Monthly Archives: February 2016

NovoTHOR testimonial: Rays of Hope Rejuvenation Center

Ann and I have been going to the the RAYS of HOPE Rejuvenation Center located at 113 S. US Hwy 441, in Lady Lake, FL, since they opened in 2015 to use their NovoTHOR whole-body light pod (semi-enclosed bed) that emits red and near-infrared light to receive what is called photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) technology which use to be called low level light therapy (LLLT). Had to copy that technical stuff from their web page, I like the term light therapy.

Since Ann and I have been using this light therapy several times a week we have both had more energy and feel like getting out more and doing more fun activities than we did before using light therapy.

Ann who has lots of body pain issues with Fibromyalgia being the main pain generator was not able to get out of the house much prior to her using light therapy and now she is able to get out of the house several hours a day … Continue reading

Posted in Testimonials | on NovoTHOR testimonial: Rays of Hope Rejuvenation Center

Testimonial: Rey Portillo

“I’ve had the THOR Laser system for the last 3-4 yrs now. I’ve switched from another unit and what a difference. I have a story about gentleman who is a paraplegic due to a bone spur cutting into the spinal cord. He had developed a bed sore over the sacrum, I treated the wound and we saw quick results (3 tx/week for 3 months). On the 3rd month he told me he feel asleep in his power chair with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. The hot chocolate spilt over his lap, and he woke up to the heat. It shocked him at first because its been a while since he’s felt any kind of warmth below his waist.

I had been treating the wound but what I didn’t realise was that I was of course also treating his spinal cord injury which is why his ability to feel below the waist had returned. What a bonus! I believed in this laser system before but seeing results like this just makes it concrete.”

Rey Portillo
RPM … Continue reading

Posted in Testimonials | on Testimonial: Rey Portillo