Course Testimonial: Jennifer Colwell

Jennifer Colwell, Occupational Therapist“The course was fantastic! I’ve been using the THOR for PBM treatments in my clinic for a few years (and love it!). I had been comfortable with using it based on the training I received at my clinic, but going through this course has increased my confidence in describing the mechanisms of the modality to my patients and developing treatment plans for various diagnoses and patient presentations.

The course was incredibly engaging and informative.”

Jennifer Colwell
Occupational Therapist
Ypsilanti MI, USA

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Course Testimonial: Debra Clark

Debra Clark, BHSc (Naturopathy) in progress“I am totally absorbed in PBM and truly believe it is the way of the future. I just wish that I came across it 33 years ago when you first started out. I love it. The THOR training is extremely interesting and has fired me up even more – truly appreciate it.

I really can’t fault the training and information and obvious back up support you supply to your clients. I think that there was plenty of information covered over the 8 hours.”

Debra Clark
BHSc (Naturopathy) in progress
Western Australia

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Course Testimonial: Angela Thorn

Angela Thorn, Patient Care Coordinator“James is vastly entertaining while providing excellent information! I also liked the information about creating protocols. The order of information works well; it is like layering so each layer preps you for the next. This is the second time I attended a day of training. (First time was in person in Washington, DC.)

I absolutely love it. The information is presented in a way that I can catch most of what is given. Thank you so much for allowing me to experience it again!”

Angela Thorn
Patient Care Coordinator
Martinsburg WV, USA

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Course Testimonial: Jorge Zaldivar

Jorge Zaldivar, Massage Therapist“Excellent presentation, great flow, coherence and show of results. You have done an outstanding work!

Thanks to James and the team. Great job!”

Jorge Zaldivar
Massage Therapist
Florida, USA

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Course Testimonial: Lea Rahayel

Lea Rahayel, Dentist“The course was full of information, well organized with good references. It is easily a training that can be given over two days. So much to discuss although it was well condensed, I enjoyed every bit of it. It was an amazing training overall, can’t wait to meet James in person. Thank you.”

Lea Rahayel
Montreal, Canada

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Course Testimonial: Jennifer Bird

Jennifer Bird, Massage Therapist“I was initially apprehensive about attending the online THOR course, but I needn’t have been! The online format was excellent and the delivery was lighthearted yet professional. The information was relevant to my profession and easy to follow.

I especially enjoyed learning about the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation. The day was very comprehensive, thoroughly covering the science, and also providing interesting case studies. I think you all did an excellent job given the circumstances. It was super professional and I learned a lot, I would definitely recommend this course to others. Thank you!”

Jennifer Bird
Massage Therapist
Stafford, UK

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Course Testimonial: Jeffrey Goldberg DDS MS MBA

Jeffrey Goldberg DDS MS MBA“James is an excellent presenter with incredible knowledge. His mastery of the material is so thorough he seems to have resources readily available addressing every question that came up. I have been using THOR light therapy in my practice for about a year and it has become one of my favorite procedures. It enables me to provide immediate treatment and a long term plan when nothing else seems to work. With virtually no risks or side effects, it really does seem like a miracle to many of my patients.

I truly applaud James and the THOR company for empowering their users with an ever-increasing library of resources and support, always staying on top of the most current research and responding quickly to every inquiry.”

Jeffrey Goldberg DDS MS MBA
Oralfacial Pain Specialist
Buffalo NY, USA

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