Course Testimonial: Anna Grazia Pietrolungo

Anna Grazia Pietrolungo, Chiropractic Student/Myotherapist“I found the training course on the THOR Laser very informative and thorough. James is very dynamic and gave enough information for the time frame of the day. I am seriously contemplating purchasing this breakthrough piece of equipment. I feel that it should be part of any musculoskeletal treatment plan.”

Anna Grazia Pietrolungo
Chiropractic Student/Myotherapist
Victoria, Australia

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Course Testimonial: Paul Perrier, DVM

Paul Perrier, DVM“Thor training was tremendous. I was literally saving lives while in training, by texting my staff as how to use the LX2 that arrived the day of my departure (thanks to Mark Granic–one of the best reps I have ever dealt with.)”

Paul Perrier, DVM
Terry Animal Hospital
Rockville, New York, USA

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Julie Fuhrman

Julie Fuhrman“I am in my early fifties, and suffer from joint and muscle pain caused from multiple injuries, physical work, as well as nerve damage pain in my leg and foot (sprains, broken bones, surgeries). The pain had caused so much discomfort that I had gone from living an active lifestyle to sitting with heat, ice and medication to deal with the discomfort. As a result from the pain and lack of mobility I had gained 30 pounds, and felt hopeless to feel better.

I met Steve at Complete Health and Wellness, as a friend had recommended Cryotherapy. Steve talked to me about my issues and highly recommended I try the NovoTHOR pod. He laid out a treatment plan of 2-3 sessions per week for 4-6 weeks. He promised results that I thought were unrealistic.

I began the NovoTHOR sessions as recommended, and before I was halfway through the treatment plan I experienced dramatic results. I felt so much better, with a change in attitude as the discomfort started to dissipate. I began walking more and the desire to sit and eat went away with the pain and discomfort.

After 6 sessions I had lost 1 inch in my thigh, 1/4 inch in my knee, and 1/2 inch in my calf and to top it off I had lost pounds!

Upon completion of my NovoTHOR sessions I lost 10 inches overall, 22 pounds, and I am pain free with no discomfort from neuropathy. I am back in the gym and I have my life back as a result of the ‘Magic Bed’. Thank you NovoTHOR!!”

Julie Fuhrman

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Course Testimonial: Dr Minnie Freudenthal

Dr Minnie Freudenthal“As Jane O’Connor, Osteopath in Leamington Spa, said: If there’s someone who knows everything about laser therapy it’s James! I found the course useful to understand the principles of laser therapy. It also gave me a wide perspective of actual and future applications of laser. Of course there will still be a lot to learn as I start using this technology in my patients. James is a lively speaker.”

Dr Minnie Freudenthal
Medical Doctor
Lisbon, Portugal

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Renee Grandieri, MS, APRN

Renee Grandieri, MS, APRN“As a medical professional for over 25 years, I initially had some skepticism about “The NovoTHOR pod“. I have a severe case of psoriasis that affects my skin and joints. Winter is the worst time of year for me, so I tried the NovoTHOR pod. After 3 treatments there was significant improvement, by the sixth treatment my arms were totally clear. IT WORKS!

The staff at Complete Health and Wellness are pleasant, professional and understanding, Steve is the greatest.
In my private practice I now refer to Complete Health & Wellness for various conditions (PTSD, Fibromyalgia, baldness, any inflammatory issues, and did I mention I lost a few pounds as a side effect!) I strongly suggest you try Complete Health & Wellness.”

Renee Grandieri MS, APRN
Chief Operating Officer
Partida-Corona Medical Center

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NovoTHOR testimonial update: Ann Busby

Ann Busby“When I first started with the NovoThor around a year ago, I had fibromyalgia pain (all over), arthritis pain (all over, particularly in the Lumbar section of the low back), and was fatigued so bad that I spent most of the day in bed. I was not interested, nor was I able, to do anything.

Of course, living that way brought depression big time. I wasn’t as bad as some, but worse than others. At first, I noticed that my feet weren’t hurting as much as usual. I mentioned this to Valerie, who said she’d noticed the same, and was able to wear her heels without the usual discomfort (yeah!).

Next I noticed that I was starting to get my energy back. Nothing like wanting to do cartwheels, but able to go to the movies with my friend, and do things with Bob, my husband. The increase in energy has become significant. I want to walk again (not from here to the car, but take walks). I want to do more-I just can’t believe my bed lies vacant, awaiting me, and I have no interest in being there!

My overall pain has decreased fairly significantly. My back is still a mess, but other joints don’t bother me as much as they did months ago. I’m still taking pain pills, but not as many-and that’s significant for me.

But it’s the energy return that’s so exciting! People who haven’t seen me in a while say I look great, that I’m smiling, my eyes are sparkling, I’m walking less stiffly. I feel overall hugely better, have lost 20 pounds, and it’s showing on the outside! The Rays of Hope have actually been the Rays of Miracles for me.

I’m willing to give up 2 afternoons a week to go wherever the bed is. I need it-almost like a drug. But of course, it’s all good; there is not one negative return here. I’ve never been as excited about alternative therapy as I am now.

When I first met Valerie over 3 years ago, she’d come to our Fibromyalgia Support Group to tell us about her hand-held low level light therapy she was selling. Since I hurt too much in too many places, I couldn’t see spending that much money on something I had to hold over place that hurt. Somehow I knew that this technology would explode and start offering healing to all of us with visible and invisible illnesses. And I believe it is – it will be the next healing wave.

When she called me with great excitement over the bed, I was one of her first clients. My husband, Bob, has been going as well. Although he’s not showing the overall change I’m experiencing, he does look better. He’s able to do more than before Rays. We are converts absolutely! We wish we had that kind of money lying around to invest in the bed!

Thank you, Valerie for giving me my life back! I don’t know how to repay this special gift! You are a very special person to work so hard to help others with this technology. It has meant the world to me!”

Love, Ann Busby
Leader The Villages Fibromyalgia Support Group

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Testimonial: Christine Degenhardt, LMT, BBA

Christine Degenhardt, LMT, BBAYesterday I went to a client’s home to give her a massage. She’s been a regular semi-weekly patient of mine since approximately 2004 and has become active in trying many new health modalities including yoga. She has been doing stretches for the past several years because she has had a restriction in her right thigh which would not allow her to get into a full Lotus position ever. I’ve tried massaging it free many times without success in the past.

This was her desire as far as what she hoped THOR could finally do for her. Since there is no such protocol for this issue, I was in a position to experiment a bit. With her in the stretch position (pulling bent knee to chest with foot crossed over to other knee) where she encountered the restriction, I had her point at the spot where it felt tight. I placed the 1 Watt laser on 2.5 on the spot and within 30 seconds she smiled and said “It’s weird, but the restriction just moved to another spot.” I placed the 1 W on the spot she indicated and again within 30 seconds she said it moved again. I moved to that spot and as it melted away her knee was now flat against her chest and she had FULL range in her right hip.

It was a total WOW moment and she said “It’s amazing how much you can feel it helping when you really have an issue!” Brad was so excited to hear this when I got home last night that he asked me to write a testimony of the experience to you. I love our THOR.

Massage Therapist

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