The patient is a 40 year old young lady who was born with Turners Syndrome. No female organs. She has diabetes, plaque psoriasis on her whole body, eczema on her feet, alopecia on her head, and she suffers horrible migraines. I wrote to Karen from THOR for “what to do” for her and what protocol should I use first, second, third.
I proceeded with Karen’s advice on Nov. 24th and we did our initial consultation, with 5 mins in the bed LED light only. She takes Talz medication for psoriasis with little success. When she came to me at Laser Wellness of Tucson, she had come from the hospital as they wanted to admit her and put her on IV steroids. So, after her initial 5 mins and no photosensitive reaction we began three times a week in the NovoTHOR Bed 14 mins LED light only per Karen’s suggestion. We added once a week treatments for alopecia and eczema with the LX2.3 LED cluster using the alopecia protocol. She has had 4 treatments with the LX2.3 and so far not much happening with the eczema or alopecia, but we will continue.
She has had 8 sessions in the NovoTHOR Bed 14 mins LED light only and you have the pictures to see the vast improvement. The patient says her whole body now has zero plaque and is so smooth and not itchy at all. She had some red spots but she is super happy so far and we are not finished yet. She was out of town this past week and a half for holiday but we resume treatments tomorrow. Her migraines are less frequent and getting in the bed helps make one go away. I will continue to document with pics and video.
Jennifer Vermilyea RDH
Laser Wellness of Tucson
Tucson, AZ, USA

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.