NovoTHOR testimonial: Alysha

Alysha was in a major motorcycle accident when she was 21, and as an adult has continued to experience very painful sensations from a slipped vertebrae in her spine. She had used chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists and all things first listed for spinal pain, but had only received very temporary relief from them.

Since using the NovoTHOR pod daily at Infinity Healing, Alysha is experiencing very, very good relief and can go a week or 2 without needing the pod and still feel good.

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Ending Opioids by Photobiomodulation

James Carroll, CEO and founder of THOR Photomedicine
James Carroll, CEO and founder of THOR Photomedicine – Speech to Congress.

We are all aware there is an opioid crisis.

  • A hundred million adults in the United States are affected by chronic pain and $600 billion a year is spent on in direct health care costs and lost productivity because of pain.
  • 49,000 people died from opioids in 2017.
  • 19,000 of which were from prescribed opioids for pain relief.

We believe that Photobiomodulation therapy can help reduce the prescribing of opioid medication for pain relief and we wish to draw attention to the Congress and health care policymakers, NIH and CMS, about this potentially valuable tool.

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Posted in Industry, James in Action, THE FUTURE OF PBM/LLLT | on Ending Opioids by Photobiomodulation

James Carroll’s Congress speech on ending opioid use with Photobiomodulation

A hundred million adults in the United States are affected by chronic pain and $600 billion a year is spent on health care, direct health care costs and lost productivity because of pain.

49,000 people died from opioids in 2017, 19,000 of which were from prescribed opioids for pain relief.

We believe that Photobiomodulation therapy can help reduce the prescribing of opioid medication for pain relief and we wish to draw attention to the Congress and health care policymakers, NIH and CMS, about this potentially valuable tool.

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Watch the Congressional Briefing Highlight Video

Read James Carroll’s Speech to Congress on

Posted in Industry, James in Action, THE FUTURE OF PBM/LLLT, Video of the Week | on James Carroll’s Congress speech on ending opioid use with Photobiomodulation

NovoTHOR testimonial: Cathy Pierce

Cathy Pierce shares how using the NovoTHOR bed at Infinity Healing has helped her chronic pain.

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Posted in Testimonials, Video of the Week | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Cathy Pierce

Revolutionary Laser Light Therapy Helping Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

Reporting by Rick Dayton from CBS Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Pittsburgh has gained a national and international reputation for the medicine being practiced here.

New developments continue to improve a patient’s quality of life even as they are being treated.

Now, a revolutionary laser light therapy is helping cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

“To me it was the perfect thing for a radiation oncologist to be doing. We really need as a field to take ownership of this.” Dr. David Clump said.

Dr. Clump is a radiation oncologist who works at UPMC Shadyside Hospital. He is a Medical Doctor who also has a Ph.D., and he is very excited about how doctors and nurses in Pittsburgh are treating a major side effect suffered by cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy treatments.

“We have been using a different spectrum of radiation within the visible light spectrum to try to help heal sores,” he said.

The therapy is called photobiomodulation, which is a form of laser light therapy. Teams at UPMC Shadyside Hospital use it to treat the mouth sores that often are the result of chemotherapy. The medical term for the sores is oral mucositis.

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Posted in Industry, Testimonials, Video of the Week | on Revolutionary Laser Light Therapy Helping Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

NovoTHOR testimonial: Hannah Hanson

“I am so happy I could cry! I did my interval training for the first time since I was diagnosed with Lyme disease!!!

I have been going to Infinity Healing for my Lyme treatment … I am starting to feel like myself again!!! I actually pushed myself, did more ‘run time’ and recovered faster today than I did a year ago!

I am mostly using the NovoTHOR … highly recommend that you check out Infinity Healing if you want to feel your best.”

Hannah Hanson

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Building NovoTHOR: It starts with Quality components

Making a NovoTHOR starts with designing and manufacturing quality components. Testing occurs throughout the build process to ensure the NovoTHOR meets strict requirements for light distribution and dose for maximum effectiveness.

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Posted in THE FUTURE OF PBM/LLLT, Video of the Week | on Building NovoTHOR: It starts with Quality components