mucositis in hamsters.

Lopes NN, Plapler H, Lalla RV, Chavantes MC, Yoshimura EM, da Silva MA, Alves MT

Department of Experimental Surgery, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo CEP 04023-062, Brazil.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Several studies have suggested that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can ameliorate oral mucositis; however, the mechanisms involved are not well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of action of LLLT on chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis, as related to effects on collagen expression and inflammation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A hamster cheek pouch model of oral mucositis was used with all animals receiving intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil, followed by surface irritation. Animals were randomly allocated into three groups, and treated with an InGaAIP diode laser at a wavelength of 660 nm and output power of 35 or 100 mW laser, or no laser. Clinical severity of mucositis was assessed at four time-points by a blinded examiner. Buccal pouch tissue was harvested from a subgroup of animals in each group at four time-points. Collagen was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated after picrosirius staining. The density of the neutrophil infiltrate was also scored. RESULTS: Peak clinical severity of mucositis was reduced in the 35 mW laser group as compared to the 100 mW and control groups. The reduced peak clinical severity of mucositis in the 35 mW laser group was accompanied by a decrease in the number of neutrophils and an increase in the proportion of mature collagen as compared to the other two groups. The total quantity of collagen was significantly higher in the control (no laser) group at the day 11 time-point, as compared to the 35 mW laser group, consistent with a more prolonged inflammatory response in the control group. CONCLUSION: This study supports two mechanisms of action for LLLT in reducing mucositis severity. The increase in collagen organization in response to the 35 mW laser indicates that LLLT promotes wound healing. In addition, LLLT also appears to have an anti-inflammatory effect, as evidenced by the reduction in neutrophil infiltrate.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 546-52


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Varying ratios of wavelengths in dual wavelength LED photomodulation alters gene expression profiles in human skin fibroblasts.

McDaniel DH, Weiss RA, Geronemus RG, Mazur C, Wilson S, Weiss MA

Laser Skin & Vein Center of Virginia, Institute of Anti-Aging Research; Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462, USA.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: LED photomodulation has been shown to profoundly influence cellular behavior. A variety of parameters with LED photomodulation can alter cellular response in vitro. The effects of one visible and one infrared wavelength were evaluated to determine the optimal ratio to produce a net increase in dermal collagen by altering the ratio of total energy output of each wavelength. The ratio between the two wavelengths (590 and 870 nm) was shifted in 25% increments. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human skin fibroblasts in culture were exposed to a 590/870 nm LED array with total combined energy density fixed at 4.0 mW/cm.. The ratio of 590/870 nm tested parameters were: 100/0%, 75/25%, 50/50%, 25/75%, and 0/100%. These ratios were delivered using pulsed duty cycle of exposure (250 milliseconds “on” time/100 milliseconds “off” time/100 pulses) for a total energy fluence of 0.1 J/cm.. Gene expression was examined using commercially available extra cellular matrix and adhesion molecule RT PCR Arrays (SA Biosciences, Frederick, MD) at 24 hours post-exposure. RESULTS: Different expression profiles were noticed for each of the ratios studied. Overall, there was an average (in an 80 gene array) of 6% expression difference in up or downregulation between the arrays. The greatest increase in collagen I and decrease in collagenase (MMP-1) was observed with 75/25% ratio of 590/870 nm. The addition of increasing proportions of IR wavelengths causes alteration in gene expression profile. The ratios of the wavelengths caused variation in magnitude of expression. CONCLUSIONS: Cell metabolism and gene expression can be altered by simultaneous exposure to multiple wavelengths of low energy light. Varying the ratios of specific wavelength intensity in both visible and near infrared light therapy can strongly influence resulting fibroblast gene expression patterns.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 540-5


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Low pulse energy Nd:YAG laser irradiation exerts a biostimulative effect on different cells of the oral microenvironment: “an in vitro study”.

