NovoTHOR testimonial: Perry Ekstrand, DDS

Perry Ekstrand, DDS“The last 20 years I have suffered moderate to severe pain in my neck, shoulders and hips due to the stress of my profession. I have tried massage, chiropractic, energy therapy, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatories, and you name it to get me out of pain and it’s cost me 1000’s of dollars.

After a few sessions on the NovoTHOR I started to feel relief. I had 14 sessions in all and have considerable relief from all my symptoms. My wife asked me the other day how I was feeling as she had not heard me complain or moan when I rolled over in my sleep or groan when I get out of bed. I estimate a 70% improvement and have booked 4 more weeks to continue on this wonderful journey to health.

I also rode 70 miles in a recent bike festival and felt great. A side benefit is that I had a dry, itchy spot in my ear for which I have tried various creams to keep the itch away. The itchiness and dryness has improved and I no longer require creams, or much less think about it. And now wife says I’m looking younger too!”

Perry Ekstrand, DDS
Lady Lake Florida

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Ann Busby

Ann Busby“I have lived most of my adult life in pain. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 2001. I suffer from fatigue, and also have arthritis and COPD. When the NovoTHOR was introduced to my Fibromyalgia Support Group, I agreed to try it. I had 7 treatments and then I did something that would have previously been impossible: I went on a 5 hour round trip.

Normally after a journey like that I would have been face down in my bed. But when I got back we went out for a meal, came back, watched TV, then I slept for about 12 hours. Wow! Improved sleep, as well as the energy boost, what a blessing!

Thank you so much of this wonderful treatment.”

Ann Busby
Leader of the Fibromyalgia Support Group
The Villages, Florida

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Michael Ramesar

Michael Ramesar“About two weeks before my NovoTHOR treatment I was doing some lifting jobs around the house and felt fine. Later on during the night I started feeling pain in my lower left hip area. I thought I had strained my back muscles and proceeded to rub on some sports cream in an effort to alleviate the pain. I also used heat pads in the days that followed with no relief. I met Valerie at the The Rays of Hope wellness center and told her what happened and she suggested using the NovoTHOR Light therapy.

I was skeptical but thought I would give it a try. I had one 12 minute session and for the first time since the pain started I started to feel a big relief. The next day I returned for another session and like a miracle, the pain was gone and I feel fine. I highly recommend NovoTHOR for anyone in pain. The sessions are short but the relief is fantastic.”

Michael Ramesar
VP MM&D Computers Center
Leesburg, Florida

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Course Testimonial: Damon Anderson, PT, OCS, ATC, Cert MDT

Damon Anderson, PT, OCS, ATC, Cert MDTPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
Damon Anderson, PT, OCS, ATC, Cert MDT
President/Principal Physical Therapist
Damon Anderson & Associates Physical Therapy​, CA, USA

“​The training was fantastic and very evidence based. It cleared up a lot of questions regarding photobiomodulation! Thank you!​”​

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Rays of Hope Rejuvenation Center

Valerie Gause, Director of Rays of Hope Rejuvenation Center

Valerie Gause
Rays of Hope
Rejuvenation Center

Ann and I have been going to the the RAYS of HOPE Rejuvenation Center located at 113 S. US Hwy 441, in Lady Lake, FL, since they opened in 2015 to use their NovoTHOR whole-body light pod (semi-enclosed bed) that emits red and near-infrared light to receive what is called photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) technology which use to be called low level light therapy (LLLT). Had to copy that technical stuff from their web page, I like the term light therapy.

Since Ann and I have been using this light therapy several times a week we have both had more energy and feel like getting out more and doing more fun activities than we did before using light therapy.

Ann who has lots of body pain issues with Fibromyalgia being the main pain generator was not able to get out of the house much prior to her using light therapy and now she is able to get out of the house several hours a day and we both feel her new found energy is from using light therapy.

Using light therapy sounds like science fiction or some sort of gimmick but it is working for both Ann and Me and as long as it works we are happy to use it to keep us happy.

Our two visits a week are fast and easy, I receive eight minutes while Ann who has more pain issues than I do takes in twelve minutes of light therapy.

We make an appointment, arrive, go into a booth, remove our clothing, go into the secure light therapy area, push the blue button on the therapy pod, the pod comes on emitting those red and near-infrared light lights, climb into the pod, pull the lid down over us, does not completely close so if you are claustrophobic like me you do not have to worry about being closed inside the pod.

Close your eyes and let the light do the work for you and once the light goes off, push the lid up, go back into your booth, get dressed and head out for the rest of your day.

We enjoy the treatments and continue to have more energy as well as less pain in various areas of our bodies and have continued to use this new and improved light therapy so we can keep our energy flowing and constant.

I have heard some folks who get the light therapy treatments do not notice any changes in their medical issues, body aches or other issues, while other folks get immediate relief and only do as many sessions as it takes to resolve their issues and do not continue the light therapy.

Ann and I have had such good success with the light therapy treatments we continue to go several times a week just to make sure our bodies are getting all the therapy needed to ensure we keep our energy levels up, everyone is different when it comes to therapy and what works for one may not work for the others.

I feel that we all have to do what works for US when it comes to our health and when you find something that works for you, use it until it no longer works for you.

Robert W. Busby

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Testimonial: Rey Portillo

“I’ve had the THOR Laser system for the last 3-4 yrs now. I’ve switched from another unit and what a difference. I have a story about gentleman who is a paraplegic due to a bone spur cutting into the spinal cord. He had developed a bed sore over the sacrum, I treated the wound and we saw quick results (3 tx/week for 3 months). On the 3rd month he told me he feel asleep in his power chair with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. The hot chocolate spilt over his lap, and he woke up to the heat. It shocked him at first because its been a while since he’s felt any kind of warmth below his waist.

I had been treating the wound but what I didn’t realise was that I was of course also treating his spinal cord injury which is why his ability to feel below the waist had returned. What a bonus! I believed in this laser system before but seeing results like this just makes it concrete.”

Rey Portillo
RPM Laser Therapy

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Testimonial: Cindy Perlin, LCSW, BCB

Cindy Perlin, LCSW, BCBI’m getting a lot out of my Thor Laser device. I’m using only 1/3 of the eye drops I was using before for my dry eye. It got infected 25 years ago after a contact lens jammed in my eye. I also had pain walking and when stretching arch of foot but I can now walk comfortably again, and I’ve been using it to stimulate my lymph nodes to get over a cold. Great stuff!”

Cindy Perlin, LCSW, BCB
Delmar, New York
Author of ‘The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free

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