Course Testimonial: Sarah Moh

Sarah MohLLLT Training Course Testimonial, London, UK:
Sarah Moh, Lymphoedema Therapist/ Health & Fitness PT
Surrey, United Kingdom

“An excellent introduction to LLLT. Well structured theory and good clear explanation. I had a great day…Looking forward to introducing drug free pain relief and healing in my practice.”

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Laser Treatment Halts Oral Mucositis in Its Tracks

Published article by Fran Lowry on Medscape. May 01, 2015.

Spa-like treatment with a cool, low-level laser, similar to that use for wrinkles, vanquishes oral mucositis, one of the most debilitating toxicities of cancer therapy.

“I have been an oncology nurse for over 25 years, and in those 25 years, there has been nothing that helps prevent or is effective against the treatment for oral mucositis, until now,” said Annette Quinn, RN, MSN, from the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.

“Patients say they rank it higher than nausea and vomiting when it comes to adverse side effects, especially because we have good medications to control nausea and vomiting. But the low-level laser works better than we could have hoped,” Quinn told Medscape Medical News.

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Course Testimonial: Dr. Eric Bugna

Dr. Eric Bugna, MDLLLT Training Course Testimonial: Dr. Eric Bugna, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Portola, CA, USA

“As usual, another great meeting/course. Latest info on LLLT provided. It reinforces my data base/use of the LED/Laser.

More uses for LLLT explored. I am using the Thor device for more problems.

Am having great results treating peripheral neuropathy and postherpetic pain. Spine and knees doing well too. Thanks THOR!”

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Course Testimonial: Dr. John Hendy

Dr. John HendyLLLT Training Course Testimonial, Palm Springs CA, USA:
Dr. John Hendy DDS MS
Aesthetic Laser Dentistry
Oregon, USA

“I was very impressed with James’ lecture as always. I always come away with many new ideas and uses of LLLT.”

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Course Testimonial: Liz deGroot

Liz deGroot, Massage Therapist BTSM CDT MLD, Wyndham, New ZealandLLLT Training Course Testimonial, Auckland, New Zealand: Liz deGroot, Massage Therapist BTSM CDT MLD, Wyndham, New Zealand

“Excellent course! Information backed by peer review research. James is an amazing speaker and his assistant Mark is extremely well organized and accommodating. Most of my questions were answered well and the ones that weren’t due to time constrictions I have sent to Mark who assures me he will answer. Trial of product at the site was fabulous. Well worth the time and money.”

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Low-Level Laser Therapy Reduces the Incidence and Severity of Oral Mucositis | PracticeUpdate

Nurse personal experience + 32 trials (1505 patients) treated with LLLT for Oral mucositis presented at Oncology Nursing conference, read full article on PracticeUpdate.

April 23, 2015–Orlando, Florida–Low-level laser therapy has been shown to reduce the incidence and severity of oral mucositis significantly in patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer or stem cell transplantation. This result of an analysis of 32 prospective trials including 1505 patients was presented at the 40th Annual Oncology Nursing Symposium from April 23 – 26 in Orlando, Florida.

Annette Quinn, RN, MSN, of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, explained that oral mucositis is one of the most debilitating toxicities of cancer therapy. Nearly all patients with head and neck tumors treated with chemoradiotherapy, and 75% of those undergoing stem cell transplantation with total body irradiation experience some degree of oral mucositis. “Over the last decade,” said Ms. Quinn, “the prevalence of oral mucositis has risen due to new chemotherapy, the introduction of targeted agents, and the delivery of higher doses of radiation.”

Source: Low-Level Laser Therapy Reduces the Incidence and Severity of Oral Mucositis | PracticeUpdate

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Course Testimonial: Kimberly Juhlin

DVM Kimberly Juhlin, DVMLLLT Training Course Testimonial: Kimberly Juhlin, DVM
Vale Park Animal Hospital, Valparaiso, IN, USA

“After attending the Orlando CE meeting and all the learning that has followed I have come to the conclusion that Thor beats them all, on several levels.

The Orlando CE meeting was one of the best that I have ever attended. I learned a lot about a complex topic in an easier to understand and clinically relevant way. James Carroll is a fabulous, fun teacher and a humble genius in the area of LLLT. After the meeting, I had a lot more questions.

Dr. Ron Hirschberg and Valerie Gause answered any question I had with science and the literature to back up their information.

The other companies can’t hold a candle to your customer service. You have provided and defended the science behind your product. You have been professional in not bashing the competition, simply pointing out the flaws in their claims. You have helped me to navigate the marketing tricks and understand the difference between what happens in the laboratory and clinical setting.

Though I do believe other products have merit and the ways in which we use light therapy will change as we learn more, I feel comfortable that Thor’s unit will not become obsolete in the near future because of the built in flexibility of the interchangeable heads and frequencies.

You are the only company (of the three I have been looking at) that has been able to demonstrate to me that should I purchase your unit, we will be set up for success because of the support and education you provide. Lots of companies promise support but none have demonstrated to me that their treatment protocols are more than trial and error. Dr. Hirschberg is getting better clinical results in less time because his protocols are based on the whole animal’s physiology and the science behind LLLT.

I can’t thank you enough for the time and assistance you have provided me as I have gone through this intense process and learning curve.”

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