Chellini F, Sassoli C, Nosi D, Deledda C, Tonelli P, Zecchi-Orlandini S, Formigli L, Giannelli M

Department of Anatomy, Histology and Forensic Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy. f _

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Dental lasers represent a promising therapeutic tool in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. However, their clinical application remains still limited. Here, we investigated the potential biostimulatory effect of low pulse energy neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation on different cells representative of the oral microenvironment and elucidated the underlying molecular mechanisms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Saos-2 osteoblasts, H-end endothelial cells, and NIH/3T3 fibroblasts pre-treated or not with photosensitizing dye methylene blue (MB), were irradiated with low pulse energy (20 mJ) and high repetition rate (50-70 Hz) Nd:YAG laser, and evaluated for cell viability and proliferation as well as for the expression of specific differentiation markers by confocal immunofluorescence and real-time RT-PCR. Changes in intracellular Ca(2+) levels after laser exposure were also evaluated in living osteoblasts. RESULTS: Nd:YAG laser irradiation did not affect cell viability in all the tested cell types, even when combined with pre-treatment with MB, and efficiently stimulated cell growth in the non-sensitized osteoblasts. Moreover, a significant induction in the expression of osteopontin, ALP, and Runx2 in osteoblasts, type I collagen in fibroblasts, and vinculin in endothelial cells could be observed in the irradiated cells. Pre-treatment with MB negatively affected cell differentiation in the unstimulated and laser-stimulated cells. Notably, laser irradiation also caused an increase in the intracellular Ca(2+) in osteoblasts through the activation of TRPC1 ion channels. Moreover, the pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of these channels strongly attenuated laser-induced osteopontin expression, suggesting a role for the laser-mediated Ca(2+) influx in regulating osteoblast differentiation. CONCLUSION: Low pulse energy and high repetition rate Nd:YAG laser irradiation may exert a biostimulative effect on different cells representative of the oral microenvironment, particularly osteoblasts. Pre-treatment with MB prior to irradiation hampers this effect and limits the potential clinical application of photosensitizing dyes in dental practice.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 527-39


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Low-intensity laser irradiation stimulates mineralization via increased BMPs in MC3T3-E1 cells.

Fujimoto K, Kiyosaki T, Mitsui N, Mayahara K, Omasa S, Suzuki N, Shimizu N

Department of Orthodontics, Nihon University School of Dentistry, 1-8-13, Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8310, Japan.

BACKGROUND: Previously, we reported that low-intensity laser irradiation accelerated bone formation, and that this mechanism deeply involved insulin-like growth factor I expression. However, as bone formation is supported by many local factors, the mechanism involved in laser irradiation remains incompletely understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of laser irradiation on the osteogenic response in vitro. METHODS: Mouse osteoblast-like cells, MC3T3-E1, were cultured and were irradiated for 5-20 minutes (0.96-3.82 J/cm(2)) at the subconfluent stage using a low-intensity Ga-Al-As diode laser apparatus. After laser irradiation, expression of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), transcription factors (Runx2, Osterix, Dlx5, Msx2), and phosphorylation of Smad1 were determined, and calcium content of cell cultures was also determined. RESULTS: Irradiation at 1.91 J/cm(2) significantly increased the expression of BMPs and Runx2, Osterix, Dlx5, Msx2, and the phosphorylation of Smad1. Noggin, a BMP receptor blocker, inhibited the laser-induced Runx2 expression and phosphorylation of Smad1. Moreover, laser irradiation significantly increased the calcium content of cell cultures, and noggin inhibited this increase. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that low-intensity laser irradiation stimulates in vitro mineralization via increased expression of BMPs and transcription factors associated with osteoblast differentiation.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 519-26


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Mitochondrial signaling for histamine releases in laser-irradiated RBL-2H3 mast cells.

Wu ZH, Zhou Y, Chen JY, Zhou LW

Surface Physics Laboratory (National key laboratory), Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China.

BACKGROUND: The low power laser irradiation (LPLI) can promote the wound healing, but the mechanism is still not fully understood. We have found in our previous work that the LPLI induces mast cells to release the histamine and thus suggested that the increased histamine release is probably one of the causes for promoting the wound healing since mast cells have been found to play positive roles in the process of wound healing. This study aims to explore the mechanism of histamine release in RBL-2H3 mast cells under laser irradiations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The wavelength effect of laser irradiations, the permeability function of mitochondrial membrane, the Bcl-2 effect, the cytosolic alkalinization and the increment of intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)), on histamine release in RBL-2H3 cells were studied, respectively, with the corresponding fluorescence probes. RESULTS: The action bands of laser irradiations were consistent with the absorption bands of cytochrome c oxidase, suggesting that cytochrome c oxidase is the photoacceptor. After laser irradiation, (1) the cytochrome c releases from mitochondrial to cytosol reflecting an increased permeability of mitochondrial membrane, (2) the cytosolic alkalinization appears, (3) [Ca(2+)](i) increases, and (4) finally the enhancement of histamine release occurs. When Bcl-2 was used to inhibit the permeability of mitochondrial membrane these cellular signaling from (1) to (4) were all suppressed obviously. CONCLUSION: As a photoacceptor, cytochrome c oxidase absorbs incident photons and initiates the mitochondrial signaling. When the signals are transferred from the mitochondrial to the cytosol, the cytosolic alkalinization appears leading to the opening of a Ca(2+) channel on the membrane, the transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV), and an increment of [Ca(2+)](i). The increased [Ca(2+)](i) consequently mediates an enhanced histamine release. Such a responding chain is a suggested mechanism to understand the histamine release in RBL-2H3 cells under laser irradiations.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 503-9


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Effect of Ga-Al-As laser irradiation on COX-2 and cPLA2-alpha expression in compressed human periodontal ligament cells.

