The outcome of Photothera’s clinical trial on 660 patients with acute ischemic stroke was presented at the American Heart Association’s International Stroke Conference in San Diego yesterday. Though results were not as good as hoped for there were some encouraging trends.
The LLLT group achieved a favourable outcome in 36.3% of patients compared to only 30.9% of patients in the placebo group at 90 days. However a post-hoc analysis of 434 patients who suffered moderate to moderately severe strokes showed a favorable outcome in 51.6% of patients in the TLT group compared to 41.9% of patients in the sham group. This 9.7% treatment effect was statistically significant (p-value 0.044). Adverse events did not differ between groups, providing evidence of the safety of LLLT.
It will be interesting to see the treatment parameters when the paper is published.