NPL grant for THOR

Diode laser beams are hard to measure. They are almost never round, collimated or homogeneous. At best they can be described as being elliptical and having a Gaussian distribution. How do we measure and calculate the area of the ellipse and have the same method used throughout LLLT academia and industry?

Answer: ask The National Physics Laboratory (NPL) to review the problem and propose a solution.

NPL is a world renowned measurements and standards organisation. They play a significant role in the writing of global measurement standards e.g. how to define time (the second) and mass (the kilogram). Now they will be working with THOR to define LLLT beam standards and measurement methods for academia and industry.
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LLLT mechanism conference August 2009 USA – update

The American Society for Photobiology is the latest and probably most academic organisation to turn it’s gaze towards Low Level Light Therapy (rather than just laser).

August 7-8, 2009

If you have an academic interest in the mechanisms behind LLLT then this meeting might be the highlight of your year.

Fees to be determined

Speaker and topics to be announced

The meeting will be held at Goergen 101, University of Rochester, NY, USA

Google Map of location appears to be here (check it yourself to be sure)

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Condylar growth with LLLT

TEHRAN. Retrognathism is a type of malocclusion which refers to a maxilla or mandible which is further posterior than would be expected. In this study the authors find that laser irradiation can stimulate mandibular condylar growth and subsequently cause mandibular advancement in rats and suggest that this might be used for improvement of mandibular retrognathism. An alternative to surgical mandibular lengthening ?

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LLLT mechanism conference August 2009 USA

The American Society for Photobiology is the latest and probably most academic organisation to turn it’s gaze towards Low Level Light Therapy (rather than just laser). If you have an academic interest in the mechanisms behind LLLT then this meeting might be the highlight of your year and we urge you to participate. Continue reading

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Muscle healing improved by low-level laser therapy

BRAZIL. Scientists at Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense evaluated the effect of laser on the mitochondrial respiratory chain after traumatic muscular injury on rats. Results showed that LLLT significantly increased the activities of complexes I, II, III, IV and succinate dehydrogenase suggesting that laser may induce an increase in mitochondrial ATP synthesis and accelerate the muscle healing process.
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THOR Training schedule – New Dates

more details here
28 Feb 2009 USA Houston
29 March 2009 UK Edinburgh
6 April 2009 USA Washington DC
19 April 2009 UK London
10 May 2009 UK Bristol
07 June 2009 UK Manchester
14 June 2009 USA Los Angeles
26 Sept 2009 USA Chicago
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Ischemic Stroke with LLLT Abstract

Effectiveness and Safety of Transcranial Laser Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke
660 patients with acute ischemic stroke
No treatment parameters were disclosed in this paper other than 808nm, 20 mins, 20 points
The median time to treatment 16 hours (range 2:30 – 24 hours)
Time to treatment did not determine the outcome
NIHSS 11-15 patients (NIH Stroke Scale (moderately severe)) scored best

See also previous post for press release and comment

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