Course Testimonial: Leslie Sugianto

Leslie Sugianto, Registered Nurse“I like the course information from the research, the testimonies, and the humor. I am so grateful for this dedication to treatment through a more natural means. Thank you all for working so many years to bring this to those in pain, with wounds and more.”

Leslie Sugianto
Registered Nurse
Longmont CO, USA

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Course Testimonial: Tammara Moore

Tammara Moore, Physiotherapist“The training course was polished. Wealth of information. I can’t think of anything that could be done better. The course was ideal and I was satisfied.”

Tammara Moore
Greenbrae CA, USA

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Course Testimonial: Radhakrishnan Srinivasan

Radhakrishnan Srinivasan, Orthopaedics“I learnt a lot about Laser and it’s Benefits. The team was very supportive, helpful, friendly and approachable. The course was a real eye opener for me. I have already used laser for the diabetic foot ulcer, but to know that it is efficacious in many other conditions was very helpful to me. Keep on with the good work.”

Radhakrishnan Srinivasan
Warwick, UK

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Course Testimonial: Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams, Lymphoedema Therapist“James’ personality and enthusiasm for the subject made it easy to stay awake till 4 am. There was really nothing that would make the course better, it was great training.”

Sarah Williams
Lymphoedema Therapist
Victoria, Australia

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Course Testimonial: Leigh Collings, M.A.

Leigh Collings, M.A. Geriatric Care Manager“I enjoyed the passion of James Carroll and his humor and dedication to getting PBMT accepted and used more widely in the world. I appreciated the years of research and experience that was presented and the number of areas that are benefited by PBMT. Appreciated the question period. I am grateful I know about this important technology. I feel THOR is a company with integrity which is important to me.”

Leigh Collings, M.A.
Geriatric Care Manager
Boulder CO, USA

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Course Testimonial: Dawn Strohschein, DDS

Dawn Strohschein, Doctor of Dental Surgery“Class was amazing!!!!!! I honestly would like to take that again! I absolutely loved this class, my limited experience with my THOR Laser, Sarajane’s help and the amazing potential to help people! I am so excited about THOR and Light Therapy!!!”

Dawn Strohschein DDS
Doctor of Dental Surgery
Gillette WY, USA

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Course Testimonial: Sophia Sokolowski

Sophia Sokolowski, Naturopathic Doctor“The course presenter was lovely and engaging. I like the new research starting to emerge with PBM therapy. Thanks for providing a foundation of information and referring to the necessary avenues to learn more!”

Sophia Sokolowski
Naturopathic Doctor
Toronto ON, Canada

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