Category Archives: PBM/LLLT
Dose response to LLLT in vitro
Just in case we have not got the message yet, Heidi Abrahamse group in South Africa demonstrate that more laser is not always better in this invitro study published yesterday.
Posted in PBM/LLLT
on Dose response to LLLT in vitro
NO released from EXISTING NO STORES when stimulated by LLLT
As we know, one of the first responses to LED and Laser light absorption is release of or production of Nitric Oxide (NO) and that this reactive molecule modulates a cascade of secondary biological responses ultimately resulting in cytoprotection and/or gross physiological change, (particularly in stressed / hypoxic tissues).
In the current issue of J Molec Cell Cardiol, Zhang and colleagues utilize cultured cardiomyocytes subjected to hypoxia and reoxygenation to demonstrate that 5 min of NIR treatment upon reoxygenation protects the cells from injury and eventual death and that this cytoprotection is dependent on the release of nitric oxide.
Posted in PBM/LLLT
on NO released from EXISTING NO STORES when stimulated by LLLT
Sciatic nerve functional recovery with 660nm LLLT
BRAZIL: 660nm laser improves functional recovery of the sciatic nerve in rats following crushing lesion.
Treatment was daily for 20 days. These were the treatment parameters. It just goes to show how little it takes in terms of power density and treatment time.
Posted in PBM/LLLT
on Sciatic nerve functional recovery with 660nm LLLT
London LLLT Training Course Sun Apl 19th
London LLLT Training Course Sat Feb 28th
This course covers all theoretical and practical material relevant to effective and safe use of LLLT. Our newly developed 3Ă—3 Knowledge Matrix is a learning model to help easy understanding of the mechanism of action, clinical benefits and hands on treatment methods. The course also includes, technical parameters, safety, contraindications and FDA / DoH guidelines. A 50 page illustrated colour booklet is included and a certificate of attendance will be provided. 6 hours CPD.
Posted in PBM/LLLT
on London LLLT Training Course Sun Apl 19th
Houston LLLT Training Course Sat Feb 28th
Houston LLLT Training Course Sat Feb 28th
This course covers all theoretical and practical material relevant to effective and safe use of LLLT. Our newly developed 3×3 Knowledge Matrix is a learning model to help easy understanding of the mechanism of action, clinical benefits and hands on treatment methods. The course also includes, technical parameters, safety, contraindications and FDA / DoH guidelines. A 50 page illustrated colour booklet is included and a certificate of attendance will be provided. 6 hours CPD.
Posted in PBM/LLLT
on Houston LLLT Training Course Sat Feb 28th
Low Level Laser for Tinnitus
46 tinnitus patients went into this randomised placebo controlled study (it does not say if it was blinded in this abstract). The laser power was 5 mW and the wavelength 650 nm which is very low power for this condition, treatments were 20 mins daily for 3 months. The Tinnitus Handicap Inventory scores improved in the entire sample after treatment but more significantly in the group receiving low-level laser. From the point of view of clinical classification, approximately 61% of irradiated patients had tinnitus severity decreased by one class, in comparison to 35% of the placebo group. A stronger laser might have done better.
Posted in PBM/LLLT
on Low Level Laser for Tinnitus
LLLT on hepatic antioxidant defense in acute & chronic diabetic rats
670 nm photobiomodulation reduces acute hepatic oxidative stress by enhancing the antioxidant defence system in diabetic rats
Posted in PBM/LLLT
on LLLT on hepatic antioxidant defense in acute & chronic diabetic rats