Course Testimonial: Kim Kelly

Kim Kelly, Dental Nurse“Thank you for a great day of training. I was afraid it would be out of my depth with no previous knowledge of PBM but really enjoyed the training day!
I think the course overall was very informative and I really enjoyed listening. I feel confident in using PBM for the comfort of our patients undergoing chemotherapy, who are experiencing oral mucositis.
Thanks again.”

Kim Kelly
Dental Nurse
Dublin, Ireland

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Course Testimonial: Dr Juliette Corrin

Dr Juliette Corrin, Speech Language Therapist“I really enjoyed the balance of information on history, research, biochemistry, physics and treatment methods/dosimetry – there was excellent depth in all these areas, a real 360 degree study day.

James presents so authentically, in an accessible, concise and relaxed way that shows him to be the expert he undoubtedly is. I enjoyed the humour too. An excellent presentation. Many thanks to James and the team for a great training day. THOR is so special in the ongoing research and training it provides to users; quite exceptional.”

Dr Juliette Corrin
Speech Language Therapist
Cambridge, UK

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Testimonial: Rob Brydges

Rob Brydges, Chiropractor“I am obsessed with my THOR Laser. It has opened a new world of possibilities with my patients. I am surprised with how fast patients are responding to treatment to reduce chronic inflammation associated with arthritis. There have been a couple of minor miracles also. We are really excited. Thanks, Rob”

Rob Brydges
Oamaru, Otago, NZ

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Course Testimonial: Christine A. Halket DDS, MS

Christine A. Halket DDS, MS“Thank you, the course was excellent as always! I liked the relevance to practice backed by the incredible science.”

Christine A. Halket DDS, MS
Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine
Glendale AZ, USA

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Course Testimonial: Madai Perez, M.S.

Madai Perez, M.S. Student Dentist“Thank you so much for an engaging and informative course. I am excited to put PBM laser therapy in use in the real world next year at Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine and beyond in my career as a dentist. Loved the interaction, it was easy to follow along, and I appreciated the scientific data and studies. I also enjoyed seeing the different uses outside of dentistry.”

Madai Perez, M.S.
Student Dentist
Glendale AZ, USA

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Course Testimonial: Tania Friesen

Tania Friesen“The THOR training course was fantastic! I learned so much in 8 hours.
James teaches in a way that makes it easy to understand and his humor definitely keeps you engaged!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge on this incredible machine.
I can’t wait to own one of my own!”

Tania Friesen
Saskatoon, Canada

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Course Testimonial: Shelley Trowell, RN

Shelley Trowell, Registered nurse“Truly enjoyed the THOR eight hour training course. Learned new information, refreshed, and enjoyed every aspect of it in all honesty. Cannot thank you guys enough for doing what you do, it makes a HUGE difference in so many people’s lives. It’s amazing and a true unmatchable joy to see the lives of so many that are suffering be healed or see the quality of their lives improve immensely by the LX2, including mine and my husbands.

In all honesty, my feeble words cannot express the gratitude us and so many others we have cared for with this laser have for you, this machine, and this company! Thank you so so much!”

Shelley Trowell
Registered nurse
Wilmington NC, USA

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