670 nm photobiomodulation reduces acute hepatic oxidative stress by enhancing the antioxidant defence system in diabetic rats
670 nm photobiomodulation reduces acute hepatic oxidative stress by enhancing the antioxidant defence system in diabetic rats
Shimon Rochkind is an eminent Israeli neurosurgeon and he is THE pioneer in LLLT nerve regeneration.
He is a specialist in Neurosurgery & Microsurgery, Director of the Division of Peripheral Nerve Reconstruction, Senior Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery, Tel-Aviv University, Senior Scientist, Neural & Vascular Institute (N.V.R. labs) and Senior Editor of Photomedicine and Laser Surgery with a formidable international reputation.
Over the past 30 years he has been evaluating the use of phototherapy for intra-operative and post-operative treatment of peripheral nerve injuries. He is also the most delightful, gentle, hard working and committed man you could ever wish to meet.
A prolific author, this latest paper is a digest of his 30 years research
Objective was to compare splinting, ultrasound (US), and low-level laser (LLL) in the management of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). A total of 100 hands of 50 women patients with bilateral CTS at 3 months after treatment. LLLT plus splinting was more advantageous than US therapy plus splinting, especially for the outcomes of lessening of symptom severity, pain alleviation, and increased patient satisfaction.
RCT evaluation of LLLT on postoperative trismus and edema after third molar extraction on 32 patients.
2mins @ 33 mW/cm2 808nm CW
Conclusion LLLT reduces postoperative trismus and swelling
Our latest LLLT literature review with 20 abstracts including another muscle fatigue paper from Brazil, two Oral Mucositis papers, a “strong” rating for laser on myofascial trigger points in a Chiropractic systematic review and a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome clinical trial paper.
James D Carroll FRSM, AMInstP, THOR Photomedicine Ltd, United Kingdom
Photobiomodulation includes biostimulation and bioinhibition. In vitro, in vivo and clinical studies have established that there are radiant intensities and energy thresholds below which no significant cellular stimulation or clinical effects are achieved. Conversely there are radiant intensities and total fluence thresholds above which cellular stimulation decreases from its peak effect and inhibition is achieved. Many dose-ranging studies have been published using a variety of laboratory and clinical models and most suggest that cellular stimulation is achieved at radiant intensities in the range of 5 – 50mW/cm2 (at the target tissue ) and that exceeding these levels can inhibit cellular function.
So what is the role of the higher intensity laser products that appear to be popular with some clinicians and their patients ? Continue reading
Congratulations to Chukuka et al for taking the inititive to do this work. The outcomes of this high “dose” / short wavelenght invitro study come as no surprise as this effect has been forecast for some time. For decades that UV light has bactericidal effects but that it can also have carcinogenic effects. 405nm is blue light (just outside the range) so should should be a safer option. Continue reading