New Book: The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments

The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free

The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free
A well researched and unbiased book/resource by Cindy Perlin for people in chronic pain that are not getting adequate relief from their treatment. The book is evidence-based and examines 14 different categories of treatment (including PhotobiomodulationLLLT).

The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments reviews the evidence for the safety and effectiveness of a wide variety of treatments, and reveals how organized medicine may be keeping you from getting the care you need and deserve.

This comprehensive guide will help you avoid the treatments that don’t work or are likely to cause harm and select the therapies that are most likely to promote healing.

Now available from Amazon as a paperback or a Kindle download

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Testimonial: Clinton Quinn

Clinton Quinn“I found the recent Thor laser seminar very informative. It was good to talk to other people with a Thor laser, there is much to learn all the time when using it for all types of injuries. I use Thor Laser with remedial therapies and good nutritional advice with my patients. The 3 treatments all complement each other with client success rate increasing every month.”

Please see some of the treatments I have administered since I purchased the Thor Laser

  • Osteoarthritis of the joints of the hand: I have had much success using this treatment as followed in the protocols. I have treated 6 people for this very painful condition, most commented after the first treatment of less pain, and after treatment number 2 a significant decrease in swelling and pain. All follow up treatments achieved significant improvement, to the point of the patient having full use of the hands with no pain and the ability to lead a normal life. This is very encouraging when some of them have been suffering for 10 years or more.
  •  Sciatica: Some of the 5 patients I have treated for Sciatica have limped in and walked out, on one occasion a patient limped in and when after the treatment he said he had left his wallet in the car, he then ran out of my clinic and appeared back within minutes. I advised him that he should not be running and that he should take it easy, he said that he felt no pain and ran without thinking.
    I have found a good result is at the end of a Sciatica treatment I trace the sciatic nerve slowly from the heel to the sacrum lumbar region with the 1W laser Cluster 2.5Hz, taking approximately 4 minutes. Using remedial therapies in combination with the laser seems to enable the patient to achieve more range of movement and a faster healing time.
  • Frozen Shoulder: Best results are when the treatments commence within the first few months of the patient being diagnosed, if left too long adhesive capsules can form and restrict a progressive return to full range of movement.
    I use remedial therapies combined with the laser to achieve a progressive result.
  • Back and Neck pain: These two common conditions are the most prevalent treatment that I perform every day. I have found that by releasing the muscles associated with the affected area, then using the laser protocols seems to have encouraging results. With some of my patients, that have suffered for many years are now pain free.
    At the end of a treatment I have the patient go through a range of motion test to indicate where continuing pain is present. If pain is still present I use the 1W laser cluster at 2.5Hz in areas still affected by pain.

The protocols are very comprehensive and are easy to follow. I am very impressed.

Clinton Quinn
Naturopath Remedial Massage Therapist
Queensland, Australia

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Testimonial: Dr. Kevin Hole

Dr Kevin HoleHello James and Mark,
Happy New Year!

Thank you for the training course last September. As you know, I had been studying the possibility of this treatment modality for some time but had not encountered Thor Photomedicine.

I was very encouraged when I happened upon your promotional notices and began to examine the biological and clinical foundation of your products. The course fulfilled expectations and the opportunity to have hands on time with the equipment was inspiring. I have always made it a priority to purchase quality equipment for my dental practice and it was immediately apparent that the Thor System was intelligently designed, extremely well constructed and robust for regular clinical use.

I am extremely pleased with the 5 Probe Thor Laser System purchased last September and my initial confidence in the product has been amply rewarded.

The capacity for clinicians to treat their patients at a cellular level will vastly expand the frontier of Preventive Dentistry. It is, of course, early days but my initial clinical results point to the successful application of this technology in the treatment of the following –

  • TMJ Dysfunction, Myo-Facial pain, Neck pain
  • Maintenance of pulp vitality subsequent to dentinal remineralisation procedures
  • Periodontal disease subsequent to non-surgical procedures
  • Facilitation of the healing of extraction sockets
  • Dramatic reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity
  • Recurrence of pain in vital teeth that had previously received restorative treatment for deep fractures. Following the use of both intra-oral probes the teeth rapidly returned to normal.
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Paresthesia of the lower left lip region (sensory innervation from Mental Nerve); The area had been completely numb for 18 months and after 4 treatments briefly “woke up for a couple of days”. The patient said the feeling was extremely annoying and he almost felt like pulling the lip off. The paresthesia returned and we have done 2 more treatments but illness has prevented him from returning. I feel that he has a good prospect for the resolution of this condition. He had left parotid gland surgery with X-RAY Therapy about 20 years ago and, interestingly, the skin on the side of his face, which was hardened with very dense scars became supple and displayed a normal texture.

As for non-dental applications-
My eldest son’s hand injury has progressed very well after excellent surgery and I have confidence that PBMT will effectively deal with the dense scar tissue that runs through the middle of the the rescued index finger nail bed. I commenced Thor treatment as soon as I had the machine, and we have averaged about twice weekly. I will send photos.

I have been treating my wife’s knee injury (pain approximately 10 years, she did not want to have surgery); she can now sleep without NSAIDs and has resumed aerobic training.

My elbow problem no longer impedes heavy weight training, the joint feels stable and pain is now only occasional and minimal.

I am regularly applying the 69 array probe to adult family members for stem cell stimulation, urticaria, cuts, bruises etc. etc.
It really is a revelation and the sense that one can make a substantial contribution to the health and healing of others is both compelling and serene.

Warm Regards,

Kevin Hole
General Dentist
NSW, Australia

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Testimonial: Kent Heckenlively‎

“This is the first time I am writing about my THOR laser.

I woke one morning with a pain in my left arm (mostly my left bicep) and thought I just slept on it wrong. A friend thought it might be a sign of an impending heart attack, so I hurried to the doctor. Turns out it was bursitis (an inflammation of the bursa sac of the shoulder) and the doctor gave me a bunch of pain-killers and told me to expect it to last for two to three weeks, if not longer. If it didn’t get better during that time, the doctor suggested I might want to get a cortisone shot.

Once I knew the spot from which the pain was emanating, I put the laser on it in anti-inflammation mode and did several treatments. In 2 days there was noticeable improvement and in three days I had stopped taking my pain pills. I am now six days out from my diagnosis, arm feels great, and just for fun I counted out the number of pills I have left in the bottle. I have 45 pain pills, or enough for 15 more days of pain, but I don’t need them.

The Thor Laser is AMAZING!”

Kent Heckenlively‎
CA, United States

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Course Testimonial: Penny Dyer

Penny DyerPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
Penny Dyer
Berks, United Kingdom

“Always a great course. Love to hear the latest research. I’m hugely frustrated that physios don’t use laser more. I use it every day and it’s like having a magic wand. It’s only ever a part of what I do, unless it’s something like chronic sinusitis, which it sorts out brilliantly all on its own. So glad to be able to come on your courses. Don’t give up – one day they’ll all listen!”

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Course Testimonial: Bonnie S. Block, BA, MS

Bonnie S. Block, BA, MSPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
Bonnie S. Block
B.A. (University of Texas at Arlington)
M.S. (University of Pennsylvania)

“The training course exceeded my expectations. I am very pleased that I attended because James Carroll and Mark Granic answered all of my questions and taught me as much as I could possibly absorb in one day. I was so impressed with the knowledge and integrity of both of them that I ordered a Thor Laser. Thank you.”

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Course Testimonial: Gregory H Wolf, MD

Gregory H Wolf, MDPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
Gregory H Wolf, MD
Primary Care Doctor, Family Practitioner
Orange CA, USA

“Excellent and interesting course. James was a great presenter, both very knowledgeable and very witty, which made for a delightful day in Marina Del Rey!”

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