Diabetic foot ulcer case study / Testimonial from Ramsay Chiropractic

Hi Mark,

I just wanted to share with you the treatment I have been giving a lady who had three toes amputated due to diabetes. She had an ulcer that wasn’t healing after 6 months and they wanted to amputate the rest of her toes. She came to me quite desperate.

I first saw her on the 15/8/20 and worked with her 3 times per week and the last couple of weeks 2 times per week. Now once a week and today she came and the hospital have told her the hole is completely gone and she no longer has to have her remaining toes amputated. Amazing!

How amazing is that?

Kind Regards,
Ann Ramsay
Ramsay Chiropractic

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Course Testimonial: Dr Mike Anderson

Dr Mike Anderson“I liked everything about the training. The teaching notes are superb for following at the time but even more so for reference to later, both for the participant and to show to make a point when discussing LASER’s with skeptical colleagues. Access to your library collection is also great for similar reasons! 

I like the way THOR is developing specific transducers / probes etc. for specific problems e.g. the ‘lollipop’ for oral problems etc.; Keep spreading the word, thanks!”

Dr Mike Anderson
Specialist Physician in Occupational Medicine
Persistent (Chronic) Pain Management
Central Otago, New Zealand

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Course Testimonial: Karla Estrada-Rojas MA, CCC-SLP

Karla Estrada-Rojas MA, CCC-SLP“I am a certified speech-language pathologist with over 10 years of experience in the field and I have decided to challenge myself with new learnings and experiences outside of the traditional speech-pathology world. Therefore, after completing orofacial motricity training and the use of photobiomodulation. I decided to complete the THOR training and it was an excellent experience. I learned about the safety of the devices and the significant benefits that it can provide to patients of all needs. I highly recommend this course and hope you have the same positive experience that I did. Thank you very much, THOR!”

Karla Estrada-Rojas MA, CCC-SLP
Bilingual Speech-Language Pathologist
Embrace Your Speech, LLC – Owner
Matawan NJ, USA

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Course Testimonial: Sy Coolidge Pierre, M.D.

Sy Coolidge Pierre, M.D. Consultant Physician & Anaesthetist“An evidence based, honest and unbiased training course. All topics were great, especially the information about the intra-cavitary probe for benign prostatic hypertrophy. All around excellent presentation. I will have another member of our team attend the next presentation.”

Sy Coolidge Pierre, M.D.
Consultant Physician & Anaesthetist
Nassau, Bahamas

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Course Testimonial: Angela McGraw

Angela McGraw, Health Profession“The training course was great!  I liked the science behind it/so many variables, and the growth of THOR how they keep developing new probes for different protocols. Thank you so much! I really enjoyed the presentation. There was so much information!”

Angela McGraw
Health Profession
Delmar De, USA

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Yendi Jackson – seizures and migraines

For several years after the birth of her second child, Yendi Jackson started having seizures on her menstrual cycle. Yendi would have severe migraines and then she would start to seize. Yendi had been on 13 different seizure medications and been in the ICU because of her seizures.

She has been through a lot and needed a better solution. She went to a session that Xscape Pain were offering and decided to try NovoTHOR and wouldn’t be without it now. It’s become part of her routine and she is loving having her energy back.

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Course Testimonial: Tracy Feetham

Tracy Feetham, Holistic Therapist“The online training course was very informative and well presented. I wouldn’t change a thing. It included everything we wanted, including covid.”

Tracy Feetham
Holistic Therapist
Pembrokeshire, Wales

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