Course Testimonial: Jack Glanvile

Jack Glanvile, Sports Therapist“I liked that all the course information was broken down into sections to make it easier and clearer to digest. It was funny and light-hearted. Even over teams, all demonstrations were good and clear. Also, the section on marketing was useful. I had a great day!”

Jack Glanvile
Sports Therapist
Devon, UK

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Course Testimonial: Shawnee Kyle

Shawnee Kyle, Registered Nurse“Very thorough training course. My questions at the beginning of the course were answered throughout the course, the humor was a great touch. Thank you, it piqued my interest in ways I didn’t expect. Looking forward to more discussions.”

Shawnee Kyle
Registered Nurse
Twin Falls ID, USA

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Course Testimonial: Tiffany Young-Poindexter

Tiffany Young-Poindexter, Cryo Tech/Massage Therapist“The course interaction was very helpful and the real time questions were great. I enjoyed learning all the different aspects of the laser and LED probe information for people and animals. I really enjoyed the program and look forward to sharing the information.”

Tiffany Young-Poindexter
Cryo Tech/Massage Therapist
Pennsylvania, USA

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Testimonial: Jan – shoulder issues and neck pain

For the past 6 years Jan has been dealing with a lot of shoulder issues and neck pain.
She went to Discovery Health Healing Center and was introduced to Photobiomodulation therapy and over the course of 3 weeks with 2 sessions per week, Jan is now getting the relief that she couldn’t get with previous practitioners.

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Course Testimonial: Karen Parks

Karen Parks, Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist“I enjoyed learning about how I could use the lasers in my practice in order to help my clients with acute and chronic injuries. I enjoyed all of the research on the lasers and I look forward to seeing what else your company is working on for the future. Thanks!”

Karen Parks
Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist
Charlotte NC, USA

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Course Testimonial: Andrei Alamaa

“I liked the training course teacher’s sense of humor. I received all the information I wanted. Thank you!!!”

Andrei Alamaa
Massage Therapist
Tallinn, Estonia

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Emily Richards – Hashimoto’s Thyroidism and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Emily Richards talks about having Hashimoto’s Thyroidism and Rheumatoid Arthritis and how she was desperate to find some pain relief that didn’t require her to continue to depend on pain medication. 

Emily goes to Xscape Pain to use NovoTHOR and now her joints are flexible and the regular sessions keep the pain at bay so she can continue doing physical work. She is no longer getting chronic pain so is able to do a lot more activities.

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

Posted in Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Emily Richards – Hashimoto’s Thyroidism and Rheumatoid Arthritis