Podcast interview of James Carroll by Gut Check Project

Photobiomodulation … If you’ve never heard of this well researched and incredible technology to decrease inflammation and shorten healing time, watch our Podcast Video! PBM has successfully helped thousands of people in over 70 countries with chronic pain, macular degeneration, shingles pain, recovery from athletic injury, CTE, PTSD and more. Check out ThorLaser.com to connect with James, his research, and how THOR PBM can improve your life.”

Gut Check Project
Kenneth Brown, MD
Board Certified Gastroenterologist

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James Carroll’s Photobiomodulation and NovoTHOR interview

Laser Therapy Sydney interviews James Carroll CEO and Founder of Thor Photomedicine and the NovoTHOR light-pod.

James Carroll sheds light on what Photobiomodulation is and what conditions it can treat; who is using it and how Thor products are different; oral mucositis and the opioid crisis; and the future of PBM in Australia.

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Posted in Industry, Interviews, James in Action, THE FUTURE OF PBM/LLLT, Video of the Week | on James Carroll’s Photobiomodulation and NovoTHOR interview

Course Testimonial: Karen Allnutt-Steelman

Karen Allnutt-Steelman“Now I know why people revisit these training sessions. The presenter is constantly improving the materials and the scientific data that supports PBMT continues to grow and explain why and how it works.

Definitely worth the time and money to attend and travel to the event. The generosity of sharing the research findings is rare and much appreciated.”

Karen Allnutt-Steelman
Instructional Designer
Canterbury, New Zealand

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Course Testimonial: Catherine Hunt

Catherine Hunt, Physiotherapist“The THOR LASER study day in Perth was excellent. The information was presented clearly, and provided both insight into the delivery of photobiomodulation treatment, and also clinical applications.”

Catherine Hunt
Western Australia

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Day 15 Review by David Martin

“I have slept so well since getting into the NovoTHOR. I believe if you are the type of athlete that has a hard time sleeping at night, this could be the answer as I am definitely feeling better. Also the reduction in inflammation, the more energy I feel during workouts, the way I can push my workouts to the very end after 15 straight days working out is quite remarkable.”

David Martin
David’s YouTube Channel

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Congressional Briefing Highlight Video

U.S. CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING. Ending Opioid Use – Washington DC

James Carroll presented evidence to Congress on the effectiveness of PBM for treating pain and where it can be used in place of opioids. Prof. Praveen Arany explained how and why it works, and Annette Quinn RN gave her first hand experience in treating over 854 patients with Oral Mucositis.

Learn more at CongressPBM.com

Watch James Carroll’s Congress speech on ending opioid use with Photobiomodulation

Read James Carroll’s Speech to Congress on citizenoversight.blogspot.com

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Posted in Industry, James in Action, THE FUTURE OF PBM/LLLT, Video of the Week | on Congressional Briefing Highlight Video

Testimonial: Dr. Laine L Adams

Dr. Laine L Adams - Veterinary Medicine“We are loving our THOR. It’s being implemented into our surgery protocols, as well as our rehabilitation department. We are also using it for wound care and various other therapies in our general practice. Absolutely loving it.

Latest great success story was a cat with kidney failure and severe colitis that used the therapy and was feeling good enough to jump up on the counter and look at the birds. The owner loved seeing her little old kitty acting like a younger cat again after his treatments.”

Dr. Laine L Adams
Veterinary Medicine
River Rock Animal Hospital
Midland, Michigan, USA

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