James Carroll interviewed by Dr Beth McDougall about NovoTHOR

Fascinating interview that Dr Beth McDougall did with James Carroll, Founder and CEO of NovoTHOR – one of Beth’s absolute favorite technologies for bio-optimization, biohacking and healing.

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Course Testimonial: Bruce Pont

Bruce Pont, Fitness Instructor & Health Warrior“The live, 8 hour Laser Therapy Course that I attended via the Web was most valuable and useful. James Carroll provided a wealth of essential information, intermingled with humour. My ‘take-aways’ will assist my focus on (1) choosing the right PBM equipment to acquire and then (2) implementing the most appropriate treatment protocols. I highly recommend the course.”

Bruce Pont
Australian Dragon Boat Team, World Championships, USA.
Coach of Gold & Silver Medalist teams: Australian Masters Games (Dragon Boats).
Martial Arts: Black tip.
Newcastle NSW, Australia

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Wanda’s got her life back

Wanda has suffered with chronic pain and tenderness throughout her body for many years. Listen to her testimonial about how NovoTHOR Whole Body Light Therapy has transformed her life after having treatment at the PBM Therapy Clinic in Derby UK.

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Car Accident Injury

Car accident victim is finding that NovoTHOR is really making a difference for her pain relief.

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Course Testimonial: Nancy Fitzgerald, DMD

Nancy Fitzgerald, DMD“The course was easy to attend online! Great balance of good and up-to-date PBM information mixed with humor – I always enjoy your presentations James!”

Nancy Fitzgerald, DMD
Assistant Professor
Glendale, AZ, USA

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Course Testimonial: Stuart Merry

Stuart Merry, Chiropractor“A very well presented course, a balanced mix of the latest research as related to the application and implementation of PBM, as well as the theoretical physiological mechanisms behind its use alongside some live hands-on practical demonstrations. A worthwhile day which I fully recommend.”

Stuart Merry
Cheshire, UK

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Course Testimonial: Jamie Vitton

Jamie Vitton, Therapist“I love your 1 hour webinars. And I love the way James is so passionate about PBM. Thank you for leading the way in this ever growing field. Cheers friends 🌞”

Jamie Vitton
Drury MO, USA

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