Tag Archives: cat

New video interview. Very good I think. Ron is articulate and a straight down the middle guy.

It would be nice if human hospitals could give the LLLT attention Ron gives his animal patients.

For more on THOR pet treatments click here

For more on LLLT training click here

Posted in Interviews, Veterinary, Video of the Week | Tagged , , , , , | on New video interview. Very good I think. Ron is articulate and a straight down the middle guy.

Dogs, cats and horses get THOR LLLT / Low Level Laser Therapy treatment

Posted in Special Feature, Veterinary, Video of the Week | Tagged , , , , , | on Dogs, cats and horses get THOR LLLT / Low Level Laser Therapy treatment

Laser treatment of cats and dogs video

Laser treatment of cats and dogs video uploaded to YouTube http://www.youtube.com/thorlaser

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