Testimonial: Jesse Apiti

Jesse Apiti has been wheelchair bound, paralysed from the waist down with a spinal injury since a workplace accident and experienced quite severe nerve pain in the groin area.

Photobiomodulation treatment started 6 months after the accident at ATP Therapy and Jesse has been getting more sensation in his hip areas and pain has gone so can sleep at night.

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Emily Waters – Chronic Back Pain

Emily Waters has suffered chronic debilitating back pain for the past 4 years until trying Photobiomodulation at ATP Therapy. Read Emma’s full story below the video.

“22nd of December 2012 was the date my life changed and not for the better. I had gone to a work party; I had arrived late as I didn’t really want to be there, everyone had been drinking a lot. I was there an hour maybe less when I got up to go to the toilet, when I came back I went to sit down in my chair, and one of my co-workers pulled my chair away. I landed on concrete on my bottom, I could tell straight away what had happened had caused permanent and serious damage, it felt as if my spine had been compacted. I was in shock that someone would do something so stupid to me. Continue reading

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Interview with James Carroll by Dr Hisham Abdalla

Dr Hisham Abdalla from laser lifeCARE institute interviews James Carroll CEO, Founder and Inventor of Thor Photomedicine and the NovoTHOR light-pod.

James Carroll shares visions, science, evolution and the future of PhotoBiomodulation and Light/laser therapies, as well as James’s recent achievements at the US Congress and The United Nations.

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Chris

Chris had tried many different therapies for her health issues and after using NovoTHOR at Immortality OC she feels the difference and hasn’t felt this good in a really long time.

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Course Testimonial: Dr Lynn Lamont

Dr Lynn Lamont“The course was a great refresher. It was good to have the understanding of the physics and be able to concentrate on the Photobiomodulation aspect of the course.
Thanks again”

Dr Lynn Lamont
New Brunswick, Canada

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Course Testimonial: Dr. Darren Bell

Dr. Darren Bell“This company leads with research and science, not salesmanship and gimmicks, and that’s the reason that I originally decided to purchase the THOR Laser.

The seminars are practical and offer information that is both interesting and clinically relevant. I look forward to attending future seminars, and I highly recommend the THOR Laser to anyone who is considering the purchase of a laser.”

Dr. Darren Bell
New York, USA

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Brenda Martinez

Brenda Martinez, an American Olympic athlete and World Championship Silver Medalist in the 800 meters, shares how NovoTHOR at Immortality OC helps her during training and recovery.

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