Course Testimonial: Dr Ramesh Bulbule

Dr Ramesh Bulbule, Dentist“Excellent education. Offers an alternative aid to facilitate and enhance, tissue wound healing and tissue regeneration.”

Dr Ramesh Bulbule
Dubai United Arab, Emirates

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Course Testimonial: Alicia Parker Sweatt, MD

Alicia Parker Sweatt, MD“James is very engaging. I admire his creativity and translational work, his integrating science, engineering and ‘inventions’ with clinical applications. Appreciate his total immersion in developing and researching PMB and promoting PBM as an important therapeutic modality. One does not sense that financial gain is a driving force.

It was exciting to learn of potential use of PBM in ‘untreatable’ diseases such as AMD. It inspires one to provide this seemingly innocuous therapy for a number of more mundane conditions afflicting the general public.”

Alicia Parker Sweatt, MD
Medical Doctor
Lafayette LA, USA

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Course Testimonial: Ciara Haughian

Ciara Haughian, Veterinary Physiotherapist“I enjoyed the course and learned a lot and feel a lot more confident about using lasers within my work place. It was very interactive and made learning fun.”

Ciara Haughian
Veterinary Physiotherapist
Craigavon, Northern Ireland

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Course Testimonial: Alfie Mannion

Alfie Mannion, Medical Doctor“I have been using THOR Laser equipment for 25 years.. I found the course a very useful update on the clinical use. I have purchased a second machine for my practice”

Alfie Mannion
Medical Doctor
Donegal, Ireland

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Course Testimonial: Stacie Oswald

Stacie Oswald, Owner/Reiki Wellness“The training course was all great and I was satisfied. I could ask questions and get the answers I needed. I also liked that James showed the laser and it was live .. to watch.”

Stacie Oswald
Owner/Reiki Wellness
Maribel WI, USA

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Testimonial: Robert M. Wells

Robert M. WellsI am a disabled Veteran and former civil servant for 23 years. While in Federal Service and in the line of duty, I suffered a gunshot wound to the left shoulder. At 64 years of age, I had been suffering from chronic pain and inflammation for some time, and the Veterans Administration had me on opioids for years as a way of controlling my pain. The side effects were terrible.

Once I began treatment using the THOR Laser, I found my pain lessened to a point I was able to get rid of the opioids.

Truly amazing technology!

Robert M. Wells,
CEO of White Horse Health and Wellness Centers, LLC
Chairman, Board of Directors of National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy

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Course Testimonial: Shane Wambolt

Shane Wambolt, Registered Veterinary Technician student“The training course was good. I like how Photobiomodulation can treat so many conditions.”

Shane Wambolt
Registered Veterinary Technician student
Nova Scotia, Canada

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