Monthly Archives: October 2013

THOR LLLT research, training and conference news September 2013

26 papers for you this month starting with a phase III trial of LLLT to prevent oral mucositis in 94 head and neck cancer patients receiving chemoradiation therapy, a controlled clinical trial on 64 diabetic leg ulcers with THOR LED cluster, a clinical trial on 60 patients with diabetic polyneuropathy, a muscle fatigue study, a rat study on acute joint inflammation which confirms that low irradiance (power density) is better than high (as usual) and that the target is the synovia (not the joint) and, finally, a pointless study on hearing loss with a 635nm laser. They used a green 532nm and a red 635nm laser each 7.5mW, applied to the ear, head, and neck for a total of 5 mins. I’m not sure why anyone would think that was going to work!

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None so blind as the BMJ who will not see

A few weeks ago (September 2013) the BMJ updated their patient information for neck pain and I quote “There isn’t much specific research that shows drugs help neck pain, but your doctor may recommend one or more of the following” and then they list painkillers (acetaminophen), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antidepressants and muscle relaxants. Well, guess what, there was NO mention of LLLT.

Of course I wrote to the BMJ, pointing out there are at least 17 RCTs for LLLT on neck pain and a systematic review in the Lancet and added “What kind of a review did your team do that missed LLLT and yet suggests drug therapies that lack evidence?” and the reply was “The patient leaflets are written from reviews of the evidence on treatments compiled by our scientific and clinical teams for the Best Practice and Clinical Evidence products. The treatments to be included are decided upon with advice from clinical experts in the field. I will forward your message to the teams involved in deciding … Continue reading

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Course Testimonial: David Adamson

David Adamson“I attended the Thor PBM course in Sydney on 9 September 2013 with 3 of my fellow educators and about 12 Students studying Laser and IPL at the Australasian College. We were both inspired and excited about what we learned that day and ‘have seen the light’. James is a brilliant presenter complemented superbly by Mark making the perfect team to spread the word. Well done guys.”

David Adamson
Dermal Therapist/Educator
The Laser Clinic, NSW, Australia

View current photobiomodulation therapy training dates in your location.

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