Course Testimonial: Paige Berling-MacKenzie

Paige Berling-MacKenzie“The training course was so great! And the humour! It was an intense day that went by quickly, and felt very light. I definitely wasn’t bored!”

Paige Berling-MacKenzie
Vancouver BC, Canada

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Course Testimonial: Scott Prusinski DDS

Scott Prusinski DDS“The training course had great coverage of the science, technology, clinical applications and business side in an understandable ‘unbiased’ way. I appreciated being introduced to THOR’s benefits.”

Scott Prusinski DDS
Elwood IN, USA

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NovoTHOR testimonial: Pauline – Arthritis

Pauline had been suffering from arthritis from head to toe for a few years. She has been using NovoTHOR at East Devon Sports Therapy for a few months now and feels the benefit instantly and now returns for top up treatments to keep her arthritic pain at bay.

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A new study conducted by St. Jude Nursing Research using Photobiomodulation

St Jude Hospital is the world’s leading research centre for catastrophic diseases in children. They just published a story on our Photobiomodulation treatment of Oral Mucositis, a common side-effect of chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments.

Shining a Light on Mucositis

A new study conducted by St. Jude Nursing Research uses a painless therapy to help children avoid a common side effect of bone marrow transplantation.

Read the full article at

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Course Testimonial: Gill Carter

Gill Carter, Registered Nurse/Acupuncturist“It’s been a good day of information. The end video about the young girl who had had a stroke was inspiring. I feel much more confident and excited about using my machine.”

Gill Carter
Registered Nurse/Acupuncturist
Cheshire, UK

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Course Testimonial: William Schneider

William Schneider, Chiropractor“The online seminar was superb and well organized in every way. I learned an enormous amount about laser and LLLT. I was inspired and felt prepared to use light therapy to help my patients and myself and family.”

William Schneider
Portland OR, USA

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Course Testimonial: Dr. Jason Tsai

Dr. Jason Tsai, Acupuncturist“The training course was great and the speaker explained everything clearly. I liked the information we were given and the practical cases.”

Dr. Jason Tsai
Lincoln, United Kingdom

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