NovoTHOR testimonial: Eryn’s Story

Eryn shares her experience with chronic back pain, finding ATP Therapy and how their NovoTHOR impacted her life.

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

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Testimonial: Wendy D. Bowen, RPT

Wendy D. Bowen, Registered Physical Therapist“I have been affiliated with Josh Crawford of Genoa Integrative Health as the physiotherapist (I do the assessments to help clients who can get coverage via the extended health), so I have been fairly familiar with the treatment protocols.

I find that I continue to use my manual therapy and IMS skills where needed, but finding the laser a great adjunct to these treatments for people with tightness in the scalenes/SCM muscles that are challenging to treat, as well as the deeper muscles of the pelvis. I am finding that clients who haven’t responded to other treatments, seem to respond fairly well to the laser. I am pleased with my purchase. Thank you.”

Wendy D. Bowen, RPT
Registered Physical Therapist
Duncan BC, Canada

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Dr Wilding | Choosing NovoTHOR

Dr Wilding of Chiropractic Advantage and his patients talk about NovoTHOR and how it affected them.

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Infinity Healing

Infinity Healing | Why did I choose to buy a NovoTHOR?

Maryellen Ammons of Infinity Healing shares her experience and decision to buy a NovoTHOR.

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

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LumiThera LT-300 Device for treating Dry Advanced Macular Degeneration granted CE Mark

LumiThera LT-300 Light Delivery System“The CE mark allows LumiThera to begin commercialization throughout the 28 EU member states and coincides with the initiation of the LIGHTSITE II Clinical Study in select European sites in the upcoming months,” stated Clark Tedford, Ph.D., LumiThera President and CEO. “We are excited to be able to offer a safe and effective early stage clinical intervention for patients with dry AMD.”

“It is very exciting to see the development of PBM treatment for dry AMD patients,” stated Samuel Markowitz, M.D., Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto. “These patients have limited options and losing their central vision is horribly debilitating to their quality of life. The previous LIGHTSITE I Clinical Studies demonstrated that PBM therapy was most beneficial in early stage dry AMD patients. It was also determined that retreatments at scheduled intervals will be needed to maintain clinical benefits.”

Read the full press release:
LumiThera LT-300 Device For Treating Dry Advanced Macular Degeneration Granted CE Mark

Disclosure: I am an investor in Lumithera a) because it successfully treats an unmet medical need, (dry AMD) b) I think it will be the first billion dollar photobiomodulation company.

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Testimonial: Dr. Laine L Adams

Dr. Laine L Adams - Veterinary Medicine“Our patients are truly loving this new therapy. We treated a severe electrical burn and cut the healing time in half at least!”

Dr. Laine L Adams
Veterinary Medicine
River Rock Animal Hospital
Midland, Michigan, USA

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Course Testimonial: Rupert Molloy

Rupert Molloy - The Photobiomodulation Studio“I look forward to attending the training day, because I always find the day inspirational. James Carroll gives an excellent presentation in understanding the importance of dose and why THOR are leaders in the field of PBM. Also, I enjoy meeting the other delegates who are usually new to photobiomodulation.”

Rupert Molloy
The Photobiomodulation Studio
Oxfordshire, UK

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