Course Testimonial: Vivienne Ball

Vivienne Ball, Physiotherapist“I really enjoyed the online training course, it was nice to interact with therapists from other parts of the world. The course was up to date and gave me new perspectives to consider in treatment protocols. I enjoyed the oncology updates and it clarified some points.”

Vivienne Ball
Leeds, UK

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Course Testimonial: Laura Sterner

Laura Sterner, Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach“I loved that the humor and attitude was casual and not stuffy for an online training course. For the amount of material that was covered in 1 day it made it so much more digestible to be comfortable with the hosts and participants. I appreciate that the terminology was geared to all levels of expertise. And I feel that the information was spot on in terms of what I was looking for as well as what I need to know to utilize the equipment.  

Thank you for this opportunity. I enjoyed the discussion and am eager to research more on my own and eventually be able to incorporate Photobiomodulation into my practice.”

Laura Sterner
Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach
Wilmington NC, USA

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Course Testimonial: Gabriela Moneva

Gabriela Moneva, Manual Osteopath“The THOR training course was simply amazing! The information was very helpful and correct. I believe that the THOR treatment system is the best quality in the Photobiomodulation/Cold Laser Therapy industry.

I have been using it since May 2014, and I have applied it to many different conditions: Sprains, Muscle Strains, Clavicle fractures, Myofascial Pain – just to name a few. Thank you for your hard work.”

Gabriela Moneva (Gabby)
Manual Osteopath – NMOS – Canada
RMT – CMMOTA- Canada
B.Sc. Physical Therapy (Europe)

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Course Testimonial: Wayne Rayner

Wayne Rayner“James Carroll is obviously very bright. But he keeps it simple, injecting layman’s terms and explanations, along with humor. It stays interesting. Very enjoyable. I found James very accessible and comparatively easy to understand. Very pleased with his feedback on my mother’s behalf.”

Wayne Rayner
Personal user
Victoria BC, Canada

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Course Testimonial: Marcin Glowka

Marcin Glowka, Physiotherapist“Excellent training with great presentation!! The course explained all ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ about PhotoBioModulation Therapy!! Thank you very much.”

Marcin Glowka Msc, BSc,
Glasgow, UK

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Course Testimonial: Dr. Ladan Basiripour

Dr. Ladan Basiripour“James Carroll is a fantastic orator. The online training course was interactive and evidence based, the presentation slides where amazing.”

Ladan Basiripour MA, DMD, FACD, FICD
Washington DC, USA

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Course Testimonial: Paula Martin, PhD

Paula Martin, PhD“Very good training. Thanks! I thought was put together well. Thank you to Scot Faulkner for inviting us to join. James, as always is an excellent presenter/speaker.”

Paula Martin, PhD
Research Assistant Professor of Neurology
Boston University School of Medicine
Research Health Scientist
VA Boston Healthcare System
Boston MA, USA

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