Course Testimonial: Dr. Frank Pourrat

Dr. Frank Pourrat“Really a good learning course about Photobiomodulation. If possible, every orthodontist should attend this course. I recommended it!”

Dr. Frank Pourrat
Bordeaux, France

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Testimonial: Mrs. Clare Coxall

Pain relief with Photobiomodulation“I came with a completely open mind because I have been living with a lot of pain since I was 16. I am now 85 years old. I was in an accident which resulted in undiagnosed spinal issues which resulted in living with many discs out of alignment, deterioration, and constant pain. The most recent pain has been in my left shoulder; the muscles were trying to do something they were ill-equipped to do. The pain there has been constant and acute for more than 2 years.

So, when my brother suggested I try Josh’s Thor Laser therapy, I thought, ‘I have nothing to lose’. By the end of the session, I was out of pain, and even the next day, and even coming back to England and moving things and doing things I shouldn’t do. Still no pain 10 days later! I can feel it just starting to niggle back, so I am searching for someone to be able to give me the same treatment here. Then there was the shooting pain across my lower abdomen that I’d been dealing with as a consequence of an infection that I am fighting with antibiotics. By the end of the treatment, that pain had also disappeared and has not returned. Then there were my swollen legs and ankles, something that had never happened to me before, that happened as a result of my trans-Atlantic flight. I was so concerned about it. Again, the swelling went down the next day. I did a 10-hour trip the next day coming home and the swelling has not returned. That was the most amazing thing! All that in only one treatment!

I’ve been there, tried so many things over the years to get out of pain, and this is the most successful thing I’ve ever tried!”
Mrs. Clare Coxall
Somerset, UK

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Course Testimonial: Boris Golembo

Boris Golembo, Osteopath, N.D.“I attended the course for the second time, and it was very useful. Excellent presentation and clarification of many clinically important matters, review of latest research and applications, practical suggestions and more. I highly recommend attending the course at least once if you are going to use LLL therapy in your practice.”

Boris Golembo
Osteopath, N.D.
Victoria, Australia

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Course Testimonial: Anthony Thorne

Anthony Thorne“Having first trained with James in 2009, my third with him was – as anticipated – even more informative and inspiring than those previously attended. I know from speaking with others at the training, how they share my appreciation of his ‘down to earth’ explanation of what otherwise could be a very complex subject, I came away even more enthused than before – as if that were possible – about being involved with laser work, particularly after James telling of it’s future potential. Many thanks to him and Mark.”

Anthony Thorne
Springwood Wellness Centre
Queensland, Australia

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Testimonial: Justin Kalopa

Justin Kalopa, Musculoskeletal Podiatrist“I have been using THOR Laser in my clinic with amazing results! Many people called me after a news segment aired wanting to know more about the Laser and how it can help with their chronic pain.

Big thanks to THOR Laser Photomedicine for creating this piece of medical equipment which has brought a lot of relief to many of my patients that have been using it.
Everyone wants a speedy recovery, to get better fast, but not every intervention can work this fast! I am glad to help them improve their Quality of life.”

Justin Kalopa
Musculoskeletal Podiatrist
Melbourne, Australia

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Course Testimonial: Michael Risman M.D.

Michael Risman M.D.“I attended the conference a couple of weeks ago and it was a pleasure meeting the Thor staff, especially Mark, who possesses an extraordinary understanding of the laser. The knowledge gained at this conference has changed the way that I view medicine and treatment of my patients. I am grateful to Mark for inviting me to this extremely informative and interesting conference.”

Michael Risman M.D.
Risman Medical Center
Brooklyn, New York, USA

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Course Testimonial: Luke Kane, D.O.

Luke Kane, D.O.“The training course was fantastic, materials were very well put together for a wide variety of clinicians at different levels of care. As a physician I look forward to seeing how this technology can enhance rehabilitation practice to conditions that have few or no currently viable treatments.”

Luke Kane, D.O.
NYU Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
New York, USA

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