Course Testimonial: Dr. Jonatan Snir

Dr. Jonatan Snir, Ph.D, MCCPM“I liked the dynamic information, it was an interesting and interactive training course. This is a great introduction to Photobiomodulation. Thanks so much.”

Dr. Jonatan Snir, Ph.D, MCCPM
Medical Physicist, Tom Baker Cancer Center
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Calgary AB, Canada

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Course Testimonial: Terry Kahn

Terry Kahn, Physical Therapist“James was so knowledgeable and engaging.  The support team were very helpful in giving us answers in real time. So grateful to all of you.  The THOR Laser will take my practice to the next level.”

Terry Kahn
Physical Therapist
Roanoke VA, USA

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Course Testimonial: Alex Collins BSc. Dip

Alex Collins BSc. Dip“The best delivery of any ‘live’ online course I’ve attended and I’ve done a lot of online studying. I can’t think of anything I didn’t like. I would recommend this training to other therapists.”

Alex Collins BSc. Dip
Canine exercise rehabilitation and massage therapist
Sandhurst, Berkshire, UK

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Course Testimonial: Natalia Benitez Velarde

Natalia Benitez Velarde, Senior Therapy Radiographer“I really enjoyed the THOR Laser training. It was very interesting and our cancer centre will be able to implement these kinds of treatments soon. The course was very entertaining and kept me engaged throughout! The presenter was very knowledgeable in Photobiomodulation.”

Natalia Benitez Velarde
Senior Therapy Radiographer
Hampshire, UK

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Course Testimonial: John Upton

John Upton, Dentist“Great course, very comprehensive introduction to LLLT. Good support.”

John Upton
Glendale AZ, USA

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Testimonial: Ken Halvorson – Oral mucositis

Ken Halvorson“I am doing very well thanks to you and your THOR products. It was just a handful of days after daily use of the ‘lollipop’ probe that the oral mucositis and the associated pain began to rapidly subside.

After today’s treatment I have six radiation sessions left. Unlike before your help, I have no difficulty eating, swallowing or drinking. This Thursday I am bringing my equipment into the Medical College of Wisconsin’s radiation oncology department to demonstrate my two attachments. As you may expect, they have virtually no knowledge of photobiomodulation and I am going to suggest to them that they get on board with this therapy and reduce unnecessary suffering.  I will give them the THOR Laser website and your contact information.

Thank you for all of your help and follow up. This wonderful technology needs to become a standard of care in all medical institutions.”

Sincerely, Ken Halvorson

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Clare Morrow – IFBB professional athlete

Clare Morrow is an IFBB professional athlete in bodybuilding in the bikini division who also suffers with arthritic knees. 

Finding NovoTHOR at Xscape Pain has been amazing for Clare’s recovery from her sports activities as she is very hard on her body, so uses the pod 4 to 5 times a week. Before going to XscapePain it would take her days to recover from her workouts but now recovers in half that time.

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

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