NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | Have you had any patients not respond to Photobiomodulation?

Dr Wilding of Chiropractic Advantage talks about whether he’s had any NovoTHOR patients not respond to Photobiomodulation.

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

Posted in Interviews, Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | Have you had any patients not respond to Photobiomodulation?

NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | Patient turnaround and the effect on your business model

Dr Wilding of Chiropractic Advantage talks about how NovoTHOR has improved both his patient turn around and consequently his word of mouth business.

View current photobiomodulation therapy training dates in your location.

Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

Posted in Interviews, Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | Patient turnaround and the effect on your business model

NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | How do you introduce people to NovoTHOR

Dr Wilding of Chiropractic Advantage relates how he introduces people and clients to NovoTHOR.

View current photobiomodulation therapy training dates in your location.

Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

Posted in Interviews, Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | How do you introduce people to NovoTHOR

NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | How do you measure outcomes?

Dr Wilding of Chiropractic Advantage speaks about how he measures outcomes when using NovoTHOR.

View current photobiomodulation therapy training dates in your location.

Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

Posted in Interviews, Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | How do you measure outcomes?

NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | Why did I choose NovoTHOR?

Dr Wilding of Chiropractic Advantage answers the question “Why did you choose THOR and NovoTHOR?”

View current photobiomodulation therapy training dates in your location.

Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

Posted in Interviews, Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | Why did I choose NovoTHOR?

NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | How much did you know about PBM?

Dr Wilding of Chiropractic Advantage answers the question “How much knowledge did you have on Photobiomodulation (PBM) before you implemented it into your practice?” View NovoTHOR website.

View current photobiomodulation therapy training dates in your location.

Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

Posted in Interviews, Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | How much did you know about PBM?

Testimonial: Judith.C, retired school teacher

Judith.C, retired school teacher“I’m not a doctor but I was hit by a car 30 years ago and had a broken collarbone and soft tissue injury in the shoulder. I was also in a bike accident that left my right wrist with 2 bones out of alignment around the same time.

I worked as an art teacher in the public school system and physically taxed myself lugging art supplies and making art with high school students all day long. I’m retired now and was getting to a point where the chronic neck, shoulder and hand pain was requiring 8 to 10 NSAIDs a day which I tried not to take my whole life.

My shoulder injury slowly turned into bursitis. I couldn’t use the arm anymore until I started red lighting it and now it has restored its use to me. It saved my life.

I live pain free today after using the THOR Laser machine and want to thank the people who worked hard to bring this technology to people like myself. For that reason I’m giving my story back. My quality of life has been restored and I no longer need pain killers. It is a miracle. It has changed my life!”

Retired school teacher
BC, Canada

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