Course Testimonial: Rebecca Beagley

Rebecca Beagley, Veterinary Nurse“Course was excellent, a good explanation on how the machine works and I love that there is access to treatment plans and research.”

Rebecca Beagley
Veterinary Nurse
Gawler East SA, Australia

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Course Testimonial: Karen Cooper

Karen Cooper, Lymphoedema specialist“The training course was a good mix of theory, practical use, research and also very inspirational.

I wasn’t sure how I would feel learning online but really enjoyed it. It was done very well.”

Karen Cooper
Lymphoedema specialist
Malvern, Worcestershire, UK

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Course Testimonial: Dr Enid Taylor ND, BSc

Dr Enid Taylor ND, BSc“The training course had a good presentation style, was engaging and easy to attend to.  There were lots of practIcal applications. I was happy with the experience.”

Dr Enid Taylor ND, BSc
Naturopath & Clinic Director
Hertz, UK

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Miriam – Elbow Pain

Miriam is a personal trainer and has suffered with elbow pain for about a year and a half which was preventing her from doing her work properly. She heard about NovoTHOR at Universal Healing & Wellness from a friend who has really great results so Miriam had to try it. After 4 sessions with NovoTHOR she is now convinced this works because the pain has gone away.

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Course Testimonial: Bailey Rostron

Bailey Rostron, Massage Therapist“The mechanism in which Photobiomodulation works and all the things it treats, blew my mind on everything it can treat. The whole training course was interesting even the bits that didn’t pertain to me. I didn’t even expect all that to be included so you’ve outdone yourself on additional topics.”

Bailey Rostron
Massage Therapist
Sharpsville IN, USA

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Alice – chronic back pain

Alice has had back problems for 50 years with the pain increasing as she got older. Alice goes to Universal Healing & Wellness and is feeling so much better and gives NovoTHOR the credit for this.

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Disclaimer: These comments by healthcare professionals and their patients are solely their own. They are uncompensated personal stories about how they have used, or been impacted by, light therapy. These uses have not been reviewed or cleared by FDA.

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James Carroll 2020 WALT Presidential Commendation

Thank you to The World Association for PhotobiomoduLation Therapy for the award today. As I said in my acceptance speech I am grateful for the many friends and good times I have enjoyed in the field of LLLT/PBM over the last 33 years, largely thanks to WALT. I should have said more about what I have learned from the many scientists, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, therapists, nurses and patients. It has led to an exciting, rewarding and fulfilling career, and I look forward to the next 40 years as we take PBM to where it is needed and belongs. So thank you WALT for giving me a life worth living.

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