Course Testimonial: Wally Taylor, MD

Wally Taylor, MDPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
Wally Taylor, MD
Texas Integrative Medicine
Austin, TX, USA

“The Thor user training seminar provided a great balance of background science, clinical studies, and hands-on practice with plenty of time for stimulating conversation and brainstorming about future directions. I am sure that my therapists and I will have every chance for success in taking this amazing modality to our patients in need, thanks to Mr. Carroll’s teaching.”

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Brad Marquardt

Brad Marquardt“For most of my adult life I have suffered with moderate to severe back pain. It progressively got worse during and after being my deceased wife’s caregiver, while still operating my businesses which do require a lot of physical activities. At times, my left gluteus maximus and sciatic nerve will erupt just walking 100 feet from my house to the mailbox. The pain travels from there through my left quadriceps and down through my left calf and into my left foot erupting again in my Plantar Fascia. I have purchased six pair of shoes in the last seven months trying to get something that would possibly give me some comfort and reduce my pain level from a 8 or 9 down to a somewhat manageable level. I’ve been to a Podiatrist three times and the results on him attempting to give me relief have not worked.

In 2011 I had passed out from severe pain due to pinched nerves at the L3 – L4 area. I had a fusion on the left side and a lot my pain went away. In 2012 I had the same procedure done on the right side of L3 – L4 and again a lot of the pain abated. In 2013 that area of my back seemed to explode causing me to again pass out. I now have a titanium plate fusing those two vertebrae but the pain is still at a very high level.

I was told I will need another fusion at the L4 – L5 and possibly at the L5 – S1 area and that I will be down for 12 weeks. I still have businesses that require my daily physical attention so is not really an option. The only thing I have been able to do since this news is to daily take multiple pain and anti-spasm pills, Aleve and use cold and heat packs. I have also been getting deep tissue massage and chiropractic care. With all of that my physical discomfort is maxed out while standing, sitting or even trying to sleep.

I had heard about and read up on LLLT and found The Rays of Hope Rejuvenation Center in Lady Lake. I set an appointment for the 4 hour drive which knew was going to require multiple stops to stretch and whine about my pain. I do not like to take the meds when I am driving so there were multiple whining stops over the four hours. I met Valerie at Rays of Hope Rejuvenation Center and she explained to me what she positively believed would help me. I am an eternal optimist and her words told me that “this was it!” Of course I had thought that with three surgeries, multiple injections, too many drugs to count and list goes on.

I got into the NovoTHOR Light Pod which Valerie had set for a 12 minute session. I was comfortable in this unit and my thought was simply that it was bright and warm. When I finished there was now out of this world feeling like a 20 year old. Valerie and I then sat for another three hours talking about this unit as a business. Finishing that I started another four hour road trip home. At that point I started realizing something had happened to make me feel like a 20 year old!

It was five days later before I had any of the original pains and I took one anti spasm pill. From there all that I noticed was no drugs, no stops to stretch and very good sleep. It was a total of nine days before the intense pain came back and that was probably due to a plane ride to Washington to meet Valerie at a training seminar. Fortunately Valerie had a desk top Low Level Laser Therapy unit and performed a miracle 12 minute treatment on my lumbar and sciatic nerve area. I could feel the pain decrease in stages from my gluteus maximus to my quadriceps and finally into my left foot where the Plantar Fascia released.

I have been involved in the medical industry for 23 years in one form or another dealing with the infirmed, the limbless, the blind and the dying. I will say without hesitation the NovoTHOR LLLT is the future of medicine!”

Brad Marquardt
Ft. Myers, FL

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LLLT / Photobiomodulation cures acute thrombocytopenia in mice

Zhang et al showed that whole body 810nm laser 100mW/cm2, 30J/cm2 cures acute thrombocytopenia in mice.

Thrombocytopenia is a common hematologic disorder that is managed primarily by platelet transfusions. They showed that noninvasive whole-body illumination cures acute thrombocytopenia triggered by g-irradiation within 2 weeks in mice, as opposed to a 5-week recovery time required in controls.

The low-level laser (LLL) also greatly accelerated platelet regeneration in the presence of anti-CD41 antibody that binds and depletes platelets, and prevented a severe drop in platelet count caused by a common chemo-therapeutic drug.

They conclude: this safe, drug-free, donor-independent modality represents a paradigm shift in the prophylaxis and treatment of thrombocytopenia.

Full abstract and paper here

As you know we are investigating the many possible benefits of whole body treatment PBM with our NovoTHOR light pod

NovoTHOR: The whole-body light pod using Photobiomodulation Therapy

Posted in Research | on LLLT / Photobiomodulation cures acute thrombocytopenia in mice

Course Testimonial: James J. Longobardi, DPM, MBA

James J. Longobardi, DPM, MBAPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
Absolute Foot Care
Chula Vista, CA, USA

“Great training course, I thoroughly enjoyed James Carroll and the audience. Very informative.”

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Course Testimonial: Anne Ingard PT

Anne Ingard PTPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
Anne Ingard PT
Ingard Physical Therapy
Natick MA, USA

“James is a wonderful teacher and clarified some questions I had about wavelength and power. I’d recommend this training to any colleague interested in this helpful modality.”

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NovoTHOR testimonials: From CryoUSA Clients

“Every training session I have had since starting NovoTHOR I have had more energy and matched or beat my current personal records.”
– Meagan Whitson

“Since starting NovoTHOR I notice my athletic conditioning excelling on a daily basis and recovery time between workout sets to be decreasing.”
– Mary Lou Womack

“I have had chronic pain in my foot that nothing seems to fix. After a few NovoTHOR sessions I am able to play soccer without the pain.”
– Hope Adams

“My hamstring has been hurting after longer runs, after NovoTHOR use it doesn’t bother me and I have more energy.”
– Maggie Riba

“My chronic shoulder pain stayed gone for a few days.”
– Andrew Escobedo

“I have a discernable decrease in muscle pain the following mornings when getting out of bed.”
– Michael Smith

“I’m now noticing more prolonged decrease inflammation in my knee and better mobility.”
– Edna Clemens

“I’m going to chiropractic school and wanted to experience different rehab modalities. Using NovoTHOR I noticed more relaxation of certain spastic muscles.”
– Caleb Kokones

“I have started noticing more prolonged energy throughout the day and I’m more clear minded when focusing on tasks.”
– Francesca Goncalves

“I sleep better through the night and feel less fatigue in the evenings.”
– Janet Yamamoto

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Course Testimonial: Marty Henderson, DVM

Marty Henderson, DVMPhotobiomodulation Training Course Testimonial:
SonoVet, Inc
New Braunfels, TX, USA

“The seminar last Sunday in Austin was excellent. I learned tons and am so excited to use my laser to it’s fullest capacity. I will be ordering the 810nm probe soon. I would very much like to attend another seminar so I can get more out of the volume of information presented. Thank you again!”

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Posted in Testimonials, Veterinary | on Course Testimonial: Marty Henderson, DVM