Mayahara K, Yamaguchi A, Sakaguchi M, Igarashi Y, Shimizu N

Department of Orthodontics, Nihon University School of Dentistry, 1-8-13 Kanda, Surugadai, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 101-8310, Japan.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), which has bone-resorptive activity, is produced by human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells in response to mechanical stress. We previously reported that low level laser (LLL) irradiation inhibited PGE(2) production in PDL cells in response to mechanical stress; however, the mechanism underlying this inhibitory effect was unclear. Thus, we sought to determine the mechanism underlying the inhibitory effect of LLL on PGE(2) production in compressed PDL cells. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: A compressive force of 2.0 g/cm(2) was applied for 24 hours to human PDL cells obtained from premolars extracted for orthodontic treatment. LLL irradiation (Ga-Al-As laser, 830 nm, 3.82 J/cm(2)) was applied 6 hours before, 1 hour before, and immediately after the application of compressive force. The mRNA expression of COX-2 and cPLA(2)-alpha was then examined by real-time PCR. RESULTS: LLL irradiation significantly inhibited COX-2 and cPLA(2)-alpha mRNA expression, which was increased in response to the application of a compressive force. Moreover, LLL irradiation immediately after compression had the strongest inhibitory effect on the expression of these genes. CONCLUSIONS: The inhibition of PGE(2) production by LLL irradiation in compressed PDL cells may be due to the inhibition of COX-2 and cPLA(2)-alpha expression and is most pronounced immediately after the application of a compressive force.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 489-93


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Effect of laser therapy on DNA damage.

Fonseca AS, Moreira TO, Paixao DL, Farias FM, Guimaraes OR, de Paoli S, Geller M, de Paoli F

Departamento de Ciencias Fisiologicas, Instituto Biomedico, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Frei Caneca, 94, Rio de Janeiro 20211040, Brazil.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Whereas the biostimulative effect on tissues using low intensity laser therapy for treating many diseases has been described, the photobiological basis and adverse effects are not well understood. The aim of this study, using experimental models, is to observe the combined effect of physical damage (laser) and a chemical agent (hydrogen peroxide) on Escherichia coli cultures and bacterial plasmids. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Survival of E. coli AB1157 (wild type) and BW9091 (xth(-)) cultures were used as an experimental model to assess the effect of agents on DNA, also agarose gel electrophoretic profile of bacterial plasmids for studying single and double strand breaks in DNA exposed to laser irradiation and in DNA pre-exposed to laser and subsequently incubated with hydrogen peroxide. RESULTS: Data indicate low intensity laser: (i) did not alter the survival of E. coli cultures, (ii) pre-exposure had a protective effect against lethal action of hydrogen peroxide on E. coli cultures, and (iii) did not alter the electrophoretic profile and action of hydrogen peroxide on plasmids. This suggests that low intensity therapeutic red laser doses at different emission modes induces sub-lethal effects on E. coli wild type and exonuclease III mutant cultures inducing protective mechanisms against lethal action of hydrogen peroxide. Laser action on bacterial plasmids is related to lesions other than single or double DNA strands breaks. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a protective effect or DNA repair mechanism induction by pre-exposure to low intensity red laser on the lethal action of oxidant agents and, therefore, laser therapy protocol should consider fluencies, wavelength and tissue conditions before beginning treatment.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 481-8


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Effect of pulsing in low-level light therapy.

Hashmi JT, Huang YY, Sharma SK, Kurup DB, De Taboada L, Carroll JD, Hamblin MR

Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Low level light (or laser) therapy (LLLT) is a rapidly growing modality used in physical therapy, chiropractic, sports medicine and increasingly in mainstream medicine. LLLT is used to increase wound healing and tissue regeneration, to relieve pain and inflammation, to prevent tissue death, to mitigate degeneration in many neurological indications. While some agreement has emerged on the best wavelengths of light and a range of acceptable dosages to be used (irradiance and fluence), there is no agreement on whether continuous wave or pulsed light is best and on what factors govern the pulse parameters to be chosen. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: The published peer-reviewed literature was reviewed between 1970 and 2010. RESULTS: The basic molecular and cellular mechanisms of LLLT are discussed. The type of pulsed light sources available and the parameters that govern their pulse structure are outlined. Studies that have compared continuous wave and pulsed light in both animals and patients are reviewed. Frequencies used in other pulsed modalities used in physical therapy and biomedicine are compared to those used in LLLT. CONCLUSION: There is some evidence that pulsed light does have effects that are different from those of continuous wave light. However further work is needed to define these effects for different disease conditions and pulse structures.

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 450-66


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Introduction to experimental and clinical studies using low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT).

Hamblin MR

Lasers Surg Med 2010 Aug 42(6) 447-9


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Lasertherapy efficacy in temporomandibular disorders: control study.

Santos Tde S, Piva MR, Ribeiro MH, Antunes AA, Melo AR, Silva ED

Brazilian College of Maxillofacial Surgery, Brazil.

Temporomandibular dysfunction is characterized by the presence of painful joint/muscular symptoms muscle in the face. The main justification for the use of lasers in laser therapy dysfunction is its analgesic effect, which was observed in most studies in the literature. AIM: We evaluated the effectiveness of laser therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. METHODS: 50 volunteers with temporomandibular disorders were divided into two groups (control and experimental) had amplitudes of movements of mouth opening, right and left laterality recorded before and after laser application. Was also recorded, the score the individual gave to pain by visual analog scale and, through physical examination, the pain points. We used the AsGaAl laser with a 40mW power, with 80J/cm(2) for 16 seconds at four selected points for just one session with reassessment after a week. Study design: Clinical. RESULTS: It was noted that laser therapy increased the mean amplitude of mandibular movements (p = 0.0317) and decreased significantly (43.6%) the pain intensity measured by the visual analog scale. CONCLUSIONS: The laser decreases the painful symptoms of the patient after application through its analgesic and/or a placebo effect.

Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2010 Jun 76(3) 294-9


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[Surgical and radiotherapy in treatment of postauricular keloids–case report]

Gveric T, Grah J, Huljev D, Zdilar B, Barisic J, Trajbar D, Ahmetasevic SG, Ivkosic A

Sveti Duh General Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia.

Treatment of keloid remains a great challenge for clinicians, in spite of numerous therapeutic regimens reported in the literature to date. Earlobe or postauricular regions are predominant locations for postoperative keloids due to the treatment of lop ears. There are several treatments that include intralesional steroid injections, surgical excision, cryotherapy, laser therapy, radiotherapy and pharmacotherapy. A case is presented with fourth recurrence of keloids after surgical treatment of lop ears with final satisfactory outcome after combined therapy that included surgical excision, skin flap transposition and radiotherapy. It is concluded that interdisciplinary approach that includes a combination of surgery and radiotherapy results in a satisfactory outcome of keloid treatment.

Acta Med Croatica 2010 Mar 64(1) 55-8


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Low-level laser therapy stimulates mineralization via increased Runx2 expression and ERK phosphorylation in osteoblasts.

Kiyosaki T, Mitsui N, Suzuki N, Shimizu N

Department of Orthodontics, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on osteoblasts via insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) signal transduction. BACKGROUND: Because orthodontic treatment is usually accompanied by bone formation, if bone formation can be promoted, the treatment and retention periods will be shorter. Recently, we reported the stimulatory effects of LLLT on bone formation. It was dependent on increased IGF-I, which plays an essential role in the anabolic regulation of bone metabolism. However, the signal transduction of IGF-I stimulated by LLLT was not elucidated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were cultured with or without LLLT (0.96-3.82 J/cm(2)), and the expression of IGF-I and Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) and the phosphorylation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) were determined by using real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. RESULTS: LLLT at 1.91 J/cm(2) significantly increased the expression of IGF-I and Runx2 and of ERK phosphorylation. Cyclolignan picropodophyllin (PPP; an IGF-I receptor inhibitor) partly inhibited the LLLT-induced expression of these factors. Moreover, when conditioned medium from the LLLT (1.91 J/cm(2)) cells was added to the MC3T3-E1 culture, the calcium content in the mineralized nodules increased significantly. PPP or noggin [a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonist] partly inhibited the LLLT-induced change in calcium content, and the addition of both PPP and noggin inhibited most of the LLLT-induced change in calcium content. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that LLLT stimulates in vitro mineralization through increased IGF-I and BMP production, through Runx2 expression and ERK phosphorylation in osteoblasts.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 28 Suppl 1 S167-72


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Theoretic, experimental, clinical bases of the water oscillator hypothesis in near-infrared photobiomodulation.

Santana-Blank L, Rodriguez-Santana E, Santana-Rodriguez K

Fundalas, Foundation Interdisciplinary for Research and Development, Caracas, Venezuela.

The objective of this review is to propose and document a role for the water oscillator in near-infrared (NIR) photobiomodulation. Greater understanding of the role of the water oscillator may add to a more-coherent description of central effects of NIR light on redox centers and key transmembrane enzymes such as cytochrome c oxidase (CcO). In addition, water provides a complementary pathway for absorption and transportation of NIR energy in photobiomodulation. Because of its unexpected potential, we propose terming it the “water oscillator paradox.” Photobiologic mechanisms involved in the treatment of complex diseases are discussed in light of the present state of the art.

Photomed Laser Surg 2010 Aug 28 Suppl 1 S41-52


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Laser and light-based therapies for acne vulgaris: a current guide based on available data.

Kim GK, Del Rosso JQ

Mohave Skin & Cancer Clinics, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

There are some patients that, despite their continued use of optimized topical and systemic medication and skin care regimens, exhibit at least partial persistence of acne vulgaris (AV) lesions that is bothersome and treatment-resistant to pharmacologic approaches. Additionally, professional, public and governmental concern regarding “antibiotic resistance” has led to interest in therapeutic alternatives other than antibiotics. These challenges drive research into non-pharmacologic approaches to AV treatment, including laser and light-based approaches.

J Drugs Dermatol 2010 Jun 9(6) 614-21


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A portable laser photostimulation and imaging microscope.

Nikolenko V, Peterka DS, Yuste R

Department of Biological Sciences, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA.

We describe a compact microscope that uses a spatial light modulator (SLM) to control the excitation laser light. The flexibility of SLMs, which can mimic virtually any optical transfer function, enables the experimenter to create, in software, arbitrary spatio-temporal light patterns, including focusing and beam scanning, simply by calculating the appropriate phase mask. Our prototype, a scan-less device with no moving parts, can be used for laser imaging or photostimulation, supplanting the need for an elaborate optical setup. As a proof of principle, we generate complex excitation patterns on fluorescent samples and also perform functional imaging of neuronal activity in living brain slices.

J Neural Eng 2010 Aug 7(4) 045001


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A systematic review on the effectiveness of physical and rehabilitation interventions for chronic non-specific low back pain.

van Middelkoop M, Rubinstein SM, Kuijpers T, Verhagen AP, Ostelo R, Koes BW, van Tulder MW

Department of General Practice, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, PO Box 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Low back pain (LBP) is a common and disabling disorder in western society. The management of LBP comprises a range of different intervention strategies including surgery, drug therapy, and non-medical interventions. The objective of the present study is to determine the effectiveness of physical and rehabilitation interventions (i.e. exercise therapy, back school, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), low level laser therapy, education, massage, behavioural treatment, traction, multidisciplinary treatment, lumbar supports, and heat/cold therapy) for chronic LBP. The primary search was conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, CENTRAL, and PEDro up to 22 December 2008. Existing Cochrane reviews for the individual interventions were screened for studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The search strategy outlined by the Cochrane Back Review Groups (CBRG) was followed. The following were included for selection criteria: (1) randomized controlled trials, (2) adult (>/=18 years) population with chronic (>/=12 weeks) non-specific LBP, and (3) evaluation of at least one of the main clinically relevant outcome measures (pain, functional status, perceived recovery, or return to work). Two reviewers independently selected studies and extracted data on study characteristics, risk of bias, and outcomes at short, intermediate, and long-term follow-up. The GRADE approach was used to determine the quality of evidence. In total 83 randomized controlled trials met the inclusion criteria: exercise therapy (n = 37), back school (n = 5), TENS (n = 6), low level laser therapy (n = 3), behavioural treatment (n = 21), patient education (n = 1), traction (n = 1), and multidisciplinary treatment (n = 6). Compared to usual care, exercise therapy improved post-treatment pain intensity and disability, and long-term function. Behavioural treatment was found to be effective in reducing pain intensity at short-term follow-up compared to no treatment/waiting list controls. Finally, multidisciplinary treatment was found to reduce pain intensity and disability at short-term follow-up compared to no treatment/waiting list controls. Overall, the level of evidence was low. Evidence from randomized controlled trials demonstrates that there is low quality evidence for the effectiveness of exercise therapy compared to usual care, there is low evidence for the effectiveness of behavioural therapy compared to no treatment and there is moderate evidence for the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary treatment compared to no treatment and other active treatments at reducing pain at short-term in the treatment of chronic low back pain. Based on the heterogeneity of the populations, interventions, and comparison groups, we conclude that there are insufficient data to draw firm conclusion on the clinical effect of back schools, low-level laser therapy, patient education, massage, traction, superficial heat/cold, and lumbar supports for chronic LBP.

Eur Spine J 2010 Jul 18


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Modernization of traditional acupuncture using multimodal computer-based high-tech methods-recent results of blue laser and teleacupuncture from the Medical University of Graz.

Litscher G

Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and TCM Research Center, Medical University of Graz, Austria.

Basic and clinical research in traditional Chinese and Korean acupuncture has been performed at the Research Unit of Biomedical Engineering in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Center at the Medical University of Graz since 1997. This publication focuses on the latest innovative aspects that underline the further enhancement and development of acupuncture. In this context, novel biomedical and neuroscientific methods are of paramount importance for the fast and efficient modernization of the ancient Asian healing method. Traditional and future oriented acupuncture stimulation methods can be divided into manual needle, laser needle (blue, red and infrared laser light) and electrical punctual stimulation at the body, hand and ear. Special emphasis in this research article is given to totally new technical and methodological investigations, e.g. the first data published worldwide in medicine obtained with new blue laser acupuncture equipment. In this regard, critical summary and recent results from peripheral and central measurements during acupuncture stimulation using high-tech bioengineering assessment are given. In addition, we describe the first teleacupuncture performed between Asia and Europe.

J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2009 Sep 2(3) 202-9


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Low-level laser therapy for the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa: a case report.

Minicucci EM, Barraviera SR, Miot H, Almeida-Lopes L

Department of Dermatology and Radiotherapy, Botucatu School of Medicine of Sao Paulo State University – UNESP, Botucatu – SP, Brazil.

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare group of diseases characterized by skin fragility. There is no specific treatment, short of protection from trauma, currently available for these patients. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) was effective as an analgesic and in accelerating cutaneous wound healing after six sessions of therapy in a child with dystrophic EB with cutaneous scarring and blisters on the limbs and trunk.

J Cosmet Laser Ther 2010 Aug 12(4) 203-5


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Phenotype characterization of pericytes during tissue repair following low-level laser therapy.

Medrado A, Costa T, Prado T, Reis S, Andrade Z

Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Salvador, Brazil.

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: The action of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on pericytes during wound healing is not well established. The objective of this study was to identify the effect of laser treatment on pericytes during tissue repair. METHODS: Punch biopsies were performed on 40 Wistar rats. Twenty animals had their wounds treated with a dose of 4 J/cm(2) using a 670 nm diode laser (9 mW output, 0.031 W/cm(2)) every other day, while the controls received sham irradiation. Animals were sacrificed 3, 7, 10 and 14 days after punch biopsy. Immunohistochemistry staining with anti-desmin, anti-smooth muscle alpha-actin and anti-NG2 antibodies was used to characterize and count pericytes around blood vessels and myofibroblasts dispersed in the extracellular matrix (ECM). The morphology of pericytes was confirmed by transmission electronic microscopy. RESULTS: The laser group exhibited significantly more smooth muscle alpha-actin-positive staining cells at day 7 and more desmin-positive staining cells at day 10 around blood vessels. Laser treatment was also associated with higher numbers of NG2-positive staining cells, especially on days 3 and 7 post-biopsy (P<0.05). Ultrastructural findings confirmed the presence of pericytes sharing the basal membrane with endothelial cells. CONCLUSION: LLLT stimulated the proliferation and migration of pericytes to the ECM and their phenotypic modulation to myofibroblasts.

Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2010 Aug 26(4) 192-7


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Electrotherapy: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Tiktinsky R, Chen L, Narayan P

National Hemophilia Center, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel.

The use of electrotherapy has been part of physical therapy treatment for the past few decades. There have been numerous modalities used such as TENS, interferential, diathermy, magnetic therapy, ultrasound, laser and surface electromyography to name a few. There has been an upsurge in the past decade of new and innovative modalities. There needs to be extensive research on each of these electrotherapy devices to determine the proper use of each device.

Haemophilia 2010 Jul 16 Suppl 5 126-31


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Posted in Research | on LLLT Literature watch for September 2010