NovoTHOR testimonial: CrossFit™ Athletes

Article Source: NovoTHOR Helps CrossFit™ Athletes

NovoTHOR Helps CrossFit™ Athletes“I started using NovoTHOR after months of knee irritation left me unable to squat. I also injured my neck and a Cat Scan indicated that my chronic neck pain was due to a slightly herniated disk in my cervical spine. For the next month, I started noticing that the excruciating pain I felt on a day to day basis that hindered me from doing certain movements in CrossFit, started declining the more I did NovoTHOR. Not only was I noticing a decrease in pain, but I noticed an overall improvement in my recovery from workouts, and I was starting to receive a deeper night’s sleep. Just about 6 weeks after starting NovoTHOR I hit a 10# PR on my Clean and Jerk at 315#, a number that I thought was untouchable due to my neck and knee pain. I’m now able to squat and do many other movements pain-free, just in time for the 2017 CrossFit Open.” – Tim Payne

“In 2012 I underwent shoulder surgery. When I returned to CrossFit, my shoulder was never 100 percent. I battled with pain on and off, while my performance slowly dropped. I sought NovoTHOR as a last resort before I decided if I wanted to undergo surgery again. Not only was I able to compete without restrictions within the first few weeks, but I achieved massive personal records on movements that were hindered by my shoulder pain. I added 7lbs to my snatch and 10lbs to my clean after years of 2-3lbs increases. NovoTHOR has made it possible for me to follow my passion of competing pain-free while reaping the benefits of increased performance.” — Jake Wade

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Testimonial: Dr. Teresa Caprio

Dr. Teresa CaprioHello James,

I am the Cranial Osteopathic Physician that attended the August 2014 THOR Training in Boston and spoke with you quite a bit and my husband was the Naturopathic Physician there that day.

We now own 2 Thor Laser Lx2 Control Units with the 810nm infrared cluster probe and an LED probe. We have been using LLLT since September 2014 and we have had very remarkable results. Here are 2 case studies I would like to share.

• The first case was a woman in her early 60’s that came into my office on crutches in excruciating pain. She was crying out in pain so much that I sent her husband to the Pharmacy to pick up a prescription for Narcotic, which she took in my office while I was treating her with Osteopathic Manipulation.

It was a confirmed Herniated Nucleus Propulsus ( it’s called an intervertebral disc herniation by your treatment protocol). I treated her for 5 consecutive days (with the first IVD Herniation protocol) and on the Monday after these 5 treatments she was able to walk without assistance and was very close to being pain free.

The following week she received 2 more Laser Treatments and at the end of week two, the patient was off all Narcotic, Muscle Relaxants and NSAIDS.
She then saw me 2 x per week for 4 more treatments. Since 2015 she remains off all Pharmaceuticals and is doing well. She has not re-herniated her disc and has responded to follow-up with LLLT intermittently.

I must tell you that in my 16 years of treating pain in the Out- Patient population, I have never seen someone heal a Herniated Disc this quickly! I can get the Herniated Disc to heal with my own conservative treatment protocol and Osteopathic Manipulation, but it will take at least 3-4 months. Truly LLLT is the Future of Medicine as you have so appropriately named it.

• The second case was very unique in that there currently is no protocol from Thor for the treatment that I did. This involved a 59 year old female patient who volunteered to be treated for inflamed Hemorrhoid and a small Rectal Fissure. For 2 ½ weeks this woman was in pain and very uncomfortable. Rectal Suppositories with Steroid and Aloe Vera did not help. She also was on Azithromycin antibiotic with warm compresses to the area. Nothing was stopping the inflammation or healing the tissue.

The patient agreed to try Laser Treatment. LED was tried, but there was no response. I placed the Laser Cluster Probe in a Plastic “baggie” and gave the patient Laser for 1 min directly on the Hemorrhoid and Fissure area for three consecutive days. The tissue was completely healed by Day 4!! The patient was completely pain free and has not needed another treatment!! 3 Minutes total! That is unheard of.

This type of case could have easily went on to a surgical option with more pain and misery for the patient. Completely healed with 3 minutes of Laser treatment.
This has tremendous possibilities for not only a Proctologist office, but also for any woman Post -Partum that has gone through Labor and Delivery who has needed an Episiotomy or has needed to have a Tear repaired or who may just have Hemorrhoids from pushing in Labor.

I realize you are a Physicist and not a Medical Doctor, but I am sure if you shared the above case with your wife she will understand the great potential for Obstetrics and Gynecology and the use of LLLT. Ask any woman who has had a child….they would jump at a non-invasive way to heal the damaged tissue from giving birth.

Thank you again for your patience and determination with trying to bring LLLT to my Medical Colleagues here in the US.

I have been thinking about purchasing an intra-oral laser probe which you have designed for the Dentists, as I do utilize intra-oral treatment of the Cranium with a gloved hand. I can only imagine that the LLLT would enhance my Cranial Osteopathic Manipulation, if I had an Intra-oral probe like the Dentists.

Lastly, I have found that the combination of Osteopathic Manipulation and LLLT to greatly increase the healing capacity of my patients both in speed of recovery and in complete healing of injury.

I can’t thank you enough for your work.
I look forward to hearing from you.

With warm regards,
Dr. Teresa Caprio

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LumiThera Named Most Innovative And Promising Medtech & E-Health Company At Biovision 2017

The LT-300 LED ophthalmologic instrument station provides a multi-wavelength approach to treating ocular disease.LumiThera® Inc., a clinical stage medical device company focused on delivering non-invasive photobiomodulation (PBM) therapies for ocular disorders and disease, today announced it has been awarded the prestigious “MOST INNOVATIVE AND PROMISING MEDTECH & E-HEALTH COMPANY” during Biovision 2017 in Lyon, France.

This is great news for patients suffering from dry AMD who have no other treatment alternatives!

Read the full press release:
LumiThera Named Most Innovative And Promising Medtech & E-Health Company At Biovision 2017

Disclosure: I am an investor in Lumithera a) because it successfully treats an unmet medical need, (dry AMD) b) I think it will be the first billion dollar photobiomodulation company.

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Josh Crawford

Josh Crawford“We currently have 3 THOR LX2 spot therapy units and 2 NovoTHOR pods, and we are taking pain management and systemic treatments to the next level.

In only 8 months of operation our customer base has risen to just over 600 patients, with 80% being referral service, and 20% being from our radio advertisements.

Unlike most of the light therapy companies in the world, no one actually understands the dosage and power requirements as well as James Carroll and his crew at THOR.”

Josh Crawford
Genoa Laser Therapy

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Course Testimonial: John Rose

John Rose B.Sc (Hons) Optometry & Visual Sciences“Really enjoyed the training day – extremely informative and James Carroll is an excellent and extremely knowledgeable presenter – I will definitely come on this again and bring all the staff as well !!”

John Rose B.Sc (Hons) Optometry & Visual Sciences
John Rose Eyecare
Surrey, UK

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The story of how LLLT / Photobiomodulation was discovered

This is an extraordinary lecture. It is the story of how LLLT / Photobiomodulation was discovered, and because of the context in which it occurred you might also find it very moving, so get some tissues. It is an hour and 10 minutes long so get comfortable, maybe get some popcorn and a drink too. I will paste the email that Andrew Mester wrote into the comments section below.

Here is the email from Andrew Mester :

I had the privilege to give a keynote presentation at the most recent NAALT (North American Association of PhotobiomoduLation Therapy) meeting in February 5, 2017 in Coronado Island, San Diego. The title of paper was: “Invention of Laser Biostimulation”. My lecture is in Youtube now.

Photo-medicine is an exciting new field in both scientific and clinical research all over the world and most recently in the USA. I learned in this interesting meeting that low intensity laser and LED light may stimulate, heal and regenerate neural tissue. Possible treatments are under investigation regarding traumatic events (stroke, traumatic brain injury and global ischemia), degenerative diseases (dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease) and psychiatric disorders (PTSD, depression and anxiety). Most American studies are sponsored by the NIH (Michael Hamblin, PhD, Mass General Hospital) and by the VA (Margaret Naeser, PhD at Boston Jamaica Plain VA Hospital).

My association to this field is that my Father, Endre Mester, MD published first biostimulatory effect of the low power laser in 1967. My father, myself and my brother, Adam Mester, MD have published all the basic both research and clinical studies in the literature. We described the stimulatory effect primarily in wound healing and also the systemic effect of laser irradiation which is used now in all of the above mentioned research protocols.

My father is called in the literature the “Father of Photobiomodulation”.

The NAALT society established an Award named after my father: “Professor Endre Mester Award who made the seminal observation on the therapeutic benefits of low dose laser treatments”. The award recognizes a clinician or researcher who has made significant contributions to our understanding of light-biological tissue interactions and its therapeutic benefits, specifically in the area of Photobiomodulation Therapy. I was asked to present this award to Michael Hamblin, PhD from Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School because of his lifetime achievements in Photobiomodulation.

Andrew Mester MD

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Course Testimonial: Nicholas Filippakis

Nicholas Filippakis, Naturopath and Myotherapist “James Carroll was absolutely brilliant, very well researched / evidence based presentation. The very best and most comprehensive Photobiomodulation practical training I have received to date.”

Nicholas Filippakis
Naturopath & Myotherapist
Adelaide, Australia